Chapter 366 Long Aotian Is Looking For Death

“Hmph, they dare not come to the famous capital! Otherwise, I will be the first…”


As Luyi Tianjiao was talking, the ceiling suddenly broke, and a young man fell from above, just hitting a few people’s tables.

“Huh? Wu Xiong?”

Hongyi Tianjiao glanced at the young man who fell on the table, his complexion changed drastically.

This person is their good friend, a Tianjiao of the Xianyuan Continent, why was he beaten through the floor from the third floor and thrown down today?

Who is so bold?

I don’t know Wu Xiong is the young Master of Wu’s family in Tianducheng?

“Wu Xiong, are you okay?”

“Wu Xiong, who are you?”

The three red, green and white Tianjiao hurriedly helped Wu Xiong up and looked up at the ceiling.

On the third floor, two men were standing by the hole, looking at the people below with contempt.

“Who are you!?” Hongyi Tianjiao shouted angrily.

“Brother Li, they… They seem to be the group of young people from outside the sky! Look at their clothes!”

Although the costumes of Zhongzhou and the costumes of the Xianyuan mainland are roughly the same, they are all ancient costumes, but there are many details that are different, which can be seen from a closer look.

The costumes of the Ming Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Han Dynasty, and Tang Dynasty are all ancient costumes, but they are all different.


The disciples above gave a cold snort, and one of them laughed contemptuously.


Hongyi Tianjiao rose in anger, stepped on his feet, and the person flew directly, holding a knife in his hand, and slashing towards the third floor, “You outsiders, looking for death!”

“Here is another guy who is overwhelmingly capable of transforming the gods!”

Zhongzhou Tianjiao shot out with a palm, and the powerful palm directly shook Hongyi Tianjiao with a knife, and landed on the floor of the second floor, smashing a big hole, and then falling to the floor of the first floor.

People here are generally inferior to that of the Zhongzhou mainland, so how can Long Aotian be Su Changyu’s opponent?

Deserted North Sea Island,

Under the huge waterfall, there was a man with a naked upper body sitting, and he was hit by the ice-cold waterfall, like a stone, motionless.

Ouyang Le stood not far away, staring at the Immortal Fate Continent on the other side, and said leisurely: “Long Aotian is going to challenge Su Changyu, Brother Xiao, don’t you know about this?”

“I’ve heard about it.”

“Oh? Who did you hear? Have you left this time?”

Xiao Tianchu closed his eyes under the waterfall, feeling the Heavenly Dao charm brought by the impact of the waterfall.

“No, the bird told me.”

“Bird? It seems, Brother Xiao, you have found your own opportunity, and now you can talk to all creatures?”

Xiao Tianchu raised the corner of his mouth and said, “It’s just a little bit. This inheritance is not complete.”

In the waterfall, the hidden avenue inheritance is the spirit of nature. If it can be realized, it can be integrated with nature.

Mountains, rivers, sun and moon, all in the palm of your hand.

Xiao Tianchu was just a first glimpse of the doorway.

“I don’t know how powerful Long Aotian is, but Brother Su is invincible!”

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