Chapter 356

“Yes, Xuan Qi is willing!”

Promise first!

The other party claims to be “Emperor”, and becoming a disciple of “Emperor” will definitely benefit a lot!

No matter what emperor it is, even if it’s just the Heavenly Emperor, that’s awesome enough!

Annihilation The Heavenly Emperor is so powerful, isn’t it just the Heavenly Emperor?

As for what half immortal, true immortal, immortal king, and immortal emperor, that is just a legend.

It seems that the Xianyuan Continent had these powerful existences a long time ago, but then they all disappeared.

If it’s a fairy emperor!

That Xuan Qi was lucky enough to wake up with a smile in her dreams.

At this time, what you say is superfluous, as long as you remember one word!

it is good!

This kind of super emperor can appear in front of him, that is when he hits the big luck!

Because if the other party wants to kill himself, he probably won’t even have the chance to see the other party’s true face.

It’s not a bad thing, that’s a good thing!

Since the other party does not kill himself, it is to give himself a chance.

What Xuan Qi had to do was to nod and agree no matter what the other party said.

it is good!



This is what Xuan Qi wants to say.

“Very good! This emperor is three days, six immortal towers, eight wilds, four unconventional and supreme emperor Samsara Zhenyuan Xianzun, and you are predestined, since you are willing to become a disciple of this emperor, the emperor will pass you on “Yin Jue”, you must cultivation diligently, don’t slack off!”

Isn’t it easy to pretend to be coercive? Su Changyu is completely at ease with this kind of thing.

As for the title, the longer the better, anyway, throughout the ages, the longer the title, the more powerful it is.

Anyway, it’s used to bluff, if the other party doesn’t understand it, it would be better.

Su Changyu didn’t know what was on the Heavenly Emperor, so he ridiculed the Immortal Emperor!

This Xuanqi had heard of the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal King, but had never heard of the Immortal Venerable.

But with a great emperor, it is estimated that it is very likely to be a figure of the immortal emperor level.

Su Changyu’s words also successfully bluffed Xuanqi, and he was convinced!

The so-called “Gathering Immortal Yin Jue” is actually a magic skill in the Evil Demon Hantian Jue, called the Gathering Demon Yin Jue. Su Changyu just changed the word.

This aggregate magic yin tactic is very evil, it is a kind of magic power.

If you use the words of Su Changyu’s previous life, it is the nature of “MLM”!

He can absorb the skill of others, and still without others’ knowledge.

Give this magic skill to others, as long as others cultivation, then others will become your “downline”, others can share part of their talents, magical powers, and methods. The higher the Realm of other people’s cultivation, the more sharing. , The more benefits of “online”.

And Su Changyu is Xuanqi’s launch.

Aggregation Demon Yin Jue does not require talents or aptitudes, nor does it mean that it does not need it, but it needs very little, because it relies on the benefits brought by “offline”.

As long as you are a Practitioner, you can learn it.

When this magic power came out, it caused panic across the continent.

Who would have thought that the ultimate source was an ordinary handyman disciple.

But I saw a colorful divine light flashing in the sky.

The whole sky was cracked.

A secret book shining with colorful rays of sunlight slowly descended from the sky and fell in front of Su Changyu.

This move undoubtedly stunned Xuan Qi again.

The worship of Su Changyu once again Ascension has reached a high level.

I have already confirmed in my heart that Su Changyu must be the immortal emperor!

Annihilation Heavenly Emperor is a fart!

Isn’t it a Heavenly Emperor? Master own is a fairy emperor!

Tianhu, Dique, Xuanqing, Huang Hao…

Four big families!

What’s so great!

Own opportunity is here, everyone, wait to crawl under your feet.

“take it.”

Su Changyu waved his hand, and the secret book flew to Xuan Qi by itself.


Suddenly it disappeared into Xuan Qi’s mind, and there was an extra piece of content in Xuan Qi’s memory!

“Gathering Immortal Yin Jue…too…too strong, this is…”

After Xuan Qi read the general outline and introduction of Gathering Xian Yin Jue, he was suddenly surprised and delighted.

This immortal emperor master knows himself too well, knowing that he has poor aptitude, and even gave himself a Cultivation Technique that can be cultivated without aptitude!

It’s tailor-made!

“Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!”

This Cultivation Technique is too heaven-defying!

According to the above instructions, Xuanqi estimates that in less than a month, own Realm will be on par with Tianhu and the others.

If you work hard, it may not even be used for half a month!

Anyway, he can be regarded as the Young Master of the Xuan Family, and there are many masters under his hand.

Just give an order, there will be hundreds of people and thousands of people rushing to learn, and you can absorb their Cultivation Base and share their magical powers.

There are hundreds of people, even if everyone contributes only one percent, that would be enough to catch up with Tianhu.

Xuan Qi believed that such supreme divine art could only be possessed by a powerful existence at the level of the immortal emperor.

Kneeling on the ground, Xuanqi’s legs were weak, not afraid, but excited. He couldn’t even stand up, and kept thanking Su Changyu in his mouth.

But what he didn’t know was that a red dot appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and it disappeared in a flash.

That was the seed he was planted with the Aggregation Demon Yin Jue!

To put it bluntly, he has become Su Changyu’s “offline”.


Su Changyu’s hoarse and ethereal voice sounded, and immediately disappeared into the void.

And Xuan Qi was also directly bounced out of the earth realm by an elastic force, and returned to the attic again.

“Master! Master?”

Xuan Qi looked around, everything was the same.

“How can I find you?”

No one responded.

Staring at the chessboard for a long time, Xuan Qi withdrew his mind and concentrated all his energy on the Gathering Demon Yin Jue.

“If I had this kind of magical powers earlier, I might be in the human emperor realm now! It turns out that the cultivation is so simple, and the master must be from the ten thousand realms! Only people in small places like ours would care about talents. Qualifications, in their eyes, talent aptitude may not even count as a fart, it is not that important at all!”

Xuan Qi felt this way for the first time. He has been emphasizing talent and aptitude since he was a child!

He believes that talent is the most important thing for Practitioner.

But after seeing the Convergence Demon Yin Jue, his deep-rooted concept was also shattered.

In fact, talents are not that important at all. This Aggregation Demon Yin Jue is a good example.

If you want to become a human emperor or a saint emperor, you don’t have to work so hard at all, it’s just a matter of ease.

Leaving the attic, Xuan Qi did not go to find those young young masters, but went directly back to the Xuan family.

He must cultivate as soon as possible, and become strong as soon as possible.

After pacing back and forth in the room for a while, he called several entourages and planned to start with these entourages to see the effect.

But these entourages are just appetizers, and his goal is Xuan Qing!

Xuan Qing is his cousin, with a strong talent, and is hailed as a genius who has been rare in the Xuan family in a thousand years.

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