Chapter 336: Son of Heaven, Su Changyu

Everything happens between the electric light and flint!

too fast!

After Luo Mengyu’s arm exploded, she didn’t even feel the pain. Seeing the arm exploded, she subconsciously said something.


But immediately, she reacted!

“No—it’s impossible! No—”

Everyone below saw this scene, and the body seemed to have been tapped on the acupuncture points, staying in place in a daze.


“My mother…”

“A trick to destroy Luo Mengyu’s arm? This…this…this…this…”

“Oh my god! I didn’t look at it!”

“What did Su Sect Leader do? Why didn’t I see anything clearly?”

“Luo Mengyu, who has obtained the inheritance of the Sea King, is… actually so vulnerable…?”

“Su Sect Leader’s strength, I’m afraid… I’m afraid it’s not only as simple as the sixth floor of the Two Yi Realm! He must also hide even stronger power!”

“Nonsense, you still need to talk about it!? Su Sect Leader, really invincible!”

Fight too fast!

Soon everyone did not react!

It’s just a blink of an eye!

Soon some Practitioners didn’t even see it clearly!

I saw that the water dragon in the sky suddenly shattered and exploded, and then Luo Mengyu’s arm exploded.

They didn’t even see what tricks Su Changyu used!

Su Jiu’er opened her small mouth in astonishment.

Su Changyu!

She has always surpassed the goal!

She has an unwavering ambition in her heart! Will surpass Su Changyu!

Not long ago, she thought she was almost done.

Su Changyu is in the two states, she is also in the two states.

The gap between her and Su Changyu is getting smaller and smaller, and even if there is a fight, Su Changyu might not be her opponent!

Because she has a lot of hole cards in her hand!

On the day that the block was on the top of Su Jianshan, the Soul Extinguishing Clock and Soul Extinguishing Technique fell together!

Su Changyu does not dodge or dodge, on the one hand, he is willing to be killed!

But on the other hand, is there another kind of meaning in it that knowingly can’t stop it, simply not being able to stop it?

She knew that Soul Destruction Bell might not be able to kill Su Changyu, but it would definitely not make Su Changyu feel better!

She thinks that Su Changyu’s strength is also there, even if it is different from what she guessed, it is not too much.

But now it seems.

Her idea is too naive!

Su Changyu’s strength far exceeded her imagination!

Obviously she is an elephant, but she wants to be an ant!

Obviously a tiger, she wants to be a wild cat!

This gap caused an intuitive impact on her!

This got how strong Luo Mengyu was after Neptune’s inheritance.

No one has a say better than Su Jiu’er!

She is the only one who has fought against Luo Mengyu who has obtained the inheritance of the Sea King!

Four words!

Strong and endless!

The Milky Way falls, Nine Heavens, and the water giant, so Su Jiu’er rushes to unprecedented pressure.

Before, she said that Su Changyu would kill Luo Mengyu, but she just gave Su Changyu a wave of hatred, she never thought that Su Changyu could easily defeat Luo Mengyu, or even be defeated by the other party, the greatest possibility, It’s a loss for both sides.

Su Changyu has a demon heart and inherits magic skills.

However, Luo Mengyu also has the inheritance of the Sea King, and there is also the inheritance, the trident.

In addition, her Realm is one level higher than Su Changyu, and the outcome of the fight is unpredictable!

But who would have thought that it turned out to be this result in the end!

“This is the Neptune Legacy? It’s very ordinary!”

Su Changyu looked at Luo Mengyu in the sky contemptuously, whose painful face was distorted and his eyes were blood red.

Then Su Changyu said calmly: “The inheritance of the holy emperor is indeed the inheritance of the holy emperor. It is incomparable with the inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor. Even if you really cultivation the Sea King to the greatest extent, it is difficult to be my opponent. Not to mention you. It has just been passed down now.”

At this moment, the most impacted were the arrogances who followed Luo Mengyu before.

It’s great to enjoy the cool under the big tree!

They thought they had found a big tree, and Luo Mengyu was inherited by the Sea King, and he would surely be able to sweep the Xianyuan Continent for some time in the future, and his reputation would become even more prestigious.

And they helped Luo Mengyu today, and in the future, they can rely on Luo Mengyu’s favor to act unscrupulously in the Xianyuan Continent, burn, kill, rob, commit adultery and looting.

Luo Mengyu is obviously a better choice than Su Changyu, who has a perverted personality and uncertain temper, and they also hope that Luo Mengyu can overtake Su Changyu.

But reality slapped them severely and woke them up!

Su Changyu, invincible!

The prestige of Zhongzhou No.1 Tianjiao is beyond doubt!

After waking up, they felt scared one after another. Su Changyu asked them to sever his arm just now, but they didn’t do so.


Thinking of this, the faces of these people have changed.

Several Tianjiao flew in one direction at the same time. There was a gap in the Dragon Lock Formation of Sifang Town, which was pierced by Su Changyu just now.

Now, only that hole can escape.

“Want to run? Did you ask me?”

Su Changyu turned his head and glanced, and took a palm of the void.

In the sky, a huge palm print quickly solidified, and when a palm fell, the few escaping Tianjiao exploded on the spot, turned into gorgeous fireworks, and disappeared in the flames, with no root hair left!

The Tianjiao behind Luo Mengyu was so scared that they shuddered all over, and at this moment they didn’t even have the courage to escape.

Su Changyu calmly said: “Just now, I gave you a chance! You didn’t cherish it! Then don’t blame my ruthless men! Those who bullied my Little Sister will all die!”

Hearing this, the Practitioners who were watching in the forest secretly thanked.

“Fortunately I didn’t join!”

“I knew that Su Sect Leader would definitely settle the accounts after the fall. By that time, none of them would escape the relationship! It was too dangerous. I almost followed Luo Mengyu to deal with Su Jiu’er. Fortunately, I didn’t do that!”

“Su Changyu’s strength… is stronger than I thought! Could it be… Could it be that he is…”

These Tianjiao glanced at each other, and said in unison: “The Primordial Supreme-Son of Heaven!”

Son of Heaven!

This title has almost been forgotten by Zhongzhou people!

Geniuses are divided into three or six or nine classes!

Those with extraordinary talents are called geniuses, and those who belong to the middle and upper reaches of geniuses are called Tianjiao.

Among all Tianjiao, the strongest thirteen are called “Thirteen Heavens”, which means “the strongest thirteen Tianjiao”.

Thirteen days is already the top genius!

However, this is still a group.

Can you find 13 people with similar talents. Isn’t that a group?

But if someone’s talent can surpass the thirteen days, it will be a big distance.

Then this person is the “son of heaven”!

Thirteen days is a group, and the son of heaven is an individual!

only one!

If someone has the same talent as the Son of Heaven, it proves that this “son of heaven” is not the true Son of Heaven!


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