Chapter 318 Two-headed Wolf

After the battle with Long Qiuqiu ended, Su Changyu immediately left the scene with Mao Ruozhen and Gu Yunxiao.

The scope of the battle was too great, and the momentum it brought was unprecedented, even in Zhongzhou.

Everyone within Wanli saw the dazzling white light.

Someone may come over soon.

Su Changyu is actually not afraid of being discovered that he did it by himself.

I just don’t want to expose the identity of the descendant of magic power so early.

After the battle, there was still devilish energy on the battlefield. Although it was very light, it was not without it.

There are some unique Practitioners that can still be discovered.

Therefore, Su Changyu had better not be here.

The speed of the Liangyi Realm was so fast, Su Changyu flew out hundreds of thousands of miles in less than half an hour.

But the vastness of this forest is far beyond Su Changyu’s thinking.

Hundreds of thousands of miles, it is only a corner of Mount Tai, insignificant.

It is impossible to fly out of this forest without a day or two!

Su Changyu didn’t want to go too far, because many people should have died in the battle just now!

I don’t know if the wind does not say that those people died in it.

Therefore, Su Changyu had to go back afterwards to absorb the spirits and spirits of these people.

I don’t know if the bodies of these people can still be found.

The explosion of that level just now, I am afraid that the Holy Realm will have to fall by the side, let alone those young arrogances.

Xiao Ziling is lucky!

After all, it’s son of luck.

Before Gu Yunxiao felt the Tianlingzong disciples, Xiao Ziling was not among them, just a few ordinary Tianlingzong Tianjiao who had separated.

At the time of the incident, Xiao Ziling was 10,000 miles away!

After he resisted the spreading energy with the power of annihilation, he thought that it was too dangerous, so he flew in the opposite direction and successfully gathered with Shangguanxue.

The people of the Tianling Sect were more fortunate. When they came in, only a small group of people were scattered. A total of fifteen Tianjiao including Xiao Ziling, only five were lost, and the remaining ten were all together. Soon after, Xiao Ziling, who was alone, also found them, so they had eleven.

“What happened over there?” Shangguanxue also saw the white light on the horizon before.

“I don’t know.” Xiao Ziling shook his head, “but it should be very dangerous. It may be that the Demonic Beasts of the heaven and the earth are fighting. It is better not to get close.”

Just as the few people stopped to watch the vision, the forest behind them suddenly swayed, and the illness was accompanied by the low growl of Demonic Beasts.

Everyone immediately turned their heads to look, and saw a two-headed wolf suddenly rushed out from behind the tree, and directly bit the heads of two Tianlingzong disciples, raised their necks, and ate them!

“Mysterious Demonic Beasts! Back off everyone!”

Shangguanxue immediately yelled and led people back!

This double-headed wolf is also found on the five continents, and it is usually the yellow and the mysterious stage, and the one in front of it should be the middle stage of the mysterious stage!

The body is a bit small, but from the breath of the body, it is indeed the middle stage Demonic Beasts!

Pass the secluded realm!

The middle stage Demonic Beasts of the mysterious stage are enough to hang through the secluded realm. Demonic Beasts are more powerful than human bodies. Therefore, under the same Realm, Demonic Beasts are much stronger than Practitioner!

Including Xiao Ziling, there are only two of the eleven people who pass the secluded realm.

The rest is the realm of god transformation!

Adding up these two psychedelic realms, they may not be the opponents of this two-headed wolf!

It’s also a coincidence!

If it’s normal Demonic Beasts, who knows how many people just happened to meet the alien Demonic Beasts like the two-headed wolf.

There are two heads, not to mention double the strength of Ascension, but also half of Ascension, which is far more difficult to deal with than ordinary Demonic Beasts!

Fortunately, these two-headed wolves do not live in groups, otherwise, Shangguanxue and others will have to explain here today.

“I’ll contain it, you guys run!”

Shangguanxue is the goddess of the Tianlingzong, carrying Sect treasures, even the most treasures!

If the treasure comes out at the same time, it is not difficult to kill this two-headed wolf, but it is not worth it!

It’s just the middle stage Demonic Beasts, Shangguanxue doesn’t want to use too much hole cards!

But it should still be fine to contain it!

The left head of the two-headed wolf spewed flames, and the right spewed ice, the two heads crossed and spewed, instantly turning the surrounding into a sea of ​​ice and fire.

A disciple couldn’t dodge and was frozen by the ice, and his speed immediately became much slower.

But then the flames burned on him, with a scream, this person fell to the ground very quickly, losing his breath of life!

Seeing that there was another Sect disciple Death, Shangguanxue did not dare to retain her strength. She immediately sacrificed a treasure and prepared for a quick battle. However, this two-headed wolf was far stronger than Shangguanxue imagined, even though Shangguanxue took it out. The treasure still couldn’t hurt the other party. Instead, the two-headed wolf took the upper hand. It was dangerous and almost killed his life many times!

“Quick! Go and help the goddess!”

The disciples flew up one after another, but they were all forced back by the two-headed wolf with a raging fire. They burned with gray heads and earth faces, and all the hairs all over the body exuded a burnt smell!

“You all retreat! Retreat to a safe area! Leave it to me here!”

At this time, Xiao Ziling, disguised as a disciple of the Sky Spirit Sect, stretched out his hand to stop the disciple who still wanted to help, and walked towards the two-headed wolf with a solemn expression!

“What are you doing? What are you doing right now?!”

“Your mind was caught by the door? Do you think you can deal with this monster?”

“Who is this person? Is it our Tianlingzong disciple? Why am I not impressed?”

The disciples were suspicious of Xiao Ziling, and cast their scornful and mocking glances.

This is one of the usual routines of the previous World Nets!

The protagonist pretends!

According to the development of the plot, Xiao Ziling will defeat the two-headed wolf, shock everyone, and make a big change in everyone’s attitude towards him, winning everyone’s worship and trust.

The middle stage Demonic Beasts in a mere middle stage is really nothing to Xiao Ziling. Once the power of annihilation comes out, even if it’s a stage, it won’t be To put in one’s eyes.

But at this moment!

In the void above the two-headed wolf, the Spiritual Qi suddenly converged, forming an aperture like two bracelets!

Everyone retreated in surprise, and the two-headed wolf felt the abnormal fluctuations on its head and raised its head to look up.

The aperture suddenly fell, and it was wrapped around the two necks of the two-headed wolf!


Click! Click!

Two crisp sounds sounded at the same time.

The two-headed wolf’s neck was chopped to pieces on the spot, both heads left and rolled down in front of everyone.


Shangguanxue immediately raised her head and looked around.

I saw that in the air more than ten meters away, a woman who looked like Celestial Immortals was floating in the air coldly, looking at everyone!

In his eyes, with contempt like the world, his robe fluttered and flew, like a daughter of the ruler of the world.

Domineering! majesty!

Let people not dare to blaspheme!

And her appearance is thrilling, stunningly beautiful, I am afraid it is Fairy in the sky, but that’s all.

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