Chapter 287 Justice Representative Su Changyu

“You Xiao family don’t know? Then Xiao Ziling is a member of your Xiao family, you tell me that your Xiao family doesn’t know? Ha ha! Xiao Tianchu, do you believe this?”

“Xiao Ziling is a member of the Xiao family. His mother died of illness at an early age, and his father was injured by me ten years ago. He has never recovered and left when he was twelve! Xiao Ziling is an orphan, even if he is beside him. There are not many people in the department who care about him! Tell me, how can our Xiao family know?”

Someone said emotionally: “Yeah! You said it yourself, Xiao Ziling has no background and strength, suddenly rises strongly, and in the next few years, he is advancing by leaps and bounds. Even you have been defeated by his hands. Could it be that you don’t have a little bit? Doubt? From that time when Xiao Ziling grew rapidly, your Xiao family should check him out!”

Xiao Tianchu shouted angrily: “You are farting! How can we Xiao family know that the rise of Xiao Ziling is related to taboo magic? You can’t stand up and talk, and if something happens to your royal family, can you guarantee that you will investigate it? Is there only a few people in your royal family? Thousands, tens of thousands of people, tell me how to check? You teach me!”

“Why can’t it be checked? If it is possible, it can’t be checked? Now that Xiao Ziling has a certain climate, I can’t catch it. This is what your ancient Xiao family wants to see, isn’t it?”

“I think you made it clear that you are looking for something! You are not targeting Xiao Ziling, you are targeting our Xiao family!”

“What if I’m looking for something?”

“Come on! Let’s fight!”

“Okay, who is afraid of whom!?”

Su Changyu’s face sank, and he shouted, “Shut up all of you!”

Suddenly, a powerful aura covered the temple, and almost everyone couldn’t help shivering at this moment.

Xiao Tianchu and Wang Zicong stopped arguing immediately, and under the influence of Su Changyu’s powerful aura, they calmed down a bit.

Su Changyu said: “This incident was unexpected and unpredictable by no one. No wonder the ancient Xiao family. Throughout the history of Zhongzhou, every time Demon Monarch rebirth, it is very sudden! Moreover, every time Demon Monarch appears, it is always there. Around the holy realm! This time, the descendant of Demon Monarch was discovered in Tongyou realm. It can only be said that it is a blessing in misfortune! It has nothing to do with the ancient Xiao family!”

Xiao Tianchu cupped hands and said: “It’s Su Sect Leader who makes sense!”

Su Changyu nodded at Xiao Tianchu, and said, “Actually, Su has always had a doubt in his heart! Su also said just now that most of the descendants of magic arts were born in the holy realm, why this Xiao Ziling was discovered in the Tongyou realm? What? Why did he make such a big noise?”

Hearing this, Shangguanxue immediately said: “It is true that I have always had such a doubt in my heart! And, I think…Xiao Ziling is not a successor of magic arts. Could this be a mistake?”

“Wrong? Shangguan goddess, are the hundreds of corpses outside the city of Heihuo also mistaken?” someone asked.

A genius from the Sirius family was immediately unhappy when he heard this.

Their Sirius clan came here this time to find Xiao Ziling, and they happened to meet Su Changyu’s canonization day, so they sent him over to participate.

That Mo Tianhuang is a cousin with him.

His name is Mo Rongcheng!

Mo Rongcheng slapped the table and said angrily: “I don’t care if I make mistakes or not, and whether Xiao Ziling is a successor of magic power, he will never make a mistake about killing my cousin! Even if he is not a successor of magic power, we The Sirius clan also wants to break his body into thousands of pieces!”

Shangguanxue said: “The son of Mo calms down. Xiao Ziling’s grievances with your Sirius clan will not be discussed for the time being. The most important thing now is whether Xiao Ziling is a descendant of magic power? If so, it is related to the safety of the entire Zhongzhou! If not, , Then we can’t blame good people!”

“Good person? Goddess Shangguan thinks Xiao Ziling is a good person?”

Shangguanxue said nothing, in her heart, Xiao Ziling was indeed a good person!

Because she and Xiao Ziling are friends!

It was during a trial that she ran into Xiao Ziling. At that time, it was Xiao Ziling who helped her to pass the trial.

When getting along with Xiao Ziling, she also had a certain understanding of Xiao Ziling’s personality.

She believes that there is nothing wrong with Own’s vision, and Xiao Ziling is definitely not a rapist.

Xiao Ziling gave her a very good impression, being humble and polite, with a hearty personality, and generous.

In fact, it is the proper protagonist route!

If there is no Su Changyu, and things are allowed to continue, then Shangguanxue is very likely to fall in love with Xiao Ziling, and have various grievances with Xiao Ziling, and it is very likely that Xiao Ziling will be admitted to the harem.

However, all of this was destroyed by the alien like Su Changyu.

Shangguanxue said: “It’s true that I know Xiao Ziling! And I know him to a certain extent, I…I don’t really believe that he will be a successor of magic power. As Su Sect Leader said, the successors of magic power in all generations are all It only surfaced in the Holy Realm, why did Xiao Ziling make such a big noise in Tongyou Realm? If he is really a successor of magic arts, shouldn’t he hide for cultivation secretly at this time?”

Someone said: “He is hiding secretly. Cultivation is good, but he just happened to be discovered! Demon Monarch has appeared in the holy realm in all dynasties, but maybe Xiao Ziling has no brains?”

Someone said: “If he is not a descendant of magic power, then what is he running? If he comes out and let us have a test, don’t we know?”

“That’s right, there must be a way to check it out with magic power. He can deceive us, but he can’t deceive the powerhouse of the Holy King Realm! But why hasn’t Xiao Ziling come forward to clarify for himself at his current position? Isn’t this a guilty conscience?”

After hearing these questions, Shangguanxue didn’t know how to answer, but she always believed in her heart that Xiao Ziling was not a descendant of magic arts.

Su Changyu appeared very fair, with a righteous expression on his face, and said: “This matter, it is too hasty to draw conclusions now! The reason why Xiao Ziling ran away is indeed intriguing, but if he is a successor of magic power, it is reasonable to say no. It should be exposed so quickly. Even if Xiao Ziling is the stupidest one of the Demon Monarchs in the past, he shouldn’t be so stupid as to take Young Master Mo! Don’t worry, if Xiao Ziling is really a successor to the magic, I, Su Changyu, will not be the first one. Promise! But if he is not, we can’t wrong him either!”

Hearing Su Changyu’s words, Shangguanxue immediately added a little favor to Su Changyu!

Su Changyu Martial Dao’s talent is rare in the ages, and he is so literary, and he has a righteous heart, and he really has the demeanor of the king!

“Su Sect Leader, Xiao Ziling said before that he wanted to challenge you. Are you still talking to him now?”

“I said, one yard goes to one yard. He challenged me to challenge me, and it has nothing to do with whether he is a descendant of magic power! It cannot be generalized!”

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