Chapter 280-Sect Leader

After changing his clothes, Su Changyu’s identity also changed!

This Sect Leader god clothing is woven from silk thread extracted from the black silver mine. It is warm in winter and cool in summer, and its defense effect is also excellent.

Don’t look at it as a thin piece, its defensive effect is not weaker than a piece of ground-level armor!

There is only such one at the Heavenly Sword Gate!

Before that, the clothes were all in Liwanshan.

Recently, it was necessary to identify the Sect Leader, so Li Wanshan took this thing out and erased the spiritual connection with own.

Every generation of Sect Leader does this!

Less Sect Leader is the person who needs protection most.

Probably thousands of years later, Su Changyu will do the same, take out the Sect Leader Divine Clothes, and hand it over to the next new Sect Leader.

The name of this sacred clothing is not called “Sect Leader sacred clothing”, because it is a symbol of Sect Leader, so it is called “Sect Leader” sacred clothing.

Its original name was Xuantian Lihuoyi.

There is also the three-color golden crown on Su Changyu’s head, which is made of three kinds of strange gold, and there is a storage space inside, and the storage space is already full of treasures.

That’s all the back home of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

It is a supreme resource that only the Sect Leader can control.

“You can now shed your blood to recognize the Lord, and establish contact with you all of this Sect Leader’s garment and the tri-color golden crown.”

After establishing contact, Su Changyu is equivalent to completely owning the two representative items of the Heavenly Sword Gate Sect Leader, as well as the top resources of the Heavenly Sword Gate, which also means that he has officially become the Lesser Sect Leader!


Su Changyu immediately sat in the Lotus Position, dripping two drops of blood.

Soon, Su Changyu’s clothes flashed lightly and melted into Su Changyu’s body.

And the three-color golden crown on his head also disappeared.

“Congratulations to Sect Leader!”

“Congratulations! Congratulations to Tianjianmen, congratulations to Sect Leader Su!”

“Congratulations, Sect Leader, please take care of us in the future!”

“Hahaha, our Caifeng clan has had a good relationship with Tianjianmen for generations, Su Sect Leader, please take care of it in the future.”

Su Changyu got up, and the Sect Leader god clothing appeared again on his body, but this was only a phantom. The real god clothing was in his body, and the one he wore was nothing but a phantom of the god clothing.

Cupped fist smiled at everyone around him: “Definitely, definitely.”

“Hahaha!” Su Wangtian was overjoyed and stood beside the Supreme Ancestor happily.

Su Changyu has finally become the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Gate!

It seems that the young emperor’s canonization ceremony must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

The young lord and the young Sect Leader will soon become relatives with that girl Murong Yan!

Su Changyu’s background is unprecedented!

No one has ever been able to hold so many powerful resources in his hand while possessing this Third Stage identity!

Su Changyu did it!

In the future, he is in Zhongzhou, and he still doesn’t want to do anything.

Don’t forget, there is also a female goddess sect without delusion!

And how can the mother-in-law not come to the canonization ceremony of his own son?

Yue Yingmei was the first one to come. Seeing her son became the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Swordsman Sect Leader, she felt as if she had wiped honey in her heart, and her face was full of pride and pride.

Murong Yan didn’t know how she felt. She didn’t seem to be interested in Su Changyu becoming the Sect Leader anymore. What interests him at the moment is the girl standing behind Yue Yingmei!

Before, she heard Yue Yingmei call the other party.

It seems to be called… Qingxue!

“Mo Qingxue! Is she Mo Qingxue?”

Seeing that Yue Yingmei seemed to like Mo Qingxue a lot, Murong Yan felt a little sour in her heart, which was very unpleasant.

Su Changyu is undoubtedly the focus of the audience.

Outside the hall, tens of thousands of Tianjianmen disciples gathered, including Outer Sect disciples, Inner Sect disciples, and core disciple.

The eyes of countless female disciples looking at Su Changyu became hot. Fengshen is handsome, tall and straight, and the appearance is such a perfect shape, but the strength is still such a strong, and the background is also terrifying and scary.

Now he has become their Sect Leader again, which is really enviable drooling.

If anyone can marry Su Changyu, even if he is a two-bedroom, three-bedroom, four-bedroom, or even a slave, he will become a master!

The maidservant is a very embarrassing status to those big Misses.

However, if it is said to be “Su Changyu’s slave and maid”, then who else would dare to look down?

This is the same as the Taoist boy beside Guanyin, no matter what, they are all gods, and they are just mortals.

“Changyu, thank you Sect Leader and Sect Elders for their love. Please rest assured that in the future, Changyu will co-exist and die with the Heavenly Sword Gate, and vowed to protect the Heavenly Sword Gate. In front of many Sect Leaders, Elders, and patriarchs, I, Su Changyu, swear to the heavens that I will never let down the Heavenly Sword Gate, or the old Sect Leader, the great ancestors, and all the Elders!”

Hearing that, the ancestor Taishang just snorted, for this guy, he had no hope at all! Confronted myself many times without putting myself To put in one’s eyes, can he still believe what he said?

That is just to behave in front of outsiders.

But having said that, Su Changyu seldom behaves, he can do this step today, it is not easy to be a human being.

“Changyu, as a young Sect Leader, in the future, you must lead your younger brothers and sisters, give them a lot of pointers and help them. And soon the back mountain will open. At that time, you will need to take the lead and take them into it. .”

“Please rest assured, Sect Leader, Changyu will definitely live up to his expectations!”

Upon hearing this, the surrounding Sect Leaders and patriarchs all showed awkward smiles.

Li Wanshan said this to them deliberately!

This is the heart that made them die!

Su Changyu is already at the sixth level of the Two-Year Realm. Don’t even say it’s 30 years old, even if it’s forty or fifty, there are not many Practitioners who can own this kind of Realm, and there are not many Practitioners under 30 years old. A Practitioner in the Two-Year Realm. On this trip to the back mountain, the Heavenly Sword Gate was in control! No plan to give them a chance at all!

But things like fate and opportunity are too strange, and sometimes Realm can’t decide anything.

Although they know that the possibility is unlikely, everyone still has to send someone in to try their luck. What if they are missed?

Subsequently, the Tianjianmen hosted a banquet to entertain everyone, and Su Changyu was canonized for a while, and it was also spread all over the land of Zhongzhou, the east, west, south and north, and it was also known.

After all, the energy of the Su dynasty is there, and their Young Master will become the No. 1 Young Sect Leader of the Sect. Such a joyous event, they can’t wait to make a noise in the world.

When Su Changyu raised his hand, a dragon chant suddenly sounded in his body, and the Azure Dragon rushed out of thin air, hovering above the clouds.

“Today is the day when I became the Sect Leader. Thank Sect for many years of cultivation. Today, I will dedicate this Azure Dragon to Sect as a Sect holy beast, guarding Tianjian Mountain!”

“What? Even Azure Dragon was given to the Sky Sword Gate? Su Sect Leader is too generous!”

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