Chapter 277 Holy Emperor

“Young Master Su, the old man is here today, not to make enemies with you!”

Su Changyu said coldly: “Funny! You stole my Heavenly Treasure, and you said that you don’t want to make enemies with me? Do you think it’s possible? Old thing, immediately hand over the Kaitianyanwu spear to me! Otherwise, even if you are a holy emperor. , I want to kill you too!”

“Holy Emperor?”

Murong Yan didn’t have enough Realm. She only felt that the long-bearded old man was very strong, but she couldn’t perceive how strong it was.

At this moment, Su Changyu uttered the other party’s Realm, which made Murong Yan’s expression change, “Is there really a holy emperor in Zhongzhou?”

The old man with long beard smiled slightly, as if he didn’t take Su Changyu’s words to heart: “Young Master Su has a devil heart, an emperor heart, and possesses the magic power of the world, the Su dynasty, and the Heavenly Sword Gate. It’s not an exaggeration to be No. 1 in Zhongzhou! But if you want to kill the old man, it’s not easy. Don’t say that you are seriously injured now, even if you are in peak state and have all the magical powers, the old man can also let you ten moves! If you add you The forces behind it, it is possible to destroy the old man… it is also possible!”


The old man with long beard changed the conversation, and then said: “There is something you made a mistake! This thing does not belong to you.”

“Does it belong to you? Haha!”

“No, the old man has never said that! This thing is the Ye Tian Zun Divine Armament. The old man came today, just to repay the Ye Tian Zun, and take away everything that belongs to the Ye Tian Zun. I don’t want to be with you and the Su dynasty. enemy!”

Su Changyu’s pupils shrank, and his complexion instantly became serious, “Ye Tian respect?”

“It’s Ye Fan!”

With that said, the old man with long beard beckoned to Ye Fan’s body a hundred meters away. Ye Fan’s back was like a rope tied to a rope, arched and flew up on its own, hands and feet naturally drooping towards the long The old man must fly away.


Su Changyu understood it instantly!

“Grandma’s! It’s Heavenly Dao who is doing the trick!”

Heavenly Dao sent someone to rescue Ye Fan!

Before, Su Changyu used the Super Kill Card to block Heavenly Dao’s detection, so that Heavenly Dao could not detect where Ye Fan was, so even if Ye Fan was dead, Heavenly Dao didn’t know.

However, after Ye Fan died, the effect of the Super Slash Card disappeared. Ye Fan reappeared within the detection range of Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao sent someone to rescue him immediately.

It must be so!

Su Changyu speculated like this in his heart.

You know, Ye Fan has 1.5 million luck points. After he died, Su Changyu only got 180,000 luck points from him.

That is 6200x3x10.

As for the 500,000 yuan, it was an extra reward for the system, not snatched from Ye Fan.

Therefore, Ye Fan is still Heavenly Dao’s darling, and Heavenly Dao is not disappointed in him.

This also means that Ye Fan should not die!

Thus, Heavenly Dao pulled a holy emperor from nearby!

just like……

Human Emperor Fuxi creates Eight Trigrams!

Fuxi had never done anything to disappoint Su Changyu. Suddenly, Su Changyu couldn’t perceive Fuxi’s existence for a moment. When Fuxi appeared again, he was already dead.

Then Su Changyu would definitely not agree, he would immediately send someone to save Fuxi!

If it is, Fuxi is not doing business and is idle, which makes Su Changyu very disappointed. He can’t be counted on for the creation of Eight Trigrams.

Then he is dead, Su Changyu will definitely not let anyone save him!

And Su Changyu’s respect and expectation for him is luck!

Every time Su Changyu was disappointed in him, his luck value would decrease. When he didn’t hold any hope, his luck value would be almost zero.

Since there is no hope, then why save it?

If you die, you die.

Su Changyu didn’t know this before.

After he had the earth world, he slowly understood and figured out these things.

Obviously, Heavenly Dao still had high hopes for Ye Fan, so he pulled out an old man with long beard and came to change Ye Fan’s fate!


Su Changyu cursed secretly in his heart, so, can Ye Fan be resurrected? Wouldn’t I still have to match him after that?

The next time I meet, Ye Fan estimates that he will make even greater progress, and it will be unknown whether he is his opponent or not!

“Repaying gratitude? Ridiculous! Ye Fan is a man from the Eastern Territory, who is less than twenty! As far as I know, this is the first time he has come to Zhongzhou. I know it in my heart!”

Two points!

First, Su Changyu doesn’t want to meet Ye Fan again! Next time we meet, Ye Fan must be stronger! It may even threaten yourself!

In fact, this time Ye Fan had already threatened Su Changyu.

Second, Su Changyu was reluctant to open the Heavenly Flame Dance Spear!

Although this Open Sky Flame Dance Spear is not compatible with Su Changyu, it is not as easy to use as the Eight Desolation Zhan Kuang, but it is indeed a heavenly treasure!

Su Changyu can use it, or use it as fodder, and give it to the Eight Desolate Fighters.

The strength of the Eight Desolation Zhan Kuang still couldn’t swallow the Open Sky Flame Dance Spear, but with Su Changyu there, everything was not a problem.

It’s like a dog and a wolf.

Dogs can’t kill wolves.

But what if he has a master?

Even in the face of tigers, you can have the power to fight!

With Su Changyu here, let alone the heavenly treasure, even if it is the Chaos Lingbao, Su Changyu can find a way to melt him and let the Eight Desolation Fighters absorb it!

If the Eight Desolation Zhan Kuang had absorbed the Open Sky Flame Dance Spear, then the Eight Desolation Zhan Kuang would definitely be able to Ascension to the heaven level!

At that time, Su Changyu’s strength will definitely rise to the next level, even if he is facing the Holy Emperor, he will be able to fight!

but now……


The old saint emperor in front of him gave Su Changyu absolute Realm suppression.

As the other party said, even in Su Changyu’s heyday and all the means, it is impossible to be the opponent’s opponent.

What’s more, Su Changyu is still injured now, and wanting to defeat the opponent is even more foolish.

But that’s the case, Su Changyu is not willing to let the other party rescue Ye Fan!

“The reason for this can be clearly stated in a few words. Young Master Su, today’s affairs are all regarded as the old man owing you a favor. If you need it in the future, the old man will help you. Goodbye!”

The other party was very polite, but the other party didn’t give Su Changyu any room to think about it. This remark was not for discussion, but more like telling!

After finishing speaking, the old man with long beard flicked his robe, and a ripple appeared in the void, Ye Fan, Kai Tianyanwu spear and the old man disappeared at the same time.

Su Changyu didn’t chase after him. The Holy Emperor was second only to Heavenly Emperor. With Su Changyu’s Realm, even with the devil’s body, he couldn’t catch up with him.

The human emperor’s methods are no longer something that the Saint King Realm can deal with, let alone the Saint Emperor.

Su Changyu can fight against the emperor at best, and he still loses more and loses less. The chance of winning is only about 30%!

Against the Holy Emperor, there is no chance of winning at all.

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