Chapter 273

“Unexpectedly… the earth realm… the earth realm can’t hold you guy…whoo…whoo…whoo…”

Su Changyu gasped heavily.

The strength of the earth world is seriously overestimated by him!

Ye Fan could actually contend with Heavenly Dao and Su Changyu in the earth world! It almost destroyed the earth world in a disarray.

But fortunately, the suppression of Ye Fan by the earth world is still very obvious. There, Ye Fan’s opening of the gods, the opening of the sky flame dance spear and many other methods can not be used.

That’s the case, that Ye Fan also forcibly rushed out of the earth world!

Powerful and staggering!

He finally sacrificed the Seven Treasure Wings behind him, transformed into a colorful winged divine bow, used himself as an arrow, forcibly shot the “sky” of the earth world into a hole, and shot himself out of the earth world!

And his Seven Treasure Divine Wings will remain in the earth realm forever.

Ye Fan is already the tree of the mighty crossbow. He seems to be very powerful in the earth world, but in fact, the earth world oppresses him very, very greatly, and is exploiting and taking his strength every second.

If he delays in the earth world for a while, it is estimated that he will be completely abolished.

When he was about to end his way, he exhausted all his Spiritual Qi, turned it into a divine arrow, and used Qibao divine wings as a bow, breaking out of the suppression of the earth world and returning to the world of Zhongzhou!

And the earth world is closely related to Su Changyu, a hole in the earth world broke, and Su Changyu also suffered a lot of shock, and his heart was hurt!

That’s why after coming out, vomiting blood!

Two blood holes appeared behind Ye Fan, which were the wounds left after the Seven Treasures Divine Wing broke!


Su Changyu coughed twice and vomited two more mouthfuls of blood. Looking at Ye Fan, who was lying motionless on the ground, he couldn’t help laughing.

Finally, I still failed to fight myself!


Son of Fortune?

The strongest protagonist?

But that’s it!

Compared with my super villain, it is still a little bit worse!

“Ye… Ye Fan! Heh heh… Haha, I… I admit that you are me… heh heh… you are the one I have ever seen… heh heh… puff… the most I have ever seen Strong…the strongest genius! I admit…your…your talent…is better than me! Hahaha…cough cough…”

“But…but what can you do? Don’t you still…cough…you still want to lose to me…to my hands…cough cough…poof…”

Su Changyu looked excited, lying in the air, coughing and laughing wildly.

Murong Yan was stunned for a short time for two seconds, her face was happy, and she flew towards Su Changyu.

“Changyu! You…you didn’t die?! Great! Too…you…you didn’t die? What a disappointment!”

The happy face suddenly changed, Murong Yan once again made the coldness he was before, and she was still a little annoyed in her heart!

Caused her to shed so many tears!

She knew it was absolutely impossible for this guy to die!

The heart of the bone emperor, the heart of Demon Monarch, and so many forbidden magic skills, how could it be killed by a single blow?

He actually deceived himself again!

Damn it!


Su Changyu was speeding up frantically before, and the scene in front of her was deeply imprinted in her mind, and she was very moved!

“Ha…Haha…Yaner…I…I won…”

Murong Yan looked cold, “I saw it, so what? Do you want to give you an award?”

The corners of Su Changyu’s bloody mouth rose slightly, with a happy face, “Yan’er…you…you…you cried for me…I…I saw it…cough cough cough…poof… ”

Seeing Su Changyu vomiting blood again, Murong Yan was a little worried, her face switched twice instantly, pretending to be indifferent, “Don’t make a mistake about Su Changyu, I am not crying for you, but for me! Because I can’t kill you by myself. But sorry! I had known this, I should kill you one step ahead of time!”

Still stiff!

Su Changyu closed his eyes slightly, “Then…then you now…it’s not too late to do it…”


Murong Yan was a little embarrassed, this guy is really clever, he is not his opponent at all!

“Forget it, I don’t want to take advantage of others! Su Changyu, I want to defeat you upright, and my ultimate goal is to ruin you!”

“Then…cough cough…well…puff…then my…this life is…just…send it to me…it’s with me…”

Murong Yan frowned and saw that Su Changyu was vomiting blood again and again, so she said indifferently: “You still don’t talk, and quickly treat your injuries. If you have a headache, it’s too shameful! Take it! ”

With that, throw out a Medicine Pill porcelain bottle.

Su Changyu stretched out his hand to catch it, staring at Murong Yan’s phoenix eyes with earnest and hopeful eyes, “Yan’er…you…say something… you care about me… my words are… so difficult… Keke…is that difficult? You…do you have to…behave…so…so it doesn’t matter?”

“Su Changyu! You don’t put gold on your face anymore, who cares about you?! I can’t wait to eat your meat and drink your blood! Do you think I will care about you?”

“Okay…cough cough…”

Su Changyu coughed twice, his face was disappointed, he pressed his chest, and vomited a mouthful of blood again.

I don’t know which bite of blood he had.

His teeth, corners of his mouth, lips, and neckline are all bright red!

Murong Yan looked angry and worried!

She flew to Su Changyu again with a cold face, took the Medicine Pill porcelain bottle in the other’s hand, poured a Medicine Pill out, put it to Su Changyu’s mouth, and sternly said: “It’s so difficult for you to take medicine. Do you eat it for me! Immediately!”

Su Changyu looked up at Murong Yan’s cold and merciless face, full of indifference, but he knew that all this was pretended by the other party.


Su Changyu opened his mouth slightly, Murong Yan frowned.

This guy even let himself feed him?

How can I pull my face down!

Murong Yan turned her head away, flicked her wrist, and threw Medicine Pill directly into Su Changyu’s mouth, seemingly reluctant to look at it.

“Take care of your injury, save your life, only I can kill you!”


Su Changyu nodded, the gentleness on his face gradually dissipated, turning his head to look into the forest below.

“Ye Fan, you…cough cough…you…you are a respectable opponent! Don’t worry, even though I, Su Changyu, have done all the bad things, I am frantic, and there are basically no corpses of people who die in my hands.”

Su Changyu fell beside Ye Fan and calmly looked at the teenager lying on the ground.

“But, I will give you a decent way to die, rest assured, after you die, I will bury you and Ling’er together!”

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