Chapter 270 Heavenly Sword Formation

Surrounding Ye Fan like one star after another.

A total of 998 Excalibur!

Counting Su Changyu, there are a total of 999 handles!

The Heavenly Sword Array is one of the must-slay secrets of the Heavenly Sword Heart.

There is almost no possibility of survival for those trapped by the sword formation!

The caster can turn into any of the 998 divine swords at will, launch an attack, and can use other magical powers at will!

The most disgusting thing is that if the sword formation is not broken, the caster will never get hurt!

The 27th Divine Sword on the upper left lit up, and Su Changyu flew out of it and showed Ye Fan a Flowing Cloud Palm!

The 33rd Excalibur at the upper right lighted up, and Su Changyu flew out of it and showed a burst of energy to Ye Fan!

The 21st Excalibur in the lower right corner, the 18th Excalibur in the front, the 7th Excalibur in the lower back, and the 55th Excalibur in the front and upper corners all light up at the same time. Dark sky Promise legs, all directions and all directions, Kanglong has regretful claws…

“Open the heaven and the earth! Desolate and eternal! Open the heaven and earth palm!”

Ye Fan’s body was like a spinning top, spinning constantly on the spot, and at the same time one by one palm prints kept flying out, smashing all the Su Changyu who had flown out of the divine sword!

However, his Open Heavenly Universe Palm can only crush Su Changyu’s Sword intent clone, but cannot crush the sword formation!

When the palm print falls on the sword formation, the 998 swords will light up at the same time, sharing the damage together!

In other words, every palm and every attack of Ye Fan will be divided into 998 parts. Even if the attack is strong, fierce, and sharp, it is divided into more than 900 parts, the power will be greatly reduced.

It is almost impossible to break through the sword formation!

Su Changyu’s voice resounded in the sword formation.

“Ye Fan, you are very strong! But if you only have this strength, then you can’t kill me! If you can’t break this sword formation, then this sword formation will continue until you die!”

In the Heavenly Sword Array, Su Changyu’s Spiritual Qi consumption will be greatly reduced, probably…998 times!

For example, the usual Su Changyu’s use of the mysterious Martial Skill of “Qiyun Explosion” requires one percent of Dantian Spiritual Qi to be consumed.

But in the Heavenly Sword Formation, Su Changyu released 998 qi cloud bursts to consume 1% of Dantian Spiritual Qi.

This is true for all Martial Skills and supernatural powers.

Moreover, Su Changyu can also hide in the Divine Sword to restore Spiritual Qi. As long as the opponent cannot break the Heaven Sword Formation, the opponent will be trapped here forever.

This is the Heavenly Sword Formation!

This is Tianjian Xinjue!

The Heavenly Sword Sect has mastered such a powerful magical power, let me ask, what school, force, and family can compete with them?

However, this Heavenly Sword Formation has an eye, if it is used to trap the disciples of the same sect, it will not be easy.

Among these 998 divine swords, there is one that will suffer full damage. If the other party can see it, you only need to find this divine sword and hit with a full blow to break the formation!

However, the positions of all the divine swords are not fixed, and Su Changyu can switch at will.

It is almost impossible to find out if there is no trick.

“You! You! You have to pay back my spiritual life–”

“Your Linger? Ye Fan, why don’t you understand. That is just one of my maids, her life is not yours!”

“I don’t care! She is mine—”

“Aren’t you the protagonist? Shouldn’t your protagonist’s halo be able to resurrect her? You can give it a try.”

“You! What is your name!?”

“You don’t need to know my name, Ye Fan, die! Antianyuan!”

Suddenly, among the 998 divine swords, 500 divine swords lighted up at the same time, and five hundred Su Changyu flew out of them, and each Su Changyu was dragging a black bead in his hand!

That was An Tianyuan, Ye Fan had learned!

The power of Dark Sky Source is the same as Ye Fan’s Open Sky Flame Dance Spear! It’s a devastating killer move!

Ye Fan can still deal with a dark sky source!

But at this moment there are five hundred dark sky sources, all of which are accumulating power!

If this is smashed down, even if Ye Fan has a hundred lives, it is not enough to die!

Ye Fan looked around, his face was ruthless, and suddenly he wrapped himself with wings, turned into streamer, and rushed towards a divine sword at a very fast speed!


The Heavenly Sword Array was shattered, and Ye Fan successfully knocked the Heavenly Sword Array out of a hole with the Seven Treasure Divine Wings.

The Heavenly Sword Formation is a whole, if a hole is broken, it will be all broken!

Su Changyu was not surprised at all. Others couldn’t break the Heavenly Sword Formation, but that didn’t mean Ye Fan couldn’t!

No matter what Ye Fan did, Su Changyu would feel reasonable and would not be a little surprised.

“Tsk tsk, this pair of wings is really a good thing. Ye Fan, you made me move a little bit! Or, give me these wings.”

Ye Fan’s pair of colorful wings is really good, capable of offensive and defensive, and extremely strong, if you can get it…

Su Changyu couldn’t help being a little fanciful.

Swallow Heavenly Demon skill, Slaughter Hand, Heavenly Demon real body, plus a pair of wings!

It’s just as powerful as a tiger!

Ye Fan, who rushed out of the Heavenly Sword Formation, did not launch an attack at Su Changyu, but looked around, his eyes locked in one direction!

“Su Changyu! You kill my Ling’er! Then I will kill your woman!”


Su Changyu finally showed a surprised face, but at this moment, Ye Fan had turned into a divine light and disappeared into the horizon!

“Ye Fan! Stop for me!”

This guy actually wants to shoot Murong Yan!

As the protagonist, how could he do such a despicable act? How can he succeed to women?

Isn’t it only villain who will do something to the enemy’s side?

“Yaner! Run!”

Su Changyu took a deep breath and shouted toward the horizon!

However, the propagation speed of sound is not as fast as Ye Fan’s flight speed!

When the voice reaches Murong Yan’s ears, it is estimated that the other party has already been cold!

Su Changyu immediately mobilized his spiritual thoughts and spoke to Murong Yan who was thousands of miles away. At the same time, he was unambiguous, displaying the fastest Movement Technique and chasing after Ye Fan.

Regarding speed, Su Changyu and Na Ye Fan are not distinguished, they are similar to each other.

But Ye Fan had a pair of wings, and with one shot, he opened a hundred miles away from Su Changyu.

To shoot again, it is a hundred miles away.

After a few flaps, he had already opened a thousand miles away from Su Changyu.

Under the gaze of Huodong Yunjing, Murong Yan saw a streamer flying towards him quickly, and at the front end of that streamer, Ye Fan had become a bit distorted and hideous, and he was smiling at him!

Murong Yan suddenly panicked, she had never encountered this since she was reborn!

After rebirth, no matter what the situation, Murong Yan can deal with it calmly, always maintaining the posture of the empress, and the only thing that makes Murong Yan deflated is Su Changyu.

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