Chapter 233

He deliberately sold miserably, isn’t it just a wave of sympathy that he wanted to deceive.

Women are all emotional and soft-hearted animals. Even if they are rational and powerful, as long as they are still women, they have an emotional side, but they are only hidden.

What Su Changyu had to do was to uncover Murong Yan’s emotional side and impress her.

Seeing Su Changyu closing his eyes and willingly begging for death, Murong Yan clenched his fists. At this moment, he really wanted to give Su Changyu a palm!

However, she quickly released her hand again and relaxed.

What she will do is not only kill Su Changyu, but also ruin Su Changyu!

“Don’t do this with me! It’s just a bitter trick, you lied to Jiu Er, you can’t lie to me!”

“Well, whether you believe it or not, it’s up to you. If you want to do it, you can do it at any time. My life is here…”

With that said, Su Changyu sat down cross-legged and began to recover from his injuries. There was no guard at all, and he didn’t even find a person to protect the law.

Murong Yan looked at Su Changyu with a complicated heart.

Up to the present position, she still didn’t believe Su Changyu’s words, and before she was sure that what Su Changyu was saying was the truth, she would treat it as a lie.


Thinking like this makes her feel unwilling…

just in case……

What if what Su Changyu said is true?

He is really the reincarnation of Shannian!

He possessed the kind thoughts of two generations of Su Changyu in his body, enough to suppress the demon nature of the devil heart!

That… Isn’t it possible to complete her fantasy?

The scene she dreamed about before!

Can join hands with Su Changyu to live a lifetime together!

In the previous life, Su Changyu was controlled by the demon and was extremely cruel to her!

Then in this life… can I fulfill my own wish?

Killing Su Changyu and ruining Su Changyu was indeed her wish.

But before that, she even hopes to spend her life with Su Changyu, the man she loves so much!

If Su Changyu is really the reincarnation of Shannian, then… it’s not impossible!

But what if not?

She can’t afford to gamble!

After standing in front of Su Changyu for a long time, Murong Yan’s expression changed lightly and darkly, cloudy or sunny.

Su Changyu ignored her and was still healing her injuries, but frowned from time to time.

Damn it.

A small medicine bottle rolled onto Su Changyu’s feet.

Su Changyu opened his eyes and saw a small purple porcelain bottle under his feet, which was spinning around. It seemed that he had just been thrown over by someone, and his inertia had not disappeared.

“Yan’er, what are you?”

“Let’s go, this is the healing sacred medicine of the Dao Xuan Dynasty. The pill sage can only refine ten bottles in a year, which is extremely precious!”


Su Changyu looked at each other “with a blank face”.

Murong Yan said: “The Soul Extinguishing Clock itself has the effect of’suppressing and splitting’. When coupled with the Soul Extinguishing Technique, the effect is even worse. When the Soul Extinguishing Clock is injured, the wound cannot be recovered by Spiritual Qi. The suppression and splitting effects of Soul Destruction Clock can be eliminated first, otherwise, the injuries will only get worse.”

Su Changyu “suddenly” nodded, with a look of awakening, “No wonder… No wonder my Spiritual Qi has no effect at all!”

What a joke!

In fact, Su Changyu didn’t suffer any injuries at all. The blood all over his body looked strange and scary, but it was actually just a few skin injuries.

Taking a step back, what Lingbao can hurt Su Changyu?

The suppression effect?

Fragmentation effect?

Does that count in front of Heavenly Demon Gong?

Swallowing Heavenly Demon skill swallows everything, no matter what effect you have, swallow it directly, turning it into devil energy to replenish itself.

Why is Su Changyu afraid?

This is only done deliberately for Murong Yan.

And Murong Yan did not disappoint Su Changyu!

I really care about him!

Su Changyu was overjoyed, “Yan…Yan’er, are you caring about me?”

“You are less narcissistic! I just don’t want you to die too early! Don’t forget, we still have the wedding date! You are dead, who will I be married by then? The invitations are ready, it’s impossible. Do you want to tear it up and destroy it?”

Su Changyu nodded and smiled, “Yes, we will get married in three months, and then you will be my wife! But in fact…you are also my wife now!”

Su Changyu deliberately mentioned the incident, which undoubtedly made Murong Yan pretty blush. Even in her previous life, she had never experienced Wushan Yunyu. She did not expect that Su Changyu would forcibly pull into the room in this life…

It’s really shameful to think about it!

“Shut up! Su Changyu, stay alive, and you will suffer at that time!”

“Hmm! Don’t worry Yan’er!”

“Huh! Now, you have to answer my initial question. Why are you so sure that Su Jiu’er will accept the trick?”

Su Changyu looked candid, “I never thought that she would accept the offer, I…I owe her, today…Today I wanted to pay it off, and I didn’t expect she would…”

“Enough! Nonsense!”

Murong Yan gave a cold voice and turned around, making her expression invisible.

Murong Yan has come to own answer!

She couldn’t tell whether it was true or not.

If it is true, then… what should she do next?

If it is false, then Su Changyu’s scheming is too deep, the calculations are too cruel, and he is cruel enough to himself, even to fight with his life!


With a silent sigh in her heart, Murong Yan turned into a streamer and disappeared into the distant horizon.


After less than half a scent of incense, Su Changyu received a lucky reward from Murong Yan.

Congratulations to the host, Murong Yan’s mood is shaken, and his luck is increased by 25000!

Twenty-five thousand, a lot!

This time, Murong Yan’s hatred for Su Changyu should have been really eliminated a small part.

As the saying goes, I can’t bear the children and can’t catch the wolves!

The ancients are honest with me!

It’s so cool!

“The girl in Jiu’er is still too young and she is not strong in her mind. How can we kill Su Changyu like this!”

The grand ancestor who saw everything in his eyes, secretly shook his head!

the first time!

For the first time, the ancestor Taishang felt jealous of Su Changyu!

This guy Su Changyu is too scheming and courageous enough!

This person will be a disaster in the future!

If there is no demon heart…

“Oh, this child is so talented and rare in the ages. It’s a pity that it was destroyed by a demon heart. If not, it must be the blessing of Zhongzhou in the future!”

Shaking his head, the great ancestor turned and disappeared into the woods behind.

The next day!

“What? The future Sect Leader’s position has been determined?”

“Yes… is it Brother Su? Really?”

“No? Still… haven’t the competition yet? Isn’t there a real disciple competition? Why is it suddenly settled?”

“I heard that Tai Shang Zu came to put this matter on the agenda yesterday. I don’t know what the specific situation is.”

“Then say… Brother Su must be called the young Sect Leader in the future?”

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