Chapter 226-Ascension

“Murong Yan took it down.”

“By the way, where is Su Changyu?”

Murong Yan said truthfully: “I met him at his Su Jianshan before, and now he should still be in Su Jianshan.”

“Su Jianshan.”

The ancestor Taishang sighed in his heart, he was so old that he had to run errands personally for this little thing. It was really maddening. The Heavenly Sword Sect was the largest sect in Zhongzhou at any rate, and even a small disciple couldn’t control it.

For things like this, shouldn’t it be enough to summon the disciples directly and order them to go down? It doesn’t matter whether the disciple agrees or not.

It’s good to be here at the Heavenly Sword Gate. Not only did he order Su Changyu not to move, but he had to meet him in person!

Isn’t this the other way around?

But what can be done?

Killed Su Changyu?

Or expelled from the division?

What a joke, Su Changyu did not make any serious mistakes, and did not deceive his master and annihilate his ancestors, and did something bad for Sect. Instead, they gave Sect two sacred beasts!

Moreover, the identity of the other party is untouchable!

If there is no reason to expel people from the teacher’s door, how can the Su dynasty be willing?

Su Wangtian is the big Elder of the Sky Sword Gate, and this is even more critical!

Is Sect important or son important?

No one in the Heavenly Sword Gate doubts. If the Heavenly Sword Gate dares to touch Su Wangtian’s son, Su Wangtian can immediately judge the Heavenly Sword Sect. Raise troops to attack the Heavenly Sword Gate!

So this father and son…

It’s really a moth from the Heavenly Sword Sect!

That’s it!

Now that it’s meaningless to think about these things, it’s important to be serious!

The ancestor Taishang stretched out his two fingers, facing the void a little bit, the space shattered, and a dark and deep space tunnel was paved!

“His Royal Highness Murong, the old man still has important things to do, so I won’t accompany you! Jiu’er, stay here and cultivate!”

Since this time, Su Jiu’er has been cultivation cultivation every day!

She is almost suffocated!

“Master, Jiu’er wants to go for a walk too! I’m suffocated these days!”

“Jiu’er, don’t slack off, have you forgotten how I told you?”

“But Master, I have already broken through the two states, so you let me go out and go around, just this time, after I come back, I will continue Closed Door Training!”

The grandfather ancestor did not speak, and he acquiesced, and then stepped into the void passage.

Su Jiu’er was overjoyed and walked in.

Murong Yan pondered for a few seconds, and finally followed one piece into the void passage.

“Young Master Su! Forgive me!”

“Master Su! Grandpa Su, please forgive me!”

“Su Changyu! Wait, our Li family won’t let you go! Sooner or later, they will find out!”

“Su Changyu! You can’t die! Even if I’m a ghost, I won’t let you go!”

“Master Su, please let me go, please!”

Su Jianshan!

In the deepest dungeon of Fudidongtian!

Su Changyu was looking at the geniuses in the jail with indifference!

These are all the geniuses who used the power of the red-eared civet family to deceive and catch the cat from all over Zhongzhou.

The red-eared civet cats are all beautiful, with a knife on their head, but almost everyone who has evil thoughts on them has been caught here!

In addition to them, there were hundreds of corpses piled up in the corner of the sky cell.

Those are the remains of the ancestors of certain families, and they were also stolen by the cat sister!

At this moment, Su Changyu was full of demons, and the atmosphere in the entire dungeon was very depressed!

These princes knew what would happen next, and they knew better what Su Changyu was displaying at this moment!

This is devilishness!

This is magic!

Su Changyu!

Actually possess magic power!

“Su Changyu, if you have cultivated taboos, are you not afraid of all the Practitioners in the world?”

“If this matter is known to the world, even the Su dynasty will not be able to protect you!”

“Master Su, please let me go, I’ll kowtow to you, please…”

“Hahaha! Su Changyu, people are watching, you will be punished sooner or later!”

Some geniuses are arrogant, even if they die, they will die neither humble nor overbearing!

But some people, as soon as they heard that they were going to die, they were so frightened that their legs became weak, and they knelt down and begged for mercy!

Su Changyu has long been numb to these voices!

He raised his head with one hand, and the dark sky emerged from the void, the devilish energy strangling, and wherever he passed, the wailing, anger, and insults disappeared suddenly.

When the devil gas circled the dungeon, the whole world was quiet!

The geniuses imprisoned in the dungeon turned into dry bones in an instant, and the corpses of the ancestors stacked in the corner turned into bubbles, leaving no residue!


Su Changyu sighed, the dry bones left in the dungeon instantly turned into yellow sand, and they were laid back in the dungeon, waiting for the next batch of sacrifices!


Suddenly, Su Changyu screamed to the sky, and there seemed to be infinite power in his body about to rush out. At this moment, he felt that even if a Saint King realm supreme powerhouse stood in front of him, he could be killed by a punch!

“Sixth Stage!”

When the power in his body gradually subsided, Su Changyu smiled contentedly.

Swallowing Heavenly Demon Gong and Evil Demon Han Tian Jue are all Ascension to the Sixth Stage!

At this moment, Su Changyu’s true strength should be below the Holy King Realm and above the Nine Dragons Great Holy Realm!

Half-Holy King!

Realm does not mean everything!

Su Changyu can confidently fight against the Holy King in the Great Sacred Realm of Kowloon, not to mention killing the opponent, he can also leave calmly!

And now Su Changyu has reached the Half-Holy King Realm!

Coupled with his means, now that he encounters the Saint King Realm, the opponent will undoubtedly die!

If it’s a human emperor…

Maybe there are a few tricks you can do with Su Changyu.

But it would be difficult to defeat Su Changyu!

In other words, Su Changyu had all his hole cards out, and he should be able to draw a tie with the Saint Emperor.

The words of the Heavenly Emperor are terrible, even if Su Changyu is confident, he does not think he can beat the Heavenly Emperor!

“Sister Cat, clean it up.”

“Yes, master!”

Su Changyu withdrew from the magic body and reintroduced the magic body into the founding body.

At the same time, the cat girl who was covering for Su Changyu also started to call off work and took Monster Qi back into her body.

Back to the temple of Su Jianshan, Su Changyu was drinking tea in the temple.

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in the void, and then a void channel appeared in Su Changyu’s temple.

“What is the wind that blows you, Taishang Ancestor?”

Before the other party came out, Su Changyu had spoken calmly, his eyes still on his own teacup, he blew it lightly, and took a sip of fragrant tea.

No need to watch at all!

At the Heavenly Sword Gate, only the grand ancestors can use the void passage method!

As someone else, even if they can do it, they dare not want to do it in the Heavenly Sword Gate!

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