Chapter 22: Escape from the Dead

Host: Su Changyu

Realm: The seventh floor of the Tongyou Realm.

The current world luck value: 22100.

Currently available luck value: 4100.

Earlier, Su Changyu bought Realm for 3000, and now he bought two Medicine Pills, which cost 15000 luck. A total of 18000 was used, and only 4100 points are available.

The first product in the current system mall is still breakthrough Realm.

However, the price this time is five times more expensive than last time.

From the seventh level of the Tongyou realm to the eighth level, it takes fifteen thousand qi luck points, and Su Changyu doesn’t have so many qi luck to use.

Guiyuan Pill can quickly heal wounds, as long as it is not fatal, small wounds can heal in a short time.

The healing pill is even more powerful, except for fatal injuries, it can basically heal it, even if it has a broken limb.

These two Medicine Pills are the representatives of the two grades. Among the mid-rank and high-rank Medicine Pills, Guiyuan Pill and Cure Recovery Pill are considered to be the most effective.

On top of this, there is a more powerful top-level Medicine Pill, which can be trained only by the Ninth-Rank pill refining master, called Rebirth Pill.

The rebirth pill doesn’t need to be said much, just from the name you can see how powerful its effect is.

Su Changyu’s system mall is also available, but the rebirth pill requires 50,000 gas luck, and the price is too expensive.

A Medicine Pill master who can refine the rebirth pill, even in Zhongzhou, will be respected as a god. For a rebirth pill, two families can even fight!

This shows how precious the rebirth pills are.

Therefore, Su Changyu didn’t think it was worth buying a rebirth pill worth 50,000 gas, but felt that it was very appropriate.

“That boy…”

Su Changyu was healed while thinking about the boy.

Qi Condensation state, condensed spirit state, distracting spirit state, transforming spirit state, Tongyou state, Ming mind state…

Xiao Han can use the Cultivation Base of the Concentration Realm to fight against the Elders of the Distraction Realm. He is already very heaven-defying and has stepped across a big Realm.

But this young man was able to hurt Su Changyu in the Qi Condensation realm!

There are three Realms in the middle, and four Realms across!

He is ten times more heaven-defying than Xiao Han!

Such a person, saying that he is not the son of destiny, would not believe that Su Changyu was killed.

“Xuan Ming!”

“My son, how are you doing?”

“I’m fine, this boy is handed over to you, you must monitor me clearly, I want to know his movements. You are not allowed to touch him without my order!”

“Old slave, obey!”

“Li Huangtian! I’m fighting with you!”

At this moment, in the Promise Hall of Promise Sect!

Mo Wuji led the Wuji Sect and the group to fight with the four major forces.

However, the situation was completely expected.

The Promise Sect was not an opponent of the four major forces at all, and there was even no room to fight back.

At least 10,000 people came from the four major forces this time. Although the number is not as good as the Promise Sect, all of them are elite. The lowest Realm also has a distracting state.

On the Promise Sect side, there are a lot of Outer Sect disciples in Qi Condensation realm, and many disciples in Inner Sect realm, and there are also Elder disciples in Distracting Realm.

Mo Wuji roared, the basic Lingbao Wuji sword was about to perform desperate tricks!

However, his insignificance was not worth mentioning in front of the four Eastern Region tycoons.

Mo Wuji had only passed the fourth and fifth levels of the U.S. Realm, while Granny Xuanqing and others were all capable of the ninth level of the U.S. Realm, especially Li Huangtian, who reached the Supreme Realm of the Great Perfection of the U.S. Realm!

Further down, that is the Ming state of mind!

Gulidan gave a soft cry and sent out with a palm.

A huge palm print suddenly condensed on the top of Mo Wuji’s head, and it crashed down!

Mo Wuji was holding the Wuji sword in an attempt to break through his palm print, but the terrifying pressure contained in that palm print alone was able to frighten him hard to move!


The palm prints fell, Mo Wuji lay down heavily, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth!

“Damn it!”

In the Great Hall of Promise, the group of Elders were panicked when they saw this scene. They knew they weren’t opponents, so they shouted outside: “Quick! Go, please go on Elder to get out! Go to Mingxintai, and old man Zu wake up!”

Gulidan sneered, slapped his palms to the left and right, all the Elders on both sides flew upside down, lying on the ground in all directions.

“Still pretending!? Your ancestors have been sitting down a hundred years ago, do you really think I don’t know? The Promise Sect? Ha! From tomorrow, there will be no Sect in the Eastern Region!”

“The Wuji Sect will eventually become history, Mo Wuji, what else can you say?” Granny Xuanqing looked at Mo Wuji gloomily.


Mo Qingxue rushed forward and helped Mo Wuji up, “How are you, father?”

Mo Wuji held his chest, cracked the corners of his mouth, showing blood-red teeth, and sneered: “You are so bold, so you are not afraid of the ancestors going out and killing you four great forces?”

“Hahaha! Mo Wuji, when are you going to pretend! By now, are you still stubborn?” Gu Lidan said angrily: “Today, don’t say that your Wuji ancestor is not in the world, even if you are still there, then I You will also destroy the Promise Sect! To repay the humiliation for a hundred years!”

Mo Wuji’s eyes were cold, and he said, “Well, since you already know, then I won’t hide anything from you! Yes, the ancestor is indeed gone, but, too, Elder is now at Mingxintai Closed Door Training…”

“Are you talking about Long Xiaotian?” Li Huangtian’s eyes were contemptuous, and he said with contempt: “What if the old thing is still alive? A hundred years ago, he was driven out of Sect by my real Martial Ancestor and took refuge in your Promise Sect. I have become too Elder. But a dog is a dog, even if it is given to him for five hundred years? What if he could not beat me a hundred years ago, really Martial Ancestor, will he have a chance one hundred years from now?”

Mo Qingxue clenched her silver teeth, anxious and angry.

“Then you are not afraid that Young Master Su will be furious?!”

“Master Su?”

The four looked at each other, and Gulidan sneered: “Is His Royal Highness still immersed in the dream of the crow becoming Phoenix? If Lord Su is really from Zhongzhou, can you look at you? Besides, is there any This Young Master Su is still unknown. If so, why hasn’t he shown up? Or, this is also a lie of your Wuji Sect!”

Mo Qingxue looked at the four top powerhouses in the Eastern Region with hostility, “You wait, Young Master Su will definitely avenge our Wujizong! You, none of you can escape!”

“Hahaha…” Gu Lidan raised his head and laughed, and said: “Don’t say there is no Master Su, even if there is, then I will not be afraid of him! If he dares to come out, I will be the first to press him on the ground. , To make you understand that even your Young Master Su can’t save you Promise Sect!”

Gu Lidan dared to say that, and he was sure in his heart that there was no such person as Su Changyu.

It’s already this time. If there was Su Changyu, the other party would have come out long ago.

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