Chapter 218 Heavenly Emperor

Murong Yan is a reborn person and will live another life!

And Su Changyu is a person who travels through, and lives a new life!

Murong Yan has experienced most of what is happening now.

For Su Changyu, this was the first experience.

Both of them have hangs, but the hangs of the two are different!

The protagonist of this kind of rebirth, the biggest advantage in the early stage is that he can avoid bad luck!

Relying on this and establishing an advantage, the mid-late stage can be used without care. With strong strength, the mid-late stage can generally play various supporting roles.

Therefore, Murong Yan is now trying to avoid bad luck! ?

Su Changyu thought so in his heart, and gave his own answer in the next second!


Otherwise, she couldn’t take the initiative to provoke an unknown person!

If you are an ordinary person, you must believe that Xiao Ziling is an unknown person!

But Su Changyu doesn’t believe it!

Because of his hanging, it is to be able to check the value of luck!

Earlier, Mo Tianhuang had said that Xiao Ziling had an excellent talent, even surpassing Xiao Tianchu and Su Changyu.

In addition, Mo Tianhuang himself is a man of great luck.

This Xiao Ziling is a son of luck in all likelihood.

Su Changyu turned around, with a thoughtful look on his face. He tilted his head slightly and glanced at Murong Yan with slanting eyes, with doubts on his face and a whisper in his mouth.

“Since it is a son of luck, she must have Gold Finger on her body. Murong Yan has lived a lifetime and should have seen how Xiao Ziling ended up! So… she wants to grab the treasure now! It should be like this!”

“The treasures in Xiao Ziling’s body should not be simple! Could it be a threat to me?”

“Ask her directly? She definitely won’t say… Try cheating her first!”

Thinking of this, Su Changyu’s mind was running fast, thinking about strategies!

Seeing that Su Changyu had been turning her back to herself and not talking, Murong Yan had no patience.

“Next time, don’t call me for such boring things! You and I are both busy, so there is no time to waste!”

“Wait a moment!”

Su Changyu called Murong Yan.

“Yan’er, do you really hate me that much?”

Murong Yan showed an idiot look, and asked, “What do you mean? Do you still need to ask this kind of question?”

“But, do you think you can defeat me if you get what Xiao Ziling has on him?”

Murong Yan was startled!

Su Changyu actually knows?

Could it be… Could it be that Su Changyu was also born again?

Or did he have found out the secret of Xiao Ziling?


Is the overlord of one party!


The world is supreme!

The emperor, not everyone can proclaim himself!

Only the leader of the dynasty can proclaim himself the emperor!

However, there is a premise, but this premise can basically be ignored.

That is when Realm reaches the Holy King Realm!

If you haven’t reached the Holy King Realm, you won’t dare to call yourself “Dynasty”. Therefore, the emperor of the dynasty is basically the Holy King Realm, so this premise can be ignored!

The emperor is not only the title of the lord of the clan, but also a symbol of the holy kingdom and a symbol of the dynasty!

Once they hear the word “emperor”, others can understand at least three points!

First, he is the Holy King Realm!

Second, he is from the dynasty!

Third, he is the leader of the dynasty!

This is the meaning of the emperor!

The young emperor is the son or successor of the emperor. They are basically the best young generation in the dynasty, so Realm doesn’t need to think too much, it must be very tyrannical!

However, it is said that when the Holy King Realm breaks through to the Realm of “Enlightenment”, one can proclaim himself “Emperor”!

Emperor, Saint Emperor, Heavenly Emperor!

Heavenly Emperor is the strongest!

What is “enlightenment”?

This is also what the supreme powerhouses of the Holy King Realm want to understand!

As long as they can understand this “enlightenment”, then they can proclaim themselves emperors!

But no one knows what “enlightenment” is!

After all, there are too few Heavenly Emperors!

Not to mention the Heavenly Emperor, human emperors and holy emperors are rare to see!

And how strong this annihilated Heavenly Emperor is, one can imagine!

Whether it is the human emperor, the holy emperor or the heavenly emperor, they have not exceeded the scope of the holy king realm!

Strictly speaking, it still belongs to the Saint King Realm, but it is stronger than the average Saint King Realm!

To be simple and easy to understand, this is just a way to distinguish the specific levels of the Saint King Realm, and it is also used to “pretend to be forced”.

Some supreme powerhouses in the Saint King Realm are one step stronger in strength, so he must look down on other Saint King Realms.

I am obviously stronger than you. Why should I use the same title as you? Doesn’t it seem like I’m ordinary?

So it is called the emperor!

Among the human emperors, there was another Realm who took it to the next level and began to look down upon the human emperor strong.

So he proclaimed himself a saint emperor.

The same goes for the Heavenly Emperor!

The Heavenly Emperor is also the upper limit of Zhongzhou!

As far as it goes, it’s a little bit incomprehensible. Some people say it’s a god-land, some say it’s a fairyland. There is still no standard for whether it is a god-land or a fairyland.

But few people ask such things.

Most of the Practitioners and Realms in Zhongzhou are in the Two-Year Realm and the One Realm. They haven’t even made a breakthrough in the Holy Realm, and they still care about things above the Holy King Realm? How idle this is!

Annihilate the Heavenly Emperor!

These four words have great weight!

Murong Yan was calm on the surface, but her heart was full of doubts and surprises, and she didn’t understand how Su Changyu knew about this!

Murong Yan didn’t say anything, but it was enough!

If Su Changyu is wrong, then Murong Yan’s first reaction should be to refute, instead of watching Su Changyu not speaking like this!

Therefore, Su Changyu can be sure of his own guess!

But at this time, he must not expose himself, he needs to continue acting.

“You have seen my strength, that thing is just a little troublesome to me, and can’t kill me! So… Yan’er, don’t waste your thoughts!”

Su Changyu didn’t know what that thing was, so he could only say it very implicitly, but it was not important, as long as Murong Yan could understand it.

“You know everything?”

Finally, after thinking for a few breaths, Murong Yan spoke coldly.

It seems that Su Changyu should know everything!

“Are you also a rebirth?”

Su Changyu’s eyes turned, since the other party said so… it’s better to push the boat along the water…

“Yes, and I am born again after you!”

“Oh?” Murong Yan showed a puzzled look.

Su Changyu said: “Yan’er, I’ll tell you the truth now! I…no, I shouldn’t be talking about me, it should be said that Su Changyu, I am actually a part of Su Changyu’s body, and he was squeezed out of my body. Part!”

Murong Yan looked suspicious, a little bit disbelieving what Su Changyu said.

Su Changyu continued: “After Su Changyu killed you, the demonic heart in his body began to be a little uncontrollable! First of all, you have to understand that Su Changyu is not without kind thoughts, he has! It’s just that he is born with a demonic heart, he All of his kind thoughts and self-thoughts have been suppressed by the devil heart!”

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