Chapter 213 Cat Girl’s God

“That’s what he said?”

“Yes, Master, cat sister dare not hide anything!”

“Is there anything missing.”


Su Changyu will not doubt the words of cat sister, she is the own demon slave and will never deceive herself.

Not long after Mo Tianhuang left, the Tianjiao in the kendo temple left one after another.

The biggest reason is Su Changyu!

Although Su Changyu is the host, it is right to come here to receive them. Su Changyu represents the attitude of Tianjianmen towards them, and there is nothing wrong with it.

However, Su Changyu is here, it is really difficult for them to let go!

Su Changyu puts too much pressure on them, besides, they are still gathering for the strange treasure of the Heavenly Sword Sect this time!

What does this mean?

Going to the owner’s house with a group of thieves to steal things, and then talking to the owner is almost the same.

Besides, he is a cruel and powerful “master”.

First of all, I can’t get through that hurdle in my heart, and I’m not very embarrassed.

This analogy is a bit serious, because the Heavenly Sword Gate once released news that everyone can go to the back mountain after opening the door.

So they are not considered thieves.

But I still feel a little bit responsive in my heart.

If the mountain behind the Heavenly Sword Gate was not the place of the Heavenly Sword Gate, then they would not have this layer of psychological pressure.

Also, Su Changyu took action to deal with Mo Tianhuang just now, which further exposed Su Changyu as a person with a bad temper. Don’t look at him smiling and being polite to them, maybe The next moment suddenly turned his face.

May I ask everyone present, how many of them are Su Changyu’s opponents?

It’s better to leave early!

Su Changyu arranged a residence for Zhongzhou’s Tianjiao in Eternal City.

Xiao Bing’er and Xiao Tianchu were the last to leave. Before leaving, Xiao Bing’er wanted to say something again. It seemed that he still wanted to say something to Su Changyu. It might be that Big Brother was beside him, so he didn’t say anything in the end.

After sending away all the Tianjiao, Su Changyu took Mao Ruozhen and waited for his disciples to return to Sect before asking about Mo Tianhuang.

Playing with the wolf head jade talisman in his hand, Su Changyu grinned in his heart.

This Mo Tianhuang is still hooked!

I’m so worried that I can’t find Xiao Ziling. Didn’t Mo Tianhuang come here for you!

“This thing, can you find Mo Tianhuang?”

“Yes master! Mo Tianhuang told me that through this, you can find him at any time!”

“Well, you did a great job. Cat sister, you did me a great favor this time!”

While talking, Su Changyu stretched out his hand and squeezed the cat girl’s fragrant cheeks, and squeezed the soft red triangular cat ears of the cat girl.

The red-eared civet’s cat ears are a big taboo for their clan! No one can touch it! Especially human men!

The red-eared civets have a deep hatred of human men!

If other men dared to touch their ears, they might violently beat and tear each other apart!

Even Mo Tianhuang, the fiance, didn’t dare to touch Mao Ruozhen’s ears.

But Su Changyu is different!

If the mao is true at this moment, not only does it not have a hint of anger or disgust, but it also has some enjoyment.

Su Changyu is his master, even higher than the status of gods!

She can defy the will of God, but she will not defy Su Changyu’s order.

Moreover, after seeing Su Changyu’s real Realm, Maomei has a new understanding of the word “strong”!

Compared with Su Changyu, other Tianjiao in Zhongzhou is not even a fart!

They also deserve the title of “genius”?

Su Changyu was in his twenties, and his strength was comparable to that of the Saint King Realm!

Counting the past and present, can anyone do this?

Those geniuses?

Don’t be kidding!

Any Practitioner who comes to Liangyijing can hang them up and hammer them!

Even if the Saint King Realm wanted to destroy their family, it was not impossible!

What about magic?

There is no more magic or magic in Cat Girl’s heart. If she could have such a powerful power, what if she fell into Devil Dao?

As long as it is strong enough, gods are gods, demons are also gods!

Su Changyu is the supreme god in the heart of cat girl!

She would only feel honored to be touched by the gods.

“Master, there is something unclear about sister cat.”

“You want to ask why I am embarrassed by the Swordsman Temple? Why, are you distressed?”

“Absolutely not! Master Mingjian. There is only the master in the cat girl’s heart, and she will always be the master in this life and this life! Then Mo Tianhuang is compared with the master, the master is tomorrow’s bright moon, he can’t even count the brilliance of rice grains! I am right! He has no feelings at all. Even if the master kills him, I will never frown.”

Su Changyu can check the thoughts of cat sister at any time, and she will never deceive herself.

“In this world, you want to find a better man than me, I am afraid it will be difficult.”

“I can’t find it, that cat girl would rather be a cat next to the owner and serve the owner for life!”

Su Changyu nodded in satisfaction and looked towards the sky.

Over there, a round of red clouds dyed half of the sky, and it seemed that the fire of Nine Heavens was approaching quickly.

Well, she is here!

“Go, go and help me meet my fiancee. I heard that she had eaten in Xiao Ziling’s hands a few days ago, so I must be feeling uncomfortable at this moment.”

“Master’s fiancé? Then why don’t you, Master…Yes, cat sister is going!”

Cat sister wanted to ask more, but seeing Su Changyu’s eyes gradually became unpleasant, she didn’t dare to say any more immediately, cupped hands withdrew from the Su Jianshan Temple.

The reason why Su Changyu did not go was because he had noticed that the situation in the “earth world” had changed.

Regarding the planet he created, he has not yet figured out what to call it, so he temporarily called it the earth world.

As soon as his divine mind moved, Su Changyu immediately disappeared in place, and his body descended directly on the earth realm.

The earth has reached the age of Wanfa, the most holy of Taoism, and an incarnation of the self-proclaimed founder Yuan Ling has appeared.

This plot is familiar to Su Changyu!

According to previous novels, the founding Yuan Ling is the master of Hongjun ancestor, Hunkun ancestor, Nuwa Empress, and Lu Ya Daoist.

The ancestor of Hongjun is also the Master of Yuanshi Tianzun, the Master of Taishang, the Master of Tongtian and others. Yuanshi Tianzun is also the Master of Taiyi, Yuding, and others. These two goods have taught Nezha, Yang Jian and others…

According to this trend, it is to develop into the previous world!

However, this possibility was extinguished at the beginning!

Founding Yuan Ling… is dying!

The founding Yuan Ling is dying, so how come the people behind it appear? Still developing a hairy?

It was precisely because of this that Su Changyu did not rush to meet Murong Yan.

Earth world!

Everything is clumped, the forest is deep and the trees are luxuriant.

There are different colors of sunlight everywhere, the sky is gloomy and gloomy, and thunder and lightning are everywhere.

Look at the sky, it looks like the end of the day!

However, looking at the surrounding scenery is full of vitality, like the beginning of a new life!

Surrounded by Spiritual Qi, the essence is gathered, smog, quiet, quiet, but also lonely!

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