Chapter 209 Who is bragging?

Everyone turned their heads to look, only to see a long black robe man with a faint wicked smile on his face, and a group of people walking towards this side.

“Su… Young Master Su!”

“Mao Ruozhen? Red-eared civet?”

“Master Su? Son Xiang? The true story of Mao?”

Mao Ruo is really the name of Maomei!

The name “Cat Girl” is exclusive to Su Changyu, everyone else, who will die!

Outside, those disciples usually call Maomei Maozhenzhuan, or “Senior Sister Ruozhen.”

Mo Tianhuang, who was quite arrogant before, suddenly became dumb, unable to speak.

Because if Mao does appear, Mo Tianhuang has become the second focus besides Su Changyu!

There is no other reason, just because Mao Ruo is really Mo Tianhuang’s fiancée!

The Sirius clan and the Red-eared Civet clan are of the same origin and come from the depths of the Pingchuan snow forest in the western part of the central state.

Ten thousand years ago, because the red-eared civets were sold as pets, the Sirius family also helped a lot!

Almost all the red-eared civets who survived by chance have been blessed by the Sirius clan!

Cat sister, as one of the few pure-blooded red-eared civets, only agreed to this marriage three years ago because of her gratitude!

At that time, the cat sister was already a true disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and her life-long event was bound to attract the attention of the world, so this matter was almost universally known.

Therefore, when Mao Ruo really appeared, everyone would subconsciously connect her with Mo Tianhuang.

Seeing Mao Ruozhen, Mo Tianhuang was also a little excited for a while.

He has never seen this fiancee several times!

However, the red-eared civets are famous all over the world for their beauty, otherwise they would not have been sold as precious pets and handmaid thousands of years ago.

Plus Mao Ruozhen is still a true disciple of Tianjianmen!

With good looks and talent, why didn’t Mo Tianhuang agree?

He is eager for this marriage!

I haven’t seen it for a few years, Ma Ruo really looks better than before, and has a more mature charm. Between every gesture, the charm is full of charm!

Enchanting and graceful figure, with a full grip of the willow waist, the skin is like fat, the lips are red, and the eyebrows are picturesque. With a holy and dust-free ice silk tulle, it adds a bit of mysterious hazy feeling!

This is Fairy!

However, the two triangular cat ears protruding from the black silk on the sideburns on both sides added a bit of Monster Qi to her.

It is more suitable to describe her as “elf”!

Mo Tianhuang felt an indescribable excitement when he thought that such a flawless woman was actually his own wife!


After Su Changyu came here, the first thing he did was to find Son of Luck and Son of Destiny!

Dozens of Zhongzhou’s proud children gathered here!

But the result was disappointing!

None of them are the Son of Destiny or Son of Luck!

They are all a bunch of guys who eat hard food, and they are worthy of calling themselves geniuses?

However, there are many people who are lucky enough.

Xiao Tianchu is!

Mo Tianhuang is!

The three-eyed monster over there is also the young master of the Dapeng clan with golden wings behind it…

A rough estimate, at least ten!

Where there are lucky people, there must be a son of luck.

It can be said that the person of good luck is the guide stone of the son of luck and the son of destiny.

Unexpectedly, Su Changyu actually came here!

Everyone was surprised, but soon calmed down.

This is the site of the Heavenly Sword Gate!

As the true disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect and the host, it was normal for Su Changyu to show up.

“Su Mou hates someone bragging most in his life. As soon as he walked in, he heard someone say that his talent is far superior to me. Who said that? Stand up and let Su see it!”

This is Su Changyu?

The first thing you say is vulgar words, it’s simply ruining the three views!

Some geniuses who saw Su Changyu for the first time frowned. Those geniuses who knew Su Changyu were already a little bit strange!

This is Su Changyu!

This is normal for Su Changyu!

“It’s you?”

Su Changyu looked at Mo Tianhuang. The two had never seen each other before. This was the first time he had met. He saw through the identity of each other’s bloodline at a glance, “Wolf, you said your talent is better than me? Isn’t it?”

Mo Tianhuang didn’t know what expression to make, Su Changyu was more terrifying than he thought!

Its Realm, I can’t find it anymore!

This happens only if there is more than one big Realm between two Practitioners.

This shows that Su Changyu has made a breakthrough in the two states!

At this age, he has reached the state of Liangyi, and his talent is really terrifying!

“Come out, I suppress Realm to fight with you, first let you ten strokes, within ten strokes, if you can touch the corner of my clothes, I count you as winning!”

Hearing this, Mo Tianhuang felt angry and angry in his heart, which made it clear that he looked down upon people!

After suppressing Realm, ten tricks to let yourself be? Don’t you just look down!

However, Su Changyu’s self-assured attitude made Mo Tianhuang not dare to speak!

The shadow of a person’s name and a tree, there is no avatar under the prestigious reputation, Su Changyu can be called the number one genius in Zhongzhou, absolutely not to be underestimated!

If you are challenged and won, it is naturally good, and it is great! Su Changyu has never been defeated in his life. Defeating him will definitely be the first person to directly reach the top of Zhongzhou!

Even if you win, you might get revenge from the Su dynasty, but that’s enough.

But what if you lose?

The opponent suppressed Realm, but he still couldn’t beat him. After that, he would have no face to mix in Zhongzhou, and he could only hide in the depths of the Pingchuan Snow Forest in the western part of the central state.

Most importantly, Mao Ruozhen is still here!

If he loses, what would Mao think of him? How disappointed he must be!

Mo Tianhuang dare not!

“I didn’t talk about me, I just talked about one of my friends.”

Friends of the lucky guys?

Moreover, he was so praised and boasted by people of good luck, that the friend who wanted to come to him must be above him in strength and talent!

Son of luck is undoubtedly!

Su Changyu said: “Your friend? Has he come yet? Where? Pull it out and let Su see him.”

Mo Tianhuang said: “He is not here now.”

“Then contact him! Let him come over! Or, I can go over!”

It’s been too long, too long for Su Changyu to stalk the wool, and he is already hungry and thirsty in his heart!

A girl’s voice was heard nearby.

“It’s just a lunatic, why don’t Young Master Su take it to heart!”

Su Changyu followed the sound and found that Xiao Bing’er was looking at herself with a fiery face. After touching Own’s gaze, Xiao Bing’er immediately lowered her head and faintly saw that her cheeks turned red.

Why is this girl blushing?

A trace of doubt flashed in Su Changyu’s heart. You know, when he was in the Eastern Region, Xiao Bing’er hated him, but he hated him to his bones!

“Girl Xiao is here too!”

“Binger has seen Young Master Su!”

Su Changyu nodded slightly and looked at the masculine man beside Xiao Binger.

“This, it must be Xiao Tianchu on the ground!”

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