Chapter 206: Still Can’t Let It Go?

However, since Su Changyu went to the Eastern Region, Murong Yan felt that things were a little different.

Forget it, it’s not the same if it’s different, it’s okay to have a little difference!

Because Murong Yan also changed some routes!

Just like this Xiao Ziling!

He should be famous in the Emperor City today, because of own appearance, Xiao Ziling flees, today’s competition may also be postponed, and next time, Xiao Ziling may not dare to participate!

This caused a change in the route!

And Su Changyu is also a variable, he brought back one or two people from the Eastern Region and it was nothing!

As long as he doesn’t stay in the Eastern Region forever!

Some small changes should be fine, and will not hinder the final result!

Just because the maidservant said something that shouldn’t be said, Su Changyu sent the other party into a jail?

What the old woman said was very clear.

Although Su Changyu in this life is a little different from the previous life, his character has not changed at all!

What makes Murong Yan a little sad is that when she heard that there were other women beside Su Changyu, she was actually very uncomfortable!

She is grieving for herself!

I thought that after three thousand years of silence and hatred, her character should become extremely calm and unshakable, and she has no feelings for Su Changyu!


When things really happened, she suddenly realized and awakened, that she could not be calm.

Mo Qingxue!

What is her relationship with Su Changyu?

Why did Su Changyu bring her to Zhongzhou?

Does Su Changyu care about her?

Otherwise, why did the maid just say something and he sent the other party to the jail? Doesn’t this care and what is it?

Murong Yan hated her own character, but she was still sour and uncomfortable.

Heavenly Sword Gate!

Back mountain!

The top of the mountain above Kendo is brilliant and dazzling!

A strong wave of Spiritual Qi has indirectly sprayed out from the top of the mountain and echoed for thousands of miles.

Heavenly Sword Gate, a strange treasure is about to appear!

“Is it the Sword Dao Immortal Palace? Or the Ancient Sword Dao? Or… the Immortal Fate Continent?”

“Not at all.”

Su Changyu stood on the top of own Su Jian Mountain, staring at the divine light of the back mountain, muttering to himself.

Not only Su Changyu, but almost all the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, focused their attention on the back mountain!

Who can not be moved by the strange treasure in this world?

As one of the oldest Sects in Zhongzhou and the most powerful Sect, Tianjianmen has too many secrets!

It is said that there is an entrance to the mainland hidden in the Heavenly Sword Gate!


As the name suggests, the Xianyuan Continent hides countless “Xianyuan” places!

Above the Saint King Realm, there is the Broken Immortal!

And the land of fairyland has the secret of breaking through the fairyland and becoming a fairy!

Of course, this is just a legend!

After all, no one has seen the Xianyuan Continent, and whether there is a fairyland is two different things!

Others say that above the holy realm is the divine realm, there is no fairyland at all!

Anyway, no fairy has appeared in Zhongzhou. It is a fairy or a god, all with a mouth. Whoever says it is true and beautiful, then whoever says it is true!

But above the Saint King Realm, there is indeed room for improvement!

There should be someone in Zhongzhou who has broken through the Saint King Realm, but has never shown up!

It is also possible that someone showed up, but the Realm of the people in Zhongzhou is too low-minded to find it.

The Xianyuan Continent is only one of the secrets of the Heavenly Sword Gate, and the Heavenly Sword Gate also hides many secrets, secret treasures,

The ancient kendo and kendo fairy palace that Su Changyu said to himself are the secrets of Tianjianmen.

But no matter what it is, I believe this vision will surely attract many forces.

Who doesn’t want such a big opportunity?

Even Su Changyu is moved!

The secrets of the back mountain cannot be suppressed. The forces in Zhongzhou are as numerous as the stars. When the time comes, they will definitely try all kinds of ways to get into the Heavenly Sword Gate!

The more you are afraid, the more you will lose!

Instead of blocking the people of those forces out of the door and letting them rack their brains to show their magical powers and mix into the Heavenly Sword Gate, it is better to open it directly to them. Everyone can go to the land behind the mountain!

Not everyone has the opportunity!

Even if the Heavenly Sword Gate is open to the back mountain, no one may be able to take the treasure!

First of all, they don’t even think about going up the eighty-one kendo!

Of course, the eighty-one-floor kendo is not the only way to climb the mountain, but other places are not easy to walk. Otherwise, why has no one been able to reach the top of the back mountain for so long?

The Heavenly Sword Sect is so widely released, other strengths and dynasties will naturally not be too excessive!

They would definitely not send a holy realm powerhouse to compete for treasures, otherwise, even if the Heavenly Sword Sect didn’t say anything, other forces would look down upon it!

Therefore, this time, they must be young talents from the Quartet!

As for the Heavenly Sword Sect, naturally it would also send out the young geniuses in its own clan.

This time the emergence of the strange treasure is more like a competition for the younger generation.

“Haha!” Thinking of this, Su Changyu’s mouth turned upwards and he sneered twice.

The young geniuses of Tianjianmen are certainly powerful. People like Maomei, Tang Qingqing, and Feng Buyan, who can be sent out at random, can sling most of the Tianjiao geniuses.

However, two fists are hard to beat four hands. When the gap is not very large, it can be made up with quantity!

The geniuses of other forces, Realm are not a few in the Transcendent Realm Great Perfection, and pass the secluded realm. Without saying the wind, can one pass the secluded realm, and can you play ten pass the secluded realm?

But Su Changyu can!

Su Changyu has to come forward if you want to stop those guys!

The ancestor Taishang hated Su Changyu quite a bit, and all kinds of things were not pleasing to the eye, but what could he do?

If he doesn’t want this strange treasure to end up in the hands of other forces, he can only ask Su Changyu to do it! This is why Su Changyu sneered.

The ancestor of Taishang is very powerful, famous as the epicenter of the state, but he is tens of thousands of years old, so he will not compete with a group of young descendants in his 20s and 30s for foreign treasures, right? Even Sect Leader Li Wanshan can’t hold back that old face, let alone him!

“Tang Qingqing Closed Door Training, Feng does not say that I was injured by me. Most of the other true disciples were also in Closed Door Training. Counting them, there are really few disciples who can handle the Heavenly Sword Gate now! Waiting for you to come to me!”

Su Changyu smiled negatively, turned and left the top of Su Jianshan.

Over the past few days, the ancestor Su Jiu’er taught the Heart Jue of the Heavenly Sword Sect. If you want to become a true disciple of the Sword Sect, you must learn the Heart Jue of the Heavenly Sword!

What is “true transmission”? Isn’t it the Sect’s unique Cultivation Technique?

The selection date for the heir of the Heavenly Sword Gate is also getting closer. Su Jiu’er’s top priority is to learn how to make the Heavenly Sword Heart Determine.

Su Changyu didn’t bother to take care of it. In short, no matter how Su Jiu’er cultivates, he is not Su Changyu’s opponent.

As the vision continues, the black market at the foot of the Tianjianmen Mountain has become more lively, and countless Tianjiao have rushed to Tianjianmen from all over Zhongzhou!

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