Chapter 196: Enough, Stop Talking

She is not afraid of death, she is afraid that she will not be able to fulfill all her wishes before she dies, and she will not be injustice for the Nine Races!

“Su Changyu, I will kill you, but I want to kill you upright!”

Su Changyu turned around and said blankly: “You don’t need to be upright, you are my Little Sister, you kill me, no one dares to do anything to you!”

With that, Su Changyu raised a sigh, and his voice was like Hong Zhong Dalu, spreading thousands of miles!

“Listen, everyone, this is a matter of our Su dynasty. It has nothing to do with you. Elder, please accept your spirit! This person is my Little Sister. If I die in her hands today, then It’s just a private matter of our Su dynasty, which has nothing to do with the Heavenly Sword Sect!”

After that, Su Changyu returned to his normal voice, and said to Su Jiu’er: “Don’t worry, no one will treat you like you! Don’t you want to eat my meat and drink my blood? Come on!”

Su Changyu caught the Eight Desolate Fighting Madness, and suddenly took a step forward!

Bahuang Zhan Kuang pierced his chest directly!

Su Jiu’er was taken aback and hurriedly stopped!

But the halberd was still grasped by Su Changyu, and it pierced his body about two inches deep!

The red blood stained Su Changyu’s clothes.

Su Jiu’er had never killed an ant ever since he was a child, let alone kill anyone!

How dare she!

After all, she was just a little girl in her twenties.

She had fantasized about killing Su Changyu more than 10,000 times in her heart. The scene was bloody, but she firmly believed that she could bear it!

But now, when she saw the blood flowing out, she still didn’t dare to look directly!

“What’s wrong, Jiuer!?”

“Su Changyu, I will kill you, without your mercy!”

“Back then… I really had troubles! Whether you believe it or not! I can give you back what you want! Do you want my heart?”

“Enough! Su Changyu, stop talking!”

Su Jiu’er turned around, clenched his fists, “I want it! But I will get it by myself, and I will store it with you now!”

“You can take it away anytime you want!”

“Don’t think that I will be moved! Tell you Su Changyu, it’s useless, kill you, I won’t be shaken!”

“I know! Then I’ll wait for you to get it anytime!”

On the pick-up girl, can anyone in this world play with Su Changyu?

From ancient times to the present, women have been emotional animals, or they say “women’s benevolence”, the ancients sincerely did not deceive me!

Su Jiu’er has a relationship with Xiancun in the future, and it is too hard to pull her out!

If Su Changyu really killed Su Jiu’er, it would be weird if a few old things in Xiancun could sit still!

At that time, I’m afraid it will cause a commotion!

So, there is no cost-effective way to subdue Su Jiu’er. Even if the system does not give a route to subdue Su Jiu’er, Su Changyu might as well do it himself. Maybe, there will be surprises!


Congratulations to the host, Su Jiuer’s mood has slightly changed, and his luck value is increased by 100 points!

have a look!

have a look!

What are you talking about!

Just after Su Changyu thought about this, the system over there sent a reminder!

It has been too long since the value of luck has been recorded, and Su Changyu is almost done!

Even if there were only one hundred points, it was enough to make Su Changyu excited for a long time!

This shows that the own conjecture is correct!

In this case… then Su Jiu’er don’t even want to escape from Su Changyu’s Wuzhi Mountain!

Su Jiu’er didn’t want to continue talking nonsense with Su Changyu, but Su Changyu’s demeanor and demeanor continued in her mind!

“Don’t you want to eat my meat and my blood? Don’t you want me to die? Come on.”

He closed his eyes, his face was relieved, and the life and death were all entrusted to himself!

Can he really be killed by himself willingly?

Or is it…just acting?

Su Jiu’er’s scheming was not so deep. Whether Su Changyu was acting or not, it just flashed through her mind, and she immediately denied it!

She believes that there will be no such stupid people in this world who are willing to act with their lives!

If he did a fake act and really stabbed him to death, wouldn’t he be a bad one?

How can he be sure that he dare not stab?

Therefore, 90% of Su Changyu cannot be acting!

Is he really willing to be beheaded by himself?

What kind of mentality is this!

“Back then… I really had troubles! Whether you believe it or not! I can give you back what you want! Do you want my heart?”

Su Changyu is eloquent and sincere!

This sentence kept lingering in Su Jiu’er’s mind!

This is the second time Su Changyu has said this to her!

For the first time, Su Jiu’er directly ignored it and didn’t believe it at all!

But this time, coupled with Su Changyu’s willingness to be killed, this sentence is like a magic sound, lingering for a long time!

Could it be… what he said is true? Or why does he keep emphasizing this matter?

Back then… Did he have any difficulties?

How old was he then? Understand what is difficult? What is involuntary?


too messy!

Then simply one size fits all!

Regardless of whether Su Changyu has difficulties or not, no matter what the reason is, he must kill him!

Conviction was strengthened a bit, Su Jiu’er stopped paying attention to anyone, and walked straight to the sword!

She’s going to be a swordsman!

“Senior Brother Su, are you okay?”

“Brother Su, doesn’t it matter? This is healing medicine!”

“Senior Brother Su, let me take you to the Dan Pavilion, and let Dan Qingzi take a look for you!”

The disciples around have gathered around and are concerned about Su Changyu’s injury!

This person Su Changyu…really has nothing to say!

It’s just surface meaning.

Almost no disciple is willing to talk to him!

But there is no way, who makes him a genius, the old man is the big Elder, and he is still a true disciple. In the future, the Heavenly Sword Sect may belong to him!

Even if you don’t want to talk to him anymore, for the sake of future, you have to make a look to please him.

“What does it have to do with you? Don’t I have a Medicine Pill myself? What about my Little Sister stabbing me? This is the end of the matter. If any of you dare to trouble me Little Sister, I will be the first to kill him! ”

Instead of getting Su Changyu’s kindness in exchange for the people’s concern, they were rather ashamed.

Very good, this is very Su Changyu!

This was also heard by Su Jiu’er, who was walking towards the sword.

Has Su Changyu been so unappreciative all the time?

Also, this guy has a devilish heart, so he probably doesn’t understand what feelings are!

But to himself…

Even now, he is defending himself!

This involuntarily caused Su Jiu’er’s just calm mind to ripple again, and she had already reached the first stone step!

It was too late to think about anything, because Su Jiu’er had a moment of insight immediately in his mind!

“Sword heart! Sword intent! Sword intent! Sword soul…”

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