Chapter 194

After this Closed Door Training, Feng said that he did not break through the two states, but got stuck in the Great Perfection of Tongyoujing! Can’t breakthrough for a long time!

It may be because of the influence of the mood, or it may be because of some aspects of the body!

This makes Feng not speak very distressed!

Although he is the Great Perfection through the Nether Realm, the power he displayed at this moment is definitely not weaker than any Liangyi Realm!

It’s too scary!

As if the end of the world, everyone was shocked when they saw it!

In the presence, only the two of them did not change their expressions!

One is Su Changyu! At this moment, Su Changyu not only didn’t panic, but wanted to laugh a little!

Do you dare to fight yourself even with such a small amount of Taoism?

The other person is Cat Girl!

In the eyes of cat sister, this wind is simply looking for death!

Others don’t know Su Changyu’s strength, can she still be unclear?

Not to mention Su Changyu’s real Realm, just the real Realm on the surface is enough to crush the wind!

“Su Changyu! Don’t hide if there is a kind! Give me a hammer–”

The wind that turned into a thunder and lightning madman rushed down from Nine Heavens, and the giant hammer took the lead!

That Lei Jun has turned into a super invincible giant hammer at this moment, reaching a terrifying 30 meters in diameter, covering the sky and the sun, with thousands of thunder and lightning falling fiercely!

He came to Su Changyu’s head in the blink of an eye!

Su Changyu did not dodge or hide, his eyes flashed with contempt!


The breath of Su Changyu’s body rose rapidly!

Azure Dragon phantom rises from behind him!

The White Tiger phantom rose from behind him!

Black Tortoise, Vermillion Bird, Qilin…

The phantoms of the five sacred beasts were shot from behind him, and a halberd pierced the void, strangely appearing on Su Changyu’s head!

Eight Desolate Fighting Madness!

The Eight Desolate Fighting Madness is a magic weapon!

However, that was the previous Eight Desolate Fighting Madness!

Today’s Eight Desolate Fighting Madness has been sealed by those ancient immortals in the Eastern Region!

As long as the Bahuang Zhan Kuang possesses the holy beast totem, it means that this weapon is definitely not a devil!

On the contrary, it can also be used to verify the user’s devilish energy!

Once the user has devilish energy, the sacred beast totem on the Eight Desolation Fighting Madness will dissolve on its own, thus exposing the original face of the Eight Desolation Fighting Madness!

As soon as the Eight Desolation Fighters came out, under the blessing of the sacred beast phantom, a group of brilliant rays of light that was even more dazzling than the scorching sun burst out in an instant!

Everyone around Thorn couldn’t open their eyes, they raised their arms to cover their faces!


The sledgehammer fell, and the majestic energy swayed away from Su Changyu’s head, scattered around in circles!

Some disciples who had good deeds, it was clear that Realm couldn’t do it, but they wanted to stand in the forefront. As a result, after the energy fluctuated out, those disciples who were leaning on the forefront were shaken out one after another!

The ground under Su Changyu’s feet collapsed and sank, and a circular cobweb crack appeared!

Bang bang bang…

At the outermost part of the cobweb crack, because the Spiritual Qi fluctuated too strongly, and everyone around him blocked the energy, an explosion occurred, and the ground was exploded with circular holes one after another!

The disciples that had been shocked before were vomiting blood. I couldn’t believe that just the aftermath of the explosion could seriously injure ordinary disciples. If the attack went straight to them, what kind of scene would it be!

Thousands of people will have to become meatloaf with one hammer!

“Ah? What kind of weapon is this?”

“Senior Brother Su actually uses weapons?”

“This weapon… is weird! The red… halberd? I seem to have seen it somewhere!”

“This…this…this…” Some disciples had already recognized the Eight Desolation Zhan Kuang, and they were suddenly speechless!

“This is… the sacred beast Honghuang Halberd! It ranks first in the Weapon Book! Haven’t you seen the “Weapon Book”?”

“Isn’t the number one in the wild war madness?”

“This is the back of the Eight Desolate Zhan Kuang! After being suppressed by the gods of the Eastern Territory, it was changed to the’Holy Beast Honghuang Halberd’!”

As the memory of the Eight Desolation Zhan Kuang was awakened, the disciples opened their mouths in amazement!

“That’s right! This is the Eight Desolate Fighting Madness!”

“Holy beast Hong Huang halberd, I didn’t expect Senior Brother Su to find even these treasures!”

“The sacred beast Hong Huang Ji now does not even rank in the top 100 in the “Weapons”. His predecessor, the Eight Desolation Zhan Kuang, is the most powerful. It is said that it is a demon… ahem!”

The word Demon Monarch is like a taboo!

Speaking of that person, the disciples stopped again and again, circumventing the taboo!

“Bahuang Zhan Kuang? Su Changyu actually got a demon soldier?” Some Elders swept this scene with divine thoughts, and they were shocked!

Taishang An’s wrinkled eyelids covered most of his eyeballs, as if he was asleep, his skinny body, like a straw, was standing under a pine tree on a distant mountain at this moment.

“Su Changyu is about to evolve into Demon Monarch! Can’t let him continue to grow!”

The Eight Desolate Fighting Madness is the weapon of Demon Monarch. Su Changyu has the Eight Desolation Fighting Madness, is it still far from becoming Demon Monarch?

As powerful as the great ancestor, my heart at this time also felt a little uneasy!


Circles of red ripples swayed continuously from the front end of the Eight Desolate Zhan Kuang, and the rippled red gas enveloped Su Changyu’s body!

Su Changyu Spiritual Qi rushed out, and the Eight Desolation Wars were instantly transformed into a ferocious beast. The ground was broken and the giant hammer was rushed out. A blood-red light pierced through the sky, Su Changyu turned into thunder and lightning, and passed through the wind in an instant. The unspoken body appeared behind him!

Feng said it only felt that his chest was cut apart, his breathing became extremely difficult, his body was out of control, and his body fell freely downward!

“Brother Su!”

“Brother Su!”

The disciples below shot at the same time to catch the wind without words!

His heart was damaged and he was thrust through by a spear thrust by Su Changyu.

But Su Changyu didn’t hurt the killer, just a small punishment, otherwise his heart and Dantian would both break apart at this moment!

So many Elders around are watching. If Su Changyu really does that, the Elders will definitely take action. Although Su Changyu is not afraid, there is no need to cause that trouble.

The wind is not just a clown, not a son of luck. Killing him will not do any good to Su Changyu. Instead, it will cause a showdown and make the Daguang Dynasty hate the Su Dynasty.

Su Changyu slowly floated down from the sky carrying the Eight Desolation Zhan Kuang.

“Cultivation for a few more years, you are too weak!”

The wind does not speak, holding his heart, and a line of bright red flows out of the corner of his mouth!

I thought he was almost there, but Su Changyu was only on the sixth floor of the Nether Realm three months ago!

Unexpectedly… I still couldn’t catch up with Su Changyu!

“Is this his current strength?”

Su Jiu’er watched Su Changyu closely. The move just now was really terrifying. She wondered, if she were to change to herself, would she be able to resist it without using any Magic Treasures?

It’s hard!

Su Changyu is stronger than she thought!

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