Chapter 192 Who Gives You the Dog Face

Things in the back mountain seemed like a flood, and it swept the whole family in an instant!

Almost everyone has received the news!

Someone should have released the news deliberately!

this person……

It’s not clear for the time being, but for now, it is very likely that the wind does not speak!

At that time, Su Changyu got a lot of attention for climbing the forty-fifth floor of Kendo!

In 100,000 years, no one has ever been able to break Su Changyu’s record!

Even the great ancestor of the unparalleled “No. 1 in the world”, the record is under Su Changyu!

The man who reached the top sixty-sixth floor has become a myth forever!

And it’s not in the same era as it is now!

One hundred thousand years ago, that should belong to the ancient times!

Three hundred thousand years ago is the Middle Ages.

Seven hundred thousand years ago is ancient times.

Millions of years ago are ancient times!

In today’s Zhongzhou, Su Changyu is qualified to be called the unparalleled number one genius after modern times!

If even the Heavenly Sword Sect of Sect, the largest Sect, cannot explain the problem, then there is nothing to prove a person’s aptitude!

The kendo of Tianjianmen is definitely the best proof of qualification!

The first person in ancient times!

This evaluation is too high!

This also gave Su Changyu a supreme aura!

And Su Jiu’er in front of him, no worse than Su Changyu, is still a person who is too important to his ancestors!

Perhaps, she can make a breakthrough, and it may not necessarily break Su Changyu’s record!

At that time, Su Jiu’er will become the focus of everyone, and Su Changyu’s halo is bound to be much dim!

That’s why the wind doesn’t say anything, I want more people to come over and witness the breaking process of Su Changyu’s myth!

Su Changyu is by no means the first person in ancient times!

It’s just a fancy name, but this can affect Su Changyu’s mood to a certain extent. If Su Changyu’s mood is not firm enough, then his Cultivation Base may stagnate from then on, and he will not be able to save for life!

This possibility is definitely not small!

However, Su Changyu is underestimated by the wind without saying!

Will Su Changyu care about this?

Even if Su Jiu’er broke the 66-story record 100,000 years ago, Su Changyu wouldn’t frown!

If Su Changyu wants to climb the kendo, the eighty-first floor? He could go up to the eight hundred and tenth floor, and he still ran up!

You know, the Heavenly Demon skill, the evil demon Han Tian Jue, and the dark sky source are all linked to the soul. How did Su Changyu resolve the soul attack that hated Tianzun?

Wasn’t it swallowed by Su Changyu’s Heavenly Demon skill?

Su Changyu’s demon soul is so powerful that it exceeds everyone’s imagination. Even if hundreds of Sword intents penetrate into his body, he can still bear it!


It’s just a joke to him!

“It’s her, has the Taishang ancestors go out?”

“Isn’t she the Little Sister of Brother Su?”

“Is the one standing next to Senior Brother Feng?”

“It’s really Senior Brother Feng, Senior Brother Feng is out!”

“I have long heard that Senior Brother Feng is outstanding, and I have never seen it before. When I saw it today, it was different. I feel that he is much more burly and domineering than Senior Brother Su!”

“That’s not right, Brother Feng has always been no weaker than Brother Su, I think, Brother Feng is still above Brother Su! This time I leave customs, I don’t know what Realm Brother Feng has reached!”

“Hehe, no matter what Realm, Brother Feng wants to defeat Senior Brother Su, it is definitely not difficult!”

“Really? I don’t think it is necessary. Senior Brother Su was a genius who could climb the forty-fifth floor of Swordsmanship, but Senior Brother Feng?”

“Swordsmanship is not absolute! Houtian’s efforts are even more important! Senior Brother Su hasn’t Closed Door Training cultivation for a long time, but Senior Brother Feng has been like a day, never slacking off!”

Not only the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Gate, but also the Elders from the Heavenly Sword Gate came here one after another!

Sect Leader Li Wanshan and Elder Su Wangtian didn’t come, but they had a ray of spiritual thoughts, watching here all the time!




The top of the back mountain is like a volcanic eruption. After a series of dull and loud noises, a thick beam of light rises from the top of the back mountain, breaking through the clouds and poking a hole in the sky!

The beam of light flickered a few times and disappeared. However, the lightning radiated a ray of light, as if something strange was about to emerge!


There is a reaction! ?

On this back mountain, even the ancestor Taishang has never been there. No one knows what is on it. When it reaches mid-air, it will be affected by the ancient Restrictions, unable to fly, and the gravity will double!

Only from Kendo can you reach the top of the mountain!

This is the greatest secret of Tianjianmen! Houshan is also called “Sacred Land” by Tianjianmen disciples.

“Jiu’er, Sacred Land actually has a reaction? I want to come, Sacred Land discovered you and is very interested in you, you see, there are also brilliance flowing on the kendo stone steps, Sanskrit flowing, you can’t go wrong, you can definitely break you Recorded by Big Brother!”

“Jiu’er? You called it too?”

Su Jiu’er was also dissatisfied with Feng Bu Yan’s name, too intimate, but out of politeness, she never said anything.

At this time, a cold voice came from behind.

Su Jiu’er and Feng Buyan turned their heads and looked around at the same time, and saw Su Changyu slowly walking towards here with a hand on his back!

“Su Changyu?” Fengbuyan’s expression instantly dropped to a freezing point!

This person is the enemy of his life!

Regardless of his identity or strength, he was all overwhelmed. Before he entered the Heavenly Sword Gate, Feng said he was surrounded by thousands of favors and auras, everything was so eye-catching and dazzling!

However, since the day he arrived at the Heavenly Sword Gate, all his aura was taken away by Su Changyu!

Su Changyu’s limelight far surpasses him!

Everyone in the world only remembers the first, no one remembers the second!

People only know that Su Changyu has ascended to the forty-fifth floor of kendo. How many people remember that he has ascended to the 27th floor without saying anything?

Everyone knows that Su Changyu came out of the Su dynasty of the first family in Zhongzhou, and he is a genius of the Daguang dynasty without saying anything!

The halo on his body is so faint and dim in front of Su Changyu!

He tried many times, but to no avail. He could not steal Su Changyu’s aura, but he hoped that someone would show up and rub Su Changyu on the ground. Even if that person is not him, then he is very happy!

He hopes that this person is Su Jiu’er!

“It’s Junior Brother Su!”

The wind is not a disciple of the transfer power Elder, and in the entire Heavenly Sword Gate, he is the only one who can be called Junior Brother Su Changyu!

This is also the only place that can make him happy! It is also the only place where Su Changyu has been crushed!

“Who gave you the dog face to make you call me that?” Su Changyu looked frosty, “Heavenly Sword Gate respects martial arts, don’t you know?”

“You… Junior Brother Su, I hope you can pay attention to your words! There is a sequence of success in the Tao. I will first get started with you, and I will be in the school of Elder, and call you Junior Brother, shouldn’t it?”

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