Chapter 178


Murong Yan cleared up her mood, smiled again, and became the same as before, her eyes full of Su Changyu, her deep affection, she made no secret of it!

“Changyu Big Brother, I’m just… too happy for a while, I don’t know how to express it!”

“You scared me to death, I really thought you were upset! Just fine!”

Su Changyu stretched out her arm, Murong Yan glanced at the people in the Great Hall, hesitated, but still leaned forward actively!

She is now the prince of the Taoist dynasty!

That is the future empress!

The empress also has this face?

Sure enough, people are people, and they can never be compared with God!

But also because it is a human being, it is even more beautiful! How can a god who does not have seven emotions and six desires experience it!

Su Wangtian and Murongcheng glanced again, and both laughed, thinking what was wrong, it turned out that Xiu En Ai Xiu was here.

“That’s all right, you two, don’t give me me and me! Changyu, the emperor and I have already settled the matter for you two!” Murong Cheng couldn’t stand the sour smell of love and waved his hands again and again.

Su Wangtian smiled and said: “Yes, Dazu Lao, Erzu Lao and others are also here, then I will talk about the results of the discussion with Brother Murong. Three months later, July 15th, in Heavenly Dao City, The wedding of Su Changyu and Murong Yan will be held. This time, it is also the first marriage between our Su dynasty and Daoxuan dynasty. It is of great significance and significance. From then on, our Su dynasty will be as strong as iron with Daoxuan dynasty. Feelings, resist the invaders together, as a family!”

This matter is not a secret. The two had already planned a wedding at a very young age, so they were baby kisses.

Although someone said so casually at the time, this matter has been kept in mind by the two families.

At that time, Murong City and Su Wangtian were both emperors, one in charge of the Su dynasty and the other in charge of the Taoxuan dynasty. If the two were married, it would definitely increase the strength of the Su dynasty and the Daoxuan dynasty. Let the whole Zhongzhou tremble!

The key lies in these two children!

If the child is willing, then this will definitely happen!

And this matter was a good thing for both dynasties, no matter whether it was the clan elder or the clan, there was no reason to oppose it!

Although no one has mentioned it in the past two decades, everyone believes that this will happen sooner or later!

Sure enough, it still happened!

However, in this way, Su Changyu’s power is even stronger, and the elders and others will not dare to fight Su Changyu in the future.

As long as Su Changyu can be good to the Su dynasty, the big clan elders and others have no need to fight, because they are afraid that Su Changyu will one day be ill, just like Su Wangtian at the time, expelled the clan from the Su dynasty.

There is also a possibility that Su Changyu’s three races will always control the Su dynasty in the future.

Now that there is a marriage contract, no matter how the Daotian Dragon King dynasty dared to invade the Daoxuan dynasty, the Su dynasty has reason to help!

Believe that the Heavenly Dragon King Dynasty will not attack Daoxuan Dynasty again!

The Dragon King dynasty and Daoxuan dynasty have always been tied for the second largest family, and no one is convinced. It is precisely because of this that Murong City is determined to marry the Su dynasty.

“It’s so good!”

“Yes, it’s so good, Changyu, second grandpa congratulates you in advance!”

“The Su dynasty and the Dao Xuan dynasty are married. In the future, they must support each other and advance and retreat together!” The old man said with his eyes closed.

Murongcheng cupped hands said: “Don’t worry, the old man, this is for sure!”

Finally, Murong Yan showed a heartfelt smile!

History… repeats itself!

She looked at Su Changyi beside her and sneered in her heart, “There are still three months left, are you ready?”

Su Changyu also looked at her, but the other’s eyes did not converge.

Now that you know that Su Changyu is also a variable, there is nothing to hide, and now the date is set. If Su Changyu returns now, where will Su Wangtian and the big clan elder’s face be placed? And Murong City is also here, isn’t this deliberately making Murong City ugly?

Su Wangtian must kill Su Changyu!

Even if he spoils his son again, he has to deal with Su Changyu in front of so many people!

She is happy, Su Changyu is even more happy!

Su Changyu also showed a meaningful smile, and said in his heart: “Now, where are you going? Haven’t you just handed over your luck to your husband!”

With a look, both parties can determine the identity of the other party!

“Sure enough, he knew of my existence!”

“She can’t wait to get out of her way!”

All the clan elders of the Su dynasty are here, have a drink tonight, get drunk and stop!

After the uproar, Murong Yan took the initiative to ask to leave, as if she had drunk too much and her face turned red.

Su Wangtian glanced at Su Changyu, the latter also got up and asked to leave, and hurried to catch up!

The two were speechless, walking side by side, stepping on the Yunqiao, all the way to Su Changyu’s Humane City.

The other disciples kept saying hello to Su Changyu along the way, but Su Changyu didn’t say a word, silently walking side by side with Murong Yan!

“Su Changyu, I really can’t see through you!”

Finally, Murong Yan could not help but speak first!

Su Changyu smiled, and no longer concealed it, “What? Can’t help it?”

“When did you see me?”

“It’s early.”

“Before going to Zhongzhou?”

“That’s not true, that’s too early, just when I saw you for the first time!”

Murong Yan stopped and looked at Su Changyu, there was no tenderness in her eyes, only hatred!

“Huh! What do you know?”

“Should… you know, I know all of them!”

“So you came from there too?”

“What do you mean.”

Murong Yan said, “Are you going to kill me?”

“I said no, do you believe it?”

“Oh, it was because I believed what you said back then, so… I have become like this now, how do you want me to believe you?”

Su Changyu sighed and said, “Then you do whatever you want, but you don’t have my handle!”

Murong Yan sneered and said, “Sooner or later you will show up!” After that, she looked thoughtfully at Su Changyu and said, “You didn’t come from over there!”

Su Changyu was surprised and wondered how the other party saw it.

But it doesn’t matter, the result is the same!

What Su Changyu didn’t know was that soon, he had a reason to have to expose his devil!

In the previous life, Murong Yan tried his best to help him get rid of the crime!

But in this life Murong Yan won’t!

The reason she was sure that Su Changyu did not come from over there was because looking at Su Changyu’s appearance, she didn’t seem to know that his demonic heart would be exposed soon, and he was almost an enemy in the world! Otherwise, Su Changyu would not say “You don’t have my handle”!

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