Chapter 172 Alchemy Venerable

Su Changyu doesn’t know what colorful loyalty is, but looking at the expressions of a few people, it won’t be too bad to think about it!

In addition, the sky is falling, surrounded by sunlight, and such a big movement can’t be broken by a loud fart!

This colorful loyalty is absolutely extraordinary!

Just listen to Qingyang Zi Chong Dan Sheng said: “Sect Leader, girl Bu is very destined to me. The colorful pill heart is born of a different fire, and is compatible with each other. Miss Bu is taught by me under my sect. I believe that within ten years, her colorful loyalty will be improved, and she will be quite successful in the way of controlling fire!”

He listened to Nan Xiangzi, who was on the side, said: “The donkey’s lips are not right for the horse’s mouth! The colorful pill heart appears on the avenue of condensing pill and gathering pill, and the charm is in pill but not fire! Do you teach her to control the fire and adjust the fire? Don’t make mistakes! In this sect, I can say very confidently that in terms of condensing pill and gathering pill, even Sect Leader, you… and I are a bit inferior. If you give me step girl, I will make her ten. Years…no! Within eight years, reach the fifth rank Medicine Pill status!”

“Four Elder, it’s a bit too much to put gold on your face when you say that, the colorful pill heart is the rhyme of the ancient gods, whether it’s fire control, fire control, pill condensing, or medicinal harmony, Control the overall situation and have extremely high attainments. The ruins of the pill furnace, the destruction of the universe, the essence of pill refining is in the fire, shaped in the furnace, the pharmacology is in the heart, and the effect of the medicine is in mind. Only the combination of fire, furnace, heart, and mind can achieve nothing Go to Medicine Pill! How can I ask these four points, is there any point that Qicai loyalty can’t do?”

Feichenzi’s face was just and selfless, righteous, and righteous, and said: “Coincidentally, I happen to have all these four points, Sect Leader, if you can hand the girl step to Professor Feichen, Feichen will be able to It is guaranteed that within five years, the girl will become the best Medicine Pill teacher and start her sixth rank!”

After seeing Bu Qingchen’s Medicine Pill talent, the three Elders went crazy, and they started vying for important people!

While this made Bu Qingchen on the side flattered, it also made Su Changyu show a faint smile!

It seems that Qingchen’s talent at this step is more amazing than he thought, otherwise these old guys would not be so!

“Colorful loyalty, since I started, I have only heard of it in San Elder’s mouth!”

“I heard that it is the top Medicine Pill talent. In Alchemy, there are many places that can be taught without a teacher!”

“Aren’t you nonsense, haven’t you heard the second Elder talk about the origin of the colorful loyalty?”

From the disciple outside the door, Su Changyu pieced together the outline of the colorful loyalty!

Every high-grade high-rank Medicine Pill has a pill soul!

Just like ginseng, after a century or a thousand years, it can escape, that is to give birth to a soul, and in layman’s terms, it is to open up the mind!

And when Medicine Pill is eaten by someone, there is a small chance that the pill soul will leak out, drifting, floating, and dispersing in the thousands of worlds, invisible and invisible, even the holy king, never want to detect the pill soul The presence!

There is no chance in a million!

Moreover, if you want to have a pill soul, you must at least start with the Ninth Stage Medicine Pill!

Where is the Nine Pin Medicine Pill in the world now? Those are all “single seedlings” handed down from ancient times.

And the soul of pill, by chance, will stick to the baby or get into the pregnant woman’s body!

As a result, it became a colorful loyalty!

To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to half a Medicine Pill reincarnation!

Can pill refining be great?

Only the same kind can understand the same kind!

Wolf, understand the wolves!

People, understand people’s hearts!

Fish, understand the school of fish!

And Medicine Pill, naturally understand Medicine Pill!

Even if Bu Qingchen doesn’t have to deliberately learn the knowledge of Medicine Pill’s formation philosophy, logic, and temperature, he can still have a good mind during pill refining!

How can the speed of progress not be fast?

Maybe, I will be able to refine the Nine-Rank Medicine Pill in the future!

So it’s no surprise that Feichenzi, Nanxiangzi, Qingyangzi and others are vying to accept disciples!

“I want this baby girl!”

At this moment, I only heard a cold voice coming from outside the door.

The disciple outside the door stepped through a passage on his own, and a woman dressed in purple walked into the Great Hall slowly!

Seeing this person, even Dan Sheng hurriedly stood up and said to her cupped hands: “Uncle Master, how did you get out?”

Uncle Master?

“Alchemy Big Venerable?”

It has long been heard that Pill Saint also has a hidden Shishu, but very few people have seen it. Probably only big men like Su Wangtian and Yue Yingmei can see it!

Alchemy Venerable looked towards Bu Qingchen. Although the latter didn’t want to give Su Changyu a Losing face, when she saw the oppressive eyes of the woman, she couldn’t help lowering her head.

This is from the gaze of a strong man, and the oppressive breath in his eyes is enough to destroy all the beliefs in Bu Qingchen’s heart!

It’s another immortal monster!

Unlike Yueyingmei, Da Venerable is able to keep youth forever because of taking the eight-product Medicine Pill Zhurong Dan prepared by herself!

“Oh, this is Master Su, right?”

Staring at Bu Qingchen for a few seconds, Da Venerable’s eyes became more satisfied, and then he glanced at Su Changyu next to him, and then he withdrew his gaze.

Su Changyu said: “I have heard about the name of Medicine Pill Venerable for a long time, but I regret not being able to meet one side. Today I finally saw the Venerable senior. It’s really not as famous as meeting. The Venerable is younger, more beautiful and attractive than I thought! ”

Alchemy Venerable smiled faintly. She has lived for thousands of years. Su Changyu’s glib tongue is a little girl, and she can’t miss her old woman! There was no wave in her heart, she even wanted to laugh a little!

“Master Su can really boast! No more, I am old and have not survived for a few years. I only hope that in my lifetime, I can pass on my lifelong learning to future generations! Dan Mingzi is the apprentice of my brother, It’s not my disciple, this Dan Shengzong was created by my senior brother. My transfer power is unreasonable with him, and I can’t let Danming turn to worship under my sect. For my senior brother, this is nothing. Not disrespectful. I have been thinking about this issue today, but I didn’t expect that Young Master Su would take the initiative to send someone to me!”

Alchemy Grand Venerable may be the only 8-level Medicine Pill teacher in Zhongzhou!

If Bu Qingchen can worship her as a teacher, that would be great. Medicine Pill’s Venerable can have more things than Dan Sheng!

“Uncle Master, even you were shocked?”

“Such a big movement, the uncle is not deaf, but this is a good thing!”

Regarding what Alchemy Venerable said just now, it was all nonsense. In the final analysis, she just wanted to stop the dust and become a fuss.

With a colorful heart, who doesn’t love this kind of apprentice? Maybe I can still get inspiration from the apprentice.

“Qing Chen, don’t hurry to see you Master.”

“The son…”

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