Chapter 161

Su Changyu is too arrogant, he has reached the point where he has no respect for him!

He was right. In the Su dynasty, there were four generations of heaven, three generations of rituals, two generations of peace, and peers fierce.

what for?

It means that those who exceed the four generations are the same as the sky, and they are supreme!

People like Dazuo and Erzuo only crossed three generations with Su Changyu. They belonged to the grandfather generation. If they were the four generations of ancestors, they would be regarded as Su Wangtian. They must be respectful and respectful. The status of the emperor can be ignored. !

Of course, to Su Wangtian, his fourth generation is Su Changyu’s fifth generation!

And these people in front of him are just two generations apart from Su Wangtian. They belong to Su Wangtian’s father’s generation and Su Changyu’s grandfather’s generation. For Su Wangtian, they can be treated as equals!

This rule is only limited to the emperor, and it is invalid for ordinary Su dynasty disciples. Ordinary disciples must be respectful when they see the elders!

Su Changyu and these clan elders are only three generations apart, and they should be treated with courtesy. But does it mean that Su Changyu is not courteous?

Among the three generations, the emperor is the largest, followed by the emperor mother, the young emperor, and then the young master, and then down, that is, the three generations, the second family, the second generation, the second family, and the peers. Brother and cousin!

Su Changyu can be on an equal footing with these three-generation elders!

However, the elders and inferiorities still have to have them on weekdays. Although they can sit on an equal footing, and even have a higher identity than the other party, if not necessary, Su Changyu still has to be polite to the other party and treat each other with courtesy!

If there is a four-generation clan elder here today, Su Changyu would dare to say that, that would be an offense to Tianwei, even if Su Wangtian is not good here!

Seeing Su Wuxin and Su Wuyi’s two cousins ​​who jumped into the air and killed him fiercely, Su Changyu smiled indifferently.

“Atmospheric form!”

It’s just a common Cultivation Technique commonly found in the Tibetan Scripture Hall, the top grade of the mysterious stage, it’s very common!

However, the user is important!

The power of Cultivation Technique is closely related to the user’s Realm!

Su Changyu’s two gaze realms, the other side can’t transform into the god realm!

There is a big Realm in the middle, which is an insurmountable gap!

It seemed that the air fluctuated twice. The two brothers Su Wuxin and Su Wuqing screamed, and at the same time they fell from the sky, and they came to a face brake, their heads facing the ground, their buttocks raised high, and they glide along the ground for more than ten meters. Almost slipped out of the Great Hall!

“Two Big Brothers, are you leaving in a hurry? This is just the beginning!”

Not much harm, but very insulting!

Some people in the crowd couldn’t help but laugh, and the faces of those clan elders couldn’t hold back!

“Su Changyu, look at the move!”

Suddenly, there was a terrifying wave above the head, mixed with the endless sound of crisp and cracking, it seemed that even the space had been shattered!

Su Changyu looked up and saw a golden palm print, photographed flat, with a terrifying coercion, as if it could shatter this world!

Su Changyu’s expression was still indifferent, and he blew into the sky lightly.

But this casual breath turned into a dense and infinite number of blades, instantly piercing the golden palm prints through thousands of holes and breaking them!

This is also the ordinary Cultivation Technique in the Su Clan’s Buddhist Scripture Hall, the middle rank of the mysterious stage, the Qiyun Knife!

Su Wangtian pressed the dragon chair with one hand, his body slightly tilted to the side, leaning!

To be honest, he was a little worried about this battle!

Actually is not worried that Su Changyu can’t deal with these people!

Su Changyu, what Realm? What are these people Realm? Isn’t it more than enough to deal with them?

It’s just that Su Changyu is still young, lacks experience, and lacks control over himself.

In case… the battle is too fierce and the devilish energy is leaked out, then it will be troublesome!

Moreover, if Su Changyu wants to defeat all of these people without using his hole cards and talents, it might be a little difficult!

Su Wangtian wanted to keep it!

And these clan elders are exactly the opposite of what he thought!

For a long time, they have rarely seen Su Changyu make a move, a few times, but they have not used their true skills, and even their talents have not been revealed!

In front of Su Changyu, they still don’t know it!

If this time can force Su Changyu’s talent hole cards, it will also give them a bottom!

What is Su Changyu’s talent and supernatural power?

What is Su Changyu’s biggest support?

Can you force it out?

Three other people of the same generation rushed forward and besieged Su Changyu together. However, Su Changyu still used some very common tricks. These people could not force Su Changyu to use his full strength!

But don’t be afraid, there are more people!

Eight clans, three clans with Su Changyu removed, and seven clans, each with five or six young descendants, a total of more than 30 people, I don’t believe that Su Changyu can’t be forced to show his true skills!

Right now, ten people have joined the battlefield!

Su Changyu coped with everyone’s tricks with ease, and at the same time said absently: “It’s too weak, Big Brother Big sis, you still want to compete for the position of the lesser emperor with your strength? It’s just a wishful thinking! Take some real skills to let you know. Am I happy and happy? If you only have this, it would be boring! There are so many Big Brother Big sis Little Brother Little Sister, let’s do it together, don’t look at it!”

“Changyu, you are too arrogant, then don’t blame Big Brother for my ruthless men!”

Several people rushed into the field to fight.

For a time, the brilliance is shining, the Spiritual Qi is shining, and the Spiritual Qi transforms into the Great Hall.

Fists have no eyes, Spiritual Qi is ruthless, once you hit hi, who will everyone know who, those aftermath of the explosion, transformation of palm prints, transformation of energy, Spiritual Qi fluctuations, the sea of ​​qi, the flames of ice and other means, moving in all directions Flying out indiscriminately, many elders who are on the sidelines are affected!

But the clan elders propped up a Spiritual Qi cover on their own, absorbing and dissolving all the energy!

“Gravity supernatural power!”

Su Ruqing used the strongest trick. Su Changyu immediately felt that his whole body, hands and feet seemed to be pulled by an invisible rope, and his body’s movements were more than twice as slow!

It’s the supernatural power of gravity!

It’s all for this, and the other cousins ​​are not keeping it, they have used their strongest tricks and magical powers, and they all hit Su Changyu!

“Supernatural power, space mirror!”

Su Changyu’s expression suddenly became cold, and the air around his body was like wave water, undulating layer by layer. After entering the wave air, the moves that rushed at him actually turned their spearheads, and instead rushed towards the owner. Owner!

Those people didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen, and they were at a loss when they were beaten by own magical powers. Many people were injured on the spot and fell to the ground!

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