Chapter 152

No delusion goddess!

This is the Sect of Su Changyu’s mother. Su Changyu’s mother is the thirteenth goddess of the Wuwu Goddess Sect.

In fact, a long time ago, the Wuluo Goddess Sect was called “the Wuluo Witch Sect”. Because Su Changyu’s mother married Su Wangtian, the largest power in Central Prefecture, plus the efforts of the people of the Wuluo Goddess Sect, It was changed thousands of years ago and became a goddess sect!

The name has been changed, but the faction is still unreasonable as always!

Speaking of which, Su Changyu’s Bone Emperor Devil Heart has something to do with Wuwang Goddess Sect!

After only three minutes of enthusiasm, the smile on Su Wangtian’s face faded. He is the emperor of the Su dynasty. He still has to have the majesty that he deserves. He can’t always look like a hippy smile. Just be happy. It has always been like this. After being seen by outsiders, it will definitely be quite criticized and seem not stable enough.

With the change of expression, the atmosphere in the Great Hall also became heavier, Su Wangtian frowned, and the weather in the entire Zhongzhou land could change!

The man in front of him, even if the Holy King saw him, he would have to bow his head and claim his court!

“Changyu, have you been to the Eastern Region for a few months?”

“Father, three months and seventeen days!”

“Well, it’s shorter than I expected! I don’t know how things are going?”

“Already got it!”

Not seeing how Su Changyu moved, a blood-red magic halberd suddenly rushed out of his back, and when he came out he hovered over the Great Hall!


Su Wangtian just looked at it with only one look. The Eight Desolate Fighting Madness was like a mouse seeing a cat. He instantly became lifeless and hid beside Su Changyu, motionless, standing straight!

Xiao Ba’s soul was trembling, and couldn’t help but rush to Su Changyu’s voice transmission and asked: “Dage, this…this…who is this person?”

“He is my father, don’t be afraid!”

Su Wangtian stared at Bahuang Zhan madly at a breath of time, and then he closed his eyes back.

In an instant, Bahuang Zhan Kuang felt that the whole world was at ease. Just a look just now gave him an illusion that he could be broken at any time, how strong the man in front of him was, even the Eastern Regions tens of thousands of years ago. Fairies are incomparable!

“Yes, it also derives the spiritual wisdom. It is a middle-grade, very rare. But I don’t think this spiritual wisdom is necessary anymore, just erase it.”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ba was so scared that he could not speak, the blood-red halberd was like a person, shivering constantly.

Su Changyu said, “Father, it doesn’t have to be this way. I chatted with Xiaoba quite speculatively, and our aura…it dare not do anything to me, never dare it!”

“Well, I forgot about it!”

Su Wangtian knows Su Changyu’s secret!

And the one who knew this secret didn’t know Su Wangtian alone!

Su Changyu’s mother also knows, and the people from the original nine races, the one that disappeared, also knows!

In order to conceal Su Changyu’s devilish heart, Su Wangtian did not hesitate to use means to kill all the people of that clan. Those who knew it had been buried for a long time, and those who did not know were also implicated. Now they have been exiled. They have not been exiled for thousands of years. Back to the clan, life and death are unknown.

Without the strong backing support of the Su dynasty, it is estimated that the possibility of Death is even greater!

That race is almost extinct!

There is only one ancestor left, and it was Closed Door Training ten thousand years ago. Can’t let the ancestor regenerate another one, right? It’s not realistic!

Su Wangtian and his wife’s doting on Su Changyu has reached the point of infinite tolerance!

This is very much in line with those villain settings in previous life novels!

Once villain is injured, his parents will immediately come over to give away the head, and it is the kind of irrational kind that makes all kinds of difficulties for the protagonist, and eventually becomes the experience of the protagonist!

Just like Su Wangtian and his wife’s attitude towards Su Changyu, if Su Changyu really had an accident, even if the other party was the god of the upper realm, the couple would probably rush forward without hesitation!

Externally, Su Wangtian is the first person to hate magic arts!

Even Murong Yan, who was reincarnated, thought that Su Wangtian would not be able to tolerate magic power and heart, but she would never see this side of Su Wangtian!

Su Wangtian slowly said: “Speaking of this horrendous war mad, Changyu, do you know his origin?”

“Baby don’t know!”

“This Eight Desolate Fighting Madness is its fourth name, and it is also the sixth Demon Monarch named for him. Since the third Demon Monarch, he has already developed his wisdom, and at the highest point, he even reached the heavenly rank. Top grade!”

Demon Monarch Su Changyu knows!

From eternity to the present, there have been six Demon Monarchs in the history of Zhongzhou!

Demon Monarch is the one who possesses the Demon Heart of the Bone Emperor!

Su Changyu is the seventh!

But Su Changyu hasn’t become Demon Monarch yet!

Every Demon Monarch can disrupt the world, not only in the Central State, the Eastern Region, the Western Desert, the Northern Wilderness and other places, but also the people who are disturbed by the Demon Monarch.

Therefore, the world cannot tolerate “Devil Dao”!

Whether it’s magic power or magic heart, they are all people of Devil Dao!

Once Su Changyu’s demon heart is exposed, it will definitely be besieged and suppressed by all people in the world. Although the Su dynasty is powerful, can it withstand the siege of the whole world?

And now it’s because Su Wangtian has become the emperor, and now the rising star has slowly risen up. In the next general election, can Su Wangtian become the emperor of the Su dynasty?

But Su Wangtian didn’t have much worry, because Su Changyu, the boy, was upright!

Compared with his peers, Su Changyu’s Realm almost beat them. Previously, Su Changyu’s 6th floor through the You Realm was already considered the top of the family, and now after returning, he has reached the third floor of the Liangyi Realm. The next general election, even if it’s not Su Wangtian is also Su Changyu!

Take a step back and say, even if it is not, as long as you protect Su Changyu, the emperor will always be Su Changyu in the future!

The current Su Wangtian is not bad. Compared with other Elders in the clan, his Realm is also top-notch. Therefore, he has a great chance of being re-elected for the next term!

Su Wangtian is not only the emperor of the Su dynasty, but also the current great Elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

Heavenly Sword Sect, that is the top Sect in Zhongzhou, among all Sects, its status is equal to that of the Su Dynasty!

Ranked third is Su Changyu’s mother’s godless goddess sect.

Just ask, who else has a bigger background than Su Changyu?

Su Changyu is already the young master of the Su dynasty, but if he seizes the position of heir to the Heavenly Sword Sect, then the Su Changyu line of the Su dynasty will be Wu You forever!

“Ah? How can this Eight Desolate Zhan Clan advance to such a high rank?”

“Yes, the ranks of the Eight Desolate Fighting Madness can be unlimited Ascension, this is also the main purpose of me to make you the Long River Sunset Sword, who knows you are better, you directly brought the Eight Desolation Fighting Madness back, and I also heard that, You also caught the Five Sacred Beasts of the Eastern Region?”

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