Chapter 131 The Break of the Saint Beast Inheritor


Congratulations to the host, the contradiction between the inheritors of the holy beast has deepened, the break is advanced, and the luck value is increased by 4000!

Hey, four thousand again!

This calculation should be the total luck value!

That is to say, the luck value of the five people is all calculated on the inheritor of the holy beast.

Land pressure 180,000!

Long Tianming 80,000!

Su Yingjie and Li Chiyao are two people of great luck, and one person definitely does not exceed 50,000! More than fifty thousand is considered a son of luck.

But there must be at least 30,000!

The inheritor of White Tiger is about 30,000.

Several people add up to 350,000 worth of luck!

Now Su Changyu only has five or six thousand!

A long way to go!

But this is only five or six thousand in total!

White Tiger has already given eight thousand, Long Tianming has given more than ten thousand, and Lu Ya has also given about one thousand!

Sum up the total, alone, and the luck value of more than 300,000 yuan is also fast!

You know, now Long Tianming and Li Chiyao still hate Su Changyu, and Su Changyu’s system has always had Long Tianming’s luck value plundering prompts, but it is very rare.

One or two hundred at a time, sometimes even less than one hundred!

But the victory is lasting, and it can keep increasing!

At the end of a day, you can also have a luck value of eight, nine hundred, or one thousand.

after one day!

Li Chiyao and Long Tianming have reached the end of the crack and found another passage leading to the underground grave!

They smashed through obstacles along the way. Although it was only one day, they killed no less than 20 Demonic Beasts!

But just as they were about to open the door, there were clear footsteps behind them!

Turning his head to look around, Su Changyu and an old man were looking at them with a wicked smile!

“Su Changyu! It’s you again!”

Long Tianming was so furious that he glanced at Su Changyu’s back and found that there was only one old man, so he shouted: “I said, I will kill you! You die for me!”

With that, an Azure Dragon suddenly rushed out from behind Long Tianming, biting towards Su Changyu!


Xuan Ming squeezed a seal, and the radiant radiance behind him, a big hand protruding out of the void, smashed the Azure Dragon in one hand!


The Azure Dragon phantom was destroyed, and Long Tianming vomited blood on the spot! Looking at the old man in horror, he had to look at him again!

This person’s Realm… is so high!

Li Chiyao has seen the old man!

Xuan Ming!

Protector of Su Changyu!

The strength of this old man is much higher than Li Chiyao!

Even if Li Chiyao showed the real body of Vermillion Bird, he would not be the opponent of the old man!

Now that Xuan Ming and Su Changyu are here together, the other party still dare to say that it is not Su Changyu?

“Su Changyu, don’t you admit that it is you?”

“It’s me! How about? They don’t believe it, and I admit it or not. Is there a difference?”

Su Changyu’s face was indifferent, and the corner of his mouth was still pouting with sarcasm!

“What do you want to do this time? Kill if you want, don’t talk nonsense!”

Last time Su Changyu’s mouth-cannons made two people angry. Li Chiyao was afraid that this time Su Changyu would have another mouth-cannon to greet the eighteenth generation of Li Chiyao’s ancestors!

Su Changyu smiled and said, “Killing you? It won’t, killing you is useless! This time, I will just give you something!”

“Something? What is it?”


Su Changyu threw a necklace.

Li Chiyao grabbed it casually.

There is a tiger head on the necklace! White Tiger head!

Seeing this necklace, Li Chiyao and Long Tianming were shocked at the same time.

Li Chiyao also took out a necklace from her neck, with a lifelike Vermillion Bird on it!

Long Tianming had an Azure Dragon necklace on his body, but instead of hanging it around his neck, he put it away.

They must be familiar with this necklace!

“White Tiger… is White Tiger’s inheritance necklace! You killed the White Tiger inheritor?”

“Su Changyu—Su Changyu—ah—”

Long Tianming roared angrily!


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value is increased by 4000!

Knowing the death of the inheritor, Long Tianming was angry!

Sure enough, if you want to shed light on Long Tianming’s luck, you can’t just start with a woman!

However, with Xuan Ming here, how could Long Tianming get Su Changyu’s share?

Xuan Ming shot again, and Long Tianming flew out halfway and crashed into the mountain.

Vermillion Bird flew into the air and screamed, but before he had time to spread his wings, he was slapped with a big hand in the void. After falling on the ground, he became Li Chiyao again!

Su Changyu smiled coldly and said: “You two don’t have to waste your efforts. Since this son dared to come, then you must have made a perfect plan! If you have three people, then this son may still be afraid of you, but now, the strongest Lu Qian Not here, without Lu Ya’s Black Tortoise shell, can anyone of you stop Xuan Ming’s move?”

“Su Changyu…what do you want?”

“What do I want? It’s very simple, I want the Five Sacred Beast Order, and I still want you to die! Don’t worry, I have no interest in any of your heritage treasures. I only need the Five Sacred Beast Order, even the power of the Holy Beast. Do not want any!”

The Order of the Five Holy Beasts can find the location of Azure Dragon White Tiger and Vermillion Bird Black Tortoise, and it can also command the Five Holy Beasts to a certain extent, which has a suppressive effect on the Five Holy Beasts!

Su Changyu asked these guys where the five sacred beasts were, they would definitely not say, then use the five sacred beasts to make them look for them! Then take it to Zhongzhou as a mount, and selling is also a good choice!

It’s really not good, and it can also be given to other little dolls in the family, which is also an inspiration to the younger generation!

This is only included, what Su Changyu wants most is luck!

“You dream!”

“Oh, it doesn’t matter if you dream or not, it will be clear at that time. If you don’t have the White Tiger necklace, you can’t open the secret room, right? So this time I came here, I made a special trip to send you tokens!”

Li Chiyao turned her eyes, and said in surprise: “Are you trying to plant the blame?”

“Oh? You know all of this?”

If Lu Ya and others ran into Li Chiyao and found the White Tiger necklace on them, then the fact of killing the White Tiger inheritor would be completely assured!

Li Chiyao thought of this, gritted her teeth fiercely, “Su Changyu, you are really vicious!”

“Hehe, it seems that you want to scold me a few words? It doesn’t matter, my son has a lot of time. If you want to listen to bad things, my son doesn’t mind lowering your status and telling you an impromptu performance! But can you? I can’t guarantee my son to keep his parents!”

Li Chiyao, Su Changyu’s mouth, has been taught, and Long Tianming on the side has a deep understanding. He has experienced it twice, and they both exploded on the spot!

“It seems that you don’t want to.” Seeing the fear in the eyes of the two, Su Changyu sneered and said: “Oh, it’s really boring! Let’s go.”

After speaking, I left here with Xuan Ming!

After Li Chiyao looked at the necklace in her hand and cursed Su Changyu in her heart, she fell into deep thought!

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