Chapter 119

White Tiger inheritor?

Su Changyu laughed in his heart.

You can’t see the inheritors of the White Tiger. The luck of the hapless guy is far less than those of these people, and it has been solved by Xuan Ming long ago!

There seems to be a tacit secret among the inheritors of the five sacred beasts, and Su Yingjie never confided this secret to Su Changyu!

You can also tell from their happy state when they met!

“Azure Dragon Black Tortoise Vermillion Bird is here, that’s great! I guess the White Tiger inheritors are also here, so they should be coming here right now!” Su Yingjie said.

Li Chiyao nodded first, but when he saw Su Changyu, the smile on his face couldn’t help restraining a little!

“Miss Su, why are you with this guy?”

“Ah? He…what’s wrong with Young Master Su? Is there anything wrong with this?”

“This guy is not a good person, you must stay away from him!” Li Chiyao whispered.

Su Yingjie couldn’t help frowning, “Miss Li, why do you say that? I think Young Master Su is pretty good!”

“Do you know that he is from Zhongzhou?”

“I know!”

“You know? Then do you know that he destroyed the entire Ming Lanzong sect?”

“I know! Young Master Su told me, and he also said that he was very self-blaming and guilty about this, because he didn’t intend to do that! Then he had a handmaid of Ming Lanzong who was going to kill. In anger, he said, “I don’t want to see Ming Lanzong again.” It is enough for Da Ming Lanzong to move away. Who knows that his subordinates killed Ming Lanzong. However, he also gave compensation afterwards! ”

Can this be whitened?

Sometimes Su Changyu really admires own eloquence!

Li Chiyao frowned and said, “You have nothing to say about this?”

“Say…say what?”

“He destroyed the Ming Lan Zongzong, just give some compensation?”

Su Yingjie said: “Then what do you want him to do? Apologize with death? Besides, this is not his intention! What he can do now is to compensate Ming Lanzong more!”

Li Chiyao said solemnly: “Then do you know that Ming Lanzong is the ground power of our Vermillion Bird line?”

“I really don’t know this. Ming Lanzong is your earthly power?”

“Yes! Shouldn’t he die?”

Su Yingjie disagrees with Li Chiyao’s words and feels that the other party is a bit unreasonable, yes, this is a heinous crime, but Su Changyu has paid the bill, and Su Changyu has been immersed in self-blame and regret until now. He mentioned it that day. What happened, Su Changyu’s eyes were red, and he almost cried!

Su Yingjie looked very uncomfortable.

If it was Su Changyu’s intention, then Su Yingjie absolutely hated Su Changyu, but it was just that his subordinates misunderstood Su Changyu. Su Changyu could even pick out the leader who participated in the destruction of Ming Lanzong that day and hand it over to Li Ruoqi!

It’s all like this, what else do you want?

“Miss Su, I feel… I feel what I think with you…”

“Well, I also noticed it! Miss Li, your hostility is a bit too heavy!”

“This is not hostile, this is…”

Li Chiyao didn’t know what to say, “The destruction of a Sect, such a heinous crime, how can it be compensated by two or two apologies and tens of millions of Spirit Stones!”

Su Yingjie said: “Although I have been overseas all year round, I grew up in the Eastern Region when I was a child! I still have a little memory of the situation in the Eastern Region! Tens of millions of Spirit Stones? Even one million Spirit Stones are enough The two big Sects have fought each other. Are there few examples of Sect invading and plundering other Sects for Spirit Stones and spirit mines? The two big Sects fight for death and death for the sake of a million Spirit Stones. In the end, one party will be destroyed. This kind of thing is early. It’s not uncommon! Miss Li, have you always lived underground, so you don’t know these things?”

“Except for the Qilin channel, all of your four channels have hidden treasures underground. You don’t lack resources. You don’t need to worry about resources. You don’t know how much blood was shed to compete for resources on the ground! I’ll tell you this way, Not to mention fifty million, even five million Spirit Stones would be enough for Ming Lanzong to die ten times! Moreover, even if Ming Lanzong died ten times, he wouldn’t be able to grab so many Spirit Stones!”

“Su Changyu can give Minglanzong Holy Maiden 50 million Spirit Stones and ten Minglanzong sites. Do you know how valuable this is? The demise of Minglanzong can get you ten times more land. Use Vermillion Bird in the same vein, are you still not satisfied?”

Li Chiyao was almost furious!

“Miss Su! I really can’t agree with you!”

“Me too, Miss Li, you only saw the front, but not the future! Do you think, even if Ming Lanzong is still alive, what can he give you? Can there be so many things and such great value? This is right? Your line of Vermillion Bird will have great benefits in the coming hundreds or even thousands of years!”

“But that’s a living life!”

“So what? Would you like me to take you to Bailong Island. There are scenes of cannibalism, Demonic Beasts, and Demonic Beasts! Human fate, what is it?”

This is the case in the Martial Dao world. Birth, old age, sickness, death, and blood flow are normal!

Human life is worse than grass mustard!

Su Yingjie has watched too much of this kind of scene!

But Li Chiyao is not!

Li Chiyao, Long Tianming, and Lu Ya, or Life is underground, there are only clansmen, there is no dispute there! The only dispute was because of the Vermillion Bird heritage and had to do that!

The same is true for Long Tianming. With his tribe Life in the mountains, only Demonic Beasts can deal with them!

Lu Ya’s situation is similar to them, but Lu Ya is a bit more cruel than them, and occasionally sees blood flowing into rivers!

Therefore, Su Yingjie can accept the demise of Ming Lanzong, but Li Chiyao cannot accept it!

“Do you want Tianming to be fair?”

Li Chiyao took Su Yingjie to Long Tianming’s side. Lu Ya and Long Tianming knew about the Ming Lanzong. They had been together for so long, and they were all descendants of the holy beasts.

The descendants of the sacred beasts are as close as a family, and they have almost understood everything about each other!

Both Long Tianming and Lu Ya were on Li Ruoqi’s side. They had a very bad impression of Su Changyu before they met Su Changyu!

“I only know that blood debts are paid for. If I meet Su Changyu, I will avenge Miss Li! People who have not experienced it will not be able to appreciate family affection… that is something that no more Spirit Stones can buy. !”

Long Tianming has already experienced it. In his eyes, there are mountains and plains of corpses, all of the own tribe, and his heart is like a knife cut!

He can fully empathize with Li Ruoqi’s experience!

Li Chiyao pointed to Su Changyu over there and said, “Tianming, don’t you always want to see Su Changyu? He is!”

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