Chapter 116: Confession

For these three months, Su Changyu has been following Su Yingjie.

There is a certain connection between the ancient tribe and the ancient ruins. He believes that Su Yingjie must know something!

However, Su Yingjie has been walking aimlessly in these three months, seeming to avoid something deliberately!

Su Changyu can’t make it, he has patience.

The ancestors of Zhongzhou have been lucky enough to enter the ancient relics, especially the old monsters of the Su Dynasty. Therefore, there are records about the ancient relics of the Eastern Region in the Su Dynasty.

It’s just that Su Changyu in the previous life has never seen it, so there is no information about ancient relics.

However, there is a space ring on the finger of Su Changyu in the previous life, which contains a large number of Cultivation Techniques. Although they are some unfamiliar Cultivation Techniques, they are a treasure for the people of the Eastern Region!

When Su Changyu was free, he would go inside and take a look, and he also found news about ancient ruins from it!

The flow of time here is different from that of the outside world, which is tantamount to a small, independent world.

A day here is equivalent to half an hour from the outside world!

Three months is forty-five hours to the outside world, which is less than four days!

Even if I stayed here for a year, it would only be more than ten days outside.

It is recorded in books that there is a “tomb” among the ancient relics. The so-called ancient relics are nothing but a “mausoleum”. It is only a mausoleum of ancient power. For the people of the Eastern Regions in ancient times, as long as the Realm exceeds the specified boundary , That will be sent here after death!

And those prehistoric Demonic Beasts are all small Demonic Beasts that were restocked at the beginning. It’s just that millions of years have passed, and they have become stronger!

Thirty thousand years have passed from the outside world, and seven hundred and twenty thousand years have passed here!

Even the low-level Demonic Beasts, which can live for 720,000 years, have grown into a powerful existence indomitable!

In the tomb, there is a Heavenly Demon soldier that Zhongzhou ancestors wanted tens of thousands of years ago!

It is said to be called “Holy Beast Honghuang Halberd”.

Only those who have inherited the Holy Hand are qualified to open it!

But you need to wake up after opening!

The key to awakening is the Long River Sunset Sword!

This also solved Su Changyu’s doubts!

The Long River Sunset Sword is good, but Su Changyu has always been a little unsatisfied. Since he got it, he has thrown it into the space ring, and has never used it once! Didn’t even show it a second time.

Thinking about it now, Sect gave him this task, which should be planned for the future ancient ruins.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the Su dynasty has never given up the ancient ruins!

Coincidentally, this time, Su Changyu happened to run into it!

The Changhe Sunset Sword and the inheritors of the Honghuang Ancient Clan just now have it, this sacred beast Honghuang Halberd, you must get it!

“Master Su, thank you.”

“Thank me? What can you thank me for.”

“Thank you for helping me many times, and thank you for being by my side at this time.”

Only ten days after I met Su Yingjie, a Demonic Beasts riot separated Su Changyu and Su Yingjie from the wild people, Mo Qingxue, and Bu Qingchen!

Su Yingjie has been alone with Su Changyu for two and a half months now.

During these two months, Su Changyu repeatedly used god-tier orders to turn Su Yingjie from danger, so that Su Yingjie gradually became dependent on him.

Su Changyu smiled and said, “Let’s talk about this later. I didn’t come in to find any ancient artifacts, but just a fresh picture. Who knows but can’t get out! Miss Su, is your foot injury okay? Why are you here? Take a break, I will look around and see if I can meet other people! Someone should have found an exit now!”

Su Yingjie hid his thoughts, but still couldn’t speak.

Su Changyu left and returned soon after.

“There is no one nearby. I feel that there are powerful Demonic Beasts approaching here. I am worried that you will not go too far because of an accident. Go, I will carry you and leave here!”

“Master Su…”

“Huh? What’s the matter?”


“Miss Su, just talk if you want!”

“Actually…actually I know the exit!”

“you know?”

Su Changyu pretended to be surprised, “How could you possibly know?”

“Sorry Young Master Su, I lied to you.” Su Yingjie looked a little guilty.

Su Changyu asked with some amusement: “You lied to me? What did you lie to me?”

“Actually…I actually have another identity.”

“I know!”

Su Yingjie was surprised and said, “You know?”

“Yeah, you forgot what you said? Your other identity is a man!”

Su Yingjie’s original guilt and depression disappeared instantly, and she was amused by Su Changyu’s joke, and she lay behind Su Changyu and kept slapping Su Changyu’s shoulder!

Her previous life was similar to that of a man, but she was always a woman! In her heart, she still desires to be like a young woman. She doesn’t want someone to protect herself? Does anyone care for themselves?

But on the primitive island of Bailong Island, surrounded by a group of savage people who don’t understand style, what do those guys know about fun? Know what humor is? Do you know what ethics is?

Even if she has made a woman’s posture, who can she show it to!

But Su Changyu is different!

Su Changyu is the only outside man she has met except the Master since she grew up.

He is knowledgeable and talented, knows almost everything, and he is very generous to himself, just like the word “guixin”, Su Yingjie just said something that he had never seen before, and Su Changyu passed it on to her without giving it a word of “guixin”. Tuck the secret as a secret!

Su Changyu never concealed his own identity. He came from the Su dynasty of Zhongzhou. This time he came to the Eastern Region under the command of the family and the mission of the division.

Moreover, Su Changyu thinks about himself everywhere, every time he is in danger, he is the first to rush to the front!

Compared with those savages, Su Changyu is really good!

I have to admit that I was moved by him!

This is too normal!

The lone man and widow have been together in the wilderness for more than two months. The other person looks extraordinary, sometimes calm and introverted, sometimes humorous, sometimes generous, even if it is a woman, it will be tempted, not to mention that Su Yingjie has never seen it. The “wild girl” in the world is pure and innocent, let alone! What’s more, Su Changyu often tells Su Yingjie some strange and interesting new things, which girl can resist her own curiosity?

Su Yingjie doesn’t care about Su Changyu’s identity. To her, his identity is like dung. It doesn’t matter whether Su Changyu is from the Eastern Regions or from Zhongzhou, ordinary people or wealthy Young Master! She likes Su Changyu!

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