"Master Chen, please accept these!"

After bidding farewell to Shi Jishun and leaving the main palace of Peaceful Cloud City, Ye Fan found a secluded place and gave Chen Xuancheng a storage bag.

"After I left, Mu Xin asked the head of the family to take care of her!"

"Hiss! Mu Xin is a descendant of my Chen family, I will take care of it, but these resources are too much, I deserve it."

Chen Xuancheng scanned the contents of the storage bag and was shocked to find that there were one hundred immortal stones and ten thousand Supreme Grade spiritual stones.

"Master, there is no need to be polite. Mu Xin is my woman. Speaking of which, I am also the son-in-law of the Chen family. In the future, I hope that the master can train Mu Xin well and let her Core Formation as soon as possible.

"This is natural, Xiaofan, don't worry, Tu will do his best to take good care of this child.

Chen Xuancheng said with a smile on his face.

For the next half month, Ye Fan and Chen Muxin were together every day. They traveled all over Peaceful Cloud City, until early in the morning half a month later, Ye Fan finally decided to leave.

"Practice well and I will come to pick you up before I leave Zhongzhou.

"Okay, brother Ye, don't worry, I will wait for you."

Although she was very reluctant to leave, Chen Muxin knew that Ye Fan had her own affairs to be busy with, and it was difficult for her to leave home for the time being, so the two could only separate for the time being.

"Let's go back!"

Ye Fan left Xiao Xiaoteng with Chen Muxin for daily protection, and at the same time left her enough blood essence to serve as Xiao Xiaoteng's daily food.

"Protect Xin'er well, you know?"

Ye Fan gave Xiao Xiaoteng a death order, and Xiao Xiaoteng tapped it down with a cane to show that he understood.

Finally, Ye Fan took out another Spirit Beast bag.

"There are one hundred Rank Five spirit insects in this Spirit Beast bag. Unless you have to, you must not open it, otherwise, the spirit insects in the bag will kill all living creatures around you except you.



Chen Muxin took the Spirit Beast bag and watched Ye Fan leave with tears in her eyes.

What Ye Fan didn't know was that Chen Muxin was pregnant and would give birth to a child for him in the future.

Two days later, Ye Zhong returned to the vicinity of Hongye City.

While passing a mountain range, Ye Fan noticed that there seemed to be movement in the sect below, so he controlled the Void Tower to escape downwards.

"Bai Chao, you who deceived your master and destroyed your ancestors, how can you have the dignity to return to the Red Fire Sect!"

"Zheng Bangjie, you were the one who killed Master! I have found out clearly that this matter was your conspiracy.

"That's nonsense. Many junior brothers clearly saw that it was you who got mad and suddenly killed the master, his wife, and the ninth junior brother."

"This is all because you poisoned me, and I only hurt Master and the others. It was you who actually poisoned Master and the others.

There was a faint sound of fierce quarrel.

Ye Fan controlled the Void Tower to dive down again, and finally saw clearly the faces of the people quarreling.

"Crazy Sword! Has he finally found out the truth of the matter?"

Ye Fan could tell that Bai Chao had excellent qualifications and a good character.

"Okay, today I will kill you hypocrites and avenge my master and wife!"

Bai Chao looked like a madman, his body energy began to rise steadily, Zheng Bangjie's life was killed with just one sword, and Elder Qian's vitality hand was broken with another sword.

It seems that the death of his master was related to the struggle for power within the top management of the Mie Sect.

"He has good swordsmanship, but if he is not too kind-hearted and unwilling to kill, these people are not his opponents at all."

Two men of considerable age appeared, holding swords and joining the siege.

Zheng Bangjie, who has evil intentions, is naturally no match for Bai Chao, and he soon falls into a disadvantage.

After all, he is still a Nascent Soul cultivator, and he doesn’t have Ye Fan’s (Nuo Hao Zhao) incredible strength, so how can he resist the Soul Formation cultivator?

Soon, the two people who were quarreling got started.

"Elder Qian, don't you believe me? I have evidence to prove that it was Zheng Bangjie who shot the bottle."

""||Haha, nephew Bangjie is right, we can't keep this kid!"

"Uncles, this person is a traitor to our Red Fire Sect, why don't we get rid of him right now!"

Perhaps because he was worried about the other young people, Bai Chao was at a loss. "Slowly, Zheng Bangjie reversed the situation on the court.

"It seems that the water in this Red Fire Sect is very deep."

Elder Qian was the mastermind behind the death of Master Bai Chao. He could not allow Bai Chao to defend himself. He was already murderous and prepared to kill Bai Chao in one fell swoop to prevent him from telling the truth.

But the young men who came with him last time came up to help, and together with Zheng Bangjie besieged Bai Chao.

Bai Chao was in a hurry for a while, but soon he changed his moves and used a set of extremely advanced swordsmanship, causing chaos to the people who were besieging him.

"Humph, you kid is talking nonsense, God has dealt with you for being such a rebellious person today."

Also, if the evil happens due to the intrigues within Xiao Qiangmen, I'm afraid it will decline soon.

"Hey, Madman Sword is still a little soft-hearted! Even now, he still refuses to kill me."

The two of them were quarreling extremely fiercely, but most of the people in the Red Fire Sect looked on with cold eyes, and there were a few old men watching from a distance with frowns.

"It turns out that you all have a share!"

Zheng Bangjie shouted and tried to ask the masters of the previous generation of the sect to help!

Bai Chao shouted loudly.

But at this time, the top management of the Red Fire Sect could no longer sit still. A strong Soul Formation man appeared and grabbed Bai Chao with a big hand of vitality.

Ye Fan was a little surprised. The people quarreling below were Bai Chao, the sword madman, and Zheng Bangjie, a man in his thirties whom he had met outside Hongye City last time.

But this had nothing to do with him at all, but Sword Madman was an acquaintance anyway, so Ye Fan didn't leave just yet.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

He couldn't bear to see Bai Chao suffer a big loss, so he planned to save the people first when necessary.

Bai Chao was obviously in an extremely unfavorable situation at this time. It seemed that almost no one in the Chihuo Sect believed him, or they were unwilling to believe him.

The most innocent person among them is naturally Bai Chao.

"Three Crazy Swords!" someone from the Red Fire Sect exclaimed!

Ye Fan, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but cheer secretly.

At this time, Bai Chao finally woke up and felt an uncontrollable anger welling up in his heart.

Perhaps it was simply someone else who borrowed the help of his junior brother to eliminate a powerful enemy.

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