"Oh, annoying."

Inside the shop, Ye Fan couldn't help stroking his forehead and sighing. It had been seven days, and this young man whose name he didn't know was still kneeling at the door of his house. If he hadn't been a monk, he would have died long ago.

"Brother, this person is really stupid!"

Shen Qin'er felt a little sympathy for this young man, but unfortunately it was useless to force some things.

"Brother Ye, this is not the solution! This man is really a little lunatic. Maybe we can encourage him to become a disciple of the sword madman.

Chen Muxin had a sudden idea.

"This is a good idea, but Madman Sword has gone somewhere now. It seems I have to leave too, so as not to be annoyed by seeing this little madman here every day!"

After Ye Fan finished speaking, he gave some instructions to Shen Qin'er and Chen Muxin, and then quietly released Xiao Xiaoteng and Teng Xiaoer near the store so that they could secretly protect the safety of the two girls.

Then, Ye Fan left the store.

"My brother has left. It's useless for you to kneel here now. Why don't you get up first!"

As soon as Ye Fan left, Shen Qin'er quickly said to the young man kneeling outside.

"Is he gone? Well, I'll come back when he comes back."

The young man made up his mind that he must be his teacher.

He didn't know why, but he just felt that he could learn advanced swordsmanship from this senior.

"Hey, this guy is really stubborn."

Chen Muxin couldn't help but sigh.

"My lord."

"Clone, long time no see."

Ye Fan left Hongye City at this time, came to a deserted wilderness outside the city, and wrote to meet his avatar "Lin Tianyou".

"Since you have come to Zhongzhou, you should stay here. Next, you can find a private and safe place to prepare Infant Formation."

Ye Fan put the resources he had prepared long ago into a void ring and handed it to "Lin Tianyou".

"Okay, I have also reached the Infant Formation time, Japanese players must be careful."


After obtaining the Void Ring from the main body, "Lin Tianyou" left.

Ye Fan himself immediately left this desolate place.

Not long after, he finally found a relatively safe place about two thousand miles outside Hongye City.

This is one of the gathering places for Independent Cultivators. It is located at the foot of a large mountain called "Tianyu Mountain". The terrain here is relatively gentle. Many Independent Cultivators have dug Cave Mansion at the foot of the mountain as their daily retreat.

After Ye Fan arrived, he quickly found a remote corner and dug the bottom of a hole.

"Although this place is a mixed bag, there are not many strong ones, so it is suitable for Infant Formation here."

He specially chose a place that was relatively far away from other cultivators. There were several sets of high-level formations prepared around the Cave Mansion. In this way, there was basically no big problem.

"I don't have to worry about causing disaster now, it's better to let nature take its course.

"about there."

With a deafening loud noise, the first thunderbolt finally fell.

After a long time, Ye Fan suddenly woke up.

"let's start!"

Although Ye Fan has not been here long, he still got to know several immortal cultivators here. At this time, someone finally noticed that the cultivator who was in Infant Formation was probably Ye Fan.

Ninety-nine heavenly tribulations! This must be ninety-nine heavenly tribulations!"

At this time, it was not a good time to think about these things. He quickly took out a robbery pill and swallowed it in advance. Anyway, he had prepared many of these pills in advance, and this one was not missing.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

So, Ye Fan closed his Cave Mansion and turned on all the protective formations.

Ye Fan sat quietly and adjusted his breath for a long time before relaxing his mind and preparing to welcome God's help.

Two days later, the situation at the foot of Tianyu Mountain suddenly changed.

The roar of thunder and lightning, accompanied by the sound of wind and rain, formed a strange roar, as if a strange creature was whispering in people's ears.

Centered on the Cave Mansion where Ye Fan lived, a chaotic spiritual energy storm appeared within a radius of hundreds of miles.

From beginning to end, family always occupies the most important position in Ye Fan's heart, even if his close relatives are no longer alive.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, the immortal cultivators who witnessed the strange scene could no longer sit still. They jumped out of the Cave Mansion one after another, flew into the air in confusion, and looked in the direction of Ye Fan Cave Mansion.

The treasures needed in the Infant Formation process are all prepared in advance.

The violent thunder and lightning rolled endlessly in the increasingly dense dark clouds, and soon formed a terrifying sea of ​​thunder.

The immortal cultivators in this area immediately sensed this abnormal change.

There was a pool nearby, and he even went into the water to fish sometimes.

Ye Fan was not in a hurry and settled in the Cave Mansion.


At the same time, bursts of "rumbling" thunder accompanied by colorful rays of light drove back many of the surrounding monks.

After everything was ready, Ye Fan spent more than ten days recalling everything from beginning to end since he entered the world of cultivation.

At this time, more and more spiritual energy (Li De's) began to gather in the sky above the location of Ye Fan Cave Mansion.

"If one day, I can Ascension Immortal World and become a powerful Immortal World, but I don't know if I will have the chance to resurrect my mother, Xiaoying and Xiaohu?"

Finally, the day came, and Ye Fan felt a sense of fear for no reason in his heart.

"That direction...could it be Fellow Daoist Ye?"

Infant Formation Pills, Transformation Pill, Jiuqu Spirit Pill, etc., he had prepared these long before coming to Zhongzhou, and there were more than one pill.

"||Who wants Infant Formation? What a huge momentum!"

All the cultivators within hundreds of miles around, including some monks who were in retreat, had already hid far away. Everyone was stunned by this huge catastrophe vision.

"My closest relatives may become my inner demons!"

He knew that the time for his Infant Formation was approaching.

The ordinary days passed by for three years.

Sometimes I meditate for a few days, and sometimes I go out for a walk.

Starlight flashes all over the sky, seemingly endless, forming a gorgeous and embarrassing scene in the sky.

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