"excuse me!"

Ye Fan bowed his hands to the bald head and took "Skinny Monkey" into the Void Tower.

"Tell me, when did you see Shen Qingyang and where is he now?"

In the Void Tower, Ye Fan looked at the "Skinny Monkey" and sneered: "Don't force me to search for souls!"

"Mr. Ye, does this person know the whereabouts of my father?"

Shen Qin'er looked over in surprise.

"This person must know! Your father's disappearance is most likely related to him."

Ye Fan nodded.

"Why, you still refuse to confess honestly. Do you really want me to use the soul-searching method~?"

Seeing that this man looked as if he was afraid of boiling water, Ye Fan's voice became colder.

"Skinny Monkey"'s face changed, and after being silent for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll say it! But Shen Qingyang is probably gone! This matter has nothing to do with me. It was all done by the Tie family brothers."

"What's going on? Why don't you tell me in detail!" Ye Fan shouted.

"Okay! Now that the matter is over, I don't need to cover up for that brother anymore.

"Skinny Monkey" sighed and began to talk about everything he knew.

It turns out that Shen Qingyang originally joined the demon-hunting team of the Tie brothers. The Tie brothers are a pair of biological brothers. The eldest brother is called Tie Yang and the second brother is named Tiegang. They are both Core Formation Late Stage monks.

There are six people in the Tie family's demon hunting team. In addition to Shen Qingyang and "Skinny Monkey", there are two others. One of them is Luo Hai, and the other is a female cultivator named Yang Die. "It is said to be Tie Yang's." lover.

After the Tie family's demon hunting team entered the mountains, they had good luck, and it was relatively smooth and harvested quite a lot.

However, for some reason, Yang Die and Shen Qing raised eyebrows and looked at each other. The two seemed to be eye-catching.

But this time, the Tie brothers started to hold grudges.

Luo Hai saw something was wrong and quickly found an opportunity in private to give Shen Qingyang some kind advice.

After Shen Qingyang learned that Yang Die was not clear with the Tie family boss, he was also surprised and quickly kept a distance from Yang Die for fear of offending the Tie family brothers.

But this Yang Die didn't know what medicine he took wrongly, and he was so entangled that Shen Qingyang felt that he would be in danger if he stayed any longer.

So, late one night, Shen Qingyang left a note and quietly left the demon hunting team.

But when he left, there was no trace of him.

"Skinny Monkey" and Luo Hai noticed something was abnormal in the demon hunting team, so they secretly planned to follow Shen Qingyang's example and find an opportunity to leave.

However, when the two thought they had found an opportunity and wanted to sneak away, they discovered that the Tie brothers had already been guarding the only way they could pass.

Luo Hai argued with the two brothers, but was seriously injured, and his life or death was uncertain.

However, "Skinny Monkey" managed to escape with a teleportation talisman. Later, he met the demon hunting team of the bald monk, and in order to avoid trouble, he took the initiative to join.

"Do you know where this Tie family brother is?"

After listening to "Skinny Monkey"'s story, Ye Fan was noncommittal and just asked about the whereabouts of the Tie brothers.

"They have a lair at the foot of Canglan Mountain, but I don't know if they are there now.

"Skinny Monkey" said somewhat helplessly.

"Take me there. As long as you can prove that this matter has nothing to do with you, I will keep my word and let you go.

Come on!"

Under the guidance of "Skinny Monkey", Ye Fan successfully found a base of the Tie brothers at the foot of Canglan Mountain.

This is a secret cave, the entrance of the cave is hidden very deep, and it is extremely difficult to discover it unless someone knows about it.

Unfortunately, when he went there, there was no one in the cave.

"They've been back!"

Ye Fan quietly sent a few spirit-eating ants into the cave and found several new footprints, which showed that the Tie brothers had returned here recently.

"Do they have other bases?" Ye Fan asked "Skinny Monkey" again.

"I don't know. I have only been following the Tie brothers for half a year, and I don't know their details very well."

"Well, it seems that we can only go find someone to inquire!"

Ye Fan had no choice but to go down the mountain and search nearby.

After finally discovering a small market, Ye Fan went straight to the market.

Lin Chai is the manager of Linjiafang City and has been here for decades. Although this city is not big, it still has some oil and water.

Although Lin Chai had no hope of becoming a Great Dao, he stayed in Fangshi and lived a comfortable life. The most important thing is that his grandson has tested the Spirit Root of Water and Earth. He has good qualifications and has been recruited by the third-rate sect "Xu Ling Sect". "He was accepted as an outer disciple, and he said that his path to immortality was promising.

Lin Chai had high hopes for his grandson and worked hard to accumulate resources, hoping to leave some assets for his good grandson before he passed away.

"Alas, I only have less than twenty years left in my life."

Calculating my age, I am already over 480 years old. According to the Core Formation Stage of 500 years old, I have very little life left.

"Uncle, do you recognize brothers Tieyang and Tiegang?"

A few minutes later, Ye Fan walked out again with a frown on his face.

Ye Fan took out a Jie puppet and gave him anesthetic.

Lin Chai lowered his voice and said to Ye Fan: "But when you take action, don't kill me, the old man. You have to make sure that my life is safe."


"Life Extending Pill, fifty years?"

"You're already married at such a young age?"

Lin Chai was shocked, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Can you let me take a look at this elixir?"

The old man talking like this shows that he recognizes the Tie brothers and has probably met them recently.

Lin Chai looked up and saw a handsome young man standing opposite him, looking at him with a smile.

Lin Chai waved his hand, those Tie brothers were ruthless people and he didn't want to mess with them.

Ye Fan brought the Life Extending Pill closer and asked Lin Chai to take a closer look.

"Okay, don't worry about this! However, the sword has no eyes, so let's just give this puppet to you. But you should know that if you deceive me, the end will be miserable!"

"Oh, I just want to ask them something."

…………Please give me flowers…….……

"I asked the Tie brothers what they were doing?"

Lin Chai couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Of course you can."

"Hiss, it turned out to be a puppet for the robbery!" Lin Chai's eyes were fiery.

"Okay, that's it. Don't worry, sir. I will definitely try my best to get things done, old man.

The man in front of me looks like he is only in his early twenties, but his cultivation level is already Core Formation Late Stage, which is a small level higher than him.

"If nothing else happens, they will come again in the next two days. If you can trust the old man, accept this communication charm and I will notify you then.


I am also happy when I am disappointed.

"Little brother, let's talk inside."

"This matter is very important to me. After it is completed, in addition to the Life Extending Pill, I will give you another puppet to replace the robbery.

"Hey, who are you?"

"I don't know, they haven't been here for a long time."

The two of them had decided on their plan, and Ye Fan immediately left Xiaofang City.

A powerful voice appeared next to Lin Chai's ear, startling him.

"Uncle, your life is running out, right? If you are willing to tell me the whereabouts of the Tie brothers, this fifty-year Life Extending Pill will be yours."

Lin Chai glanced at Ye Fan warily, guessing his intentions.


Ye Fan took out a pill with a smile.

Lin Chai looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to the pavilion, so he took Ye Fan to another secret room.

(The author is asking for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!)

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