"Brother Ye, why are you sighing?"

Chen Muxin walked into Ye Fan's room.

"No, I said I have too many things to worry about, hey!"

Ye Fan looked up at Chen Muxin and was startled.

Chen Muxin had just finished taking a shower, and her hair was spread down like a hibiscus out of water, giving her a kind of pure and refined beauty.

Seeing Ye Fan staring at her blankly, Chen Muting couldn't help but lower his head.

"I mean, I have too many things to worry about. It's a hard life!"

Ye Fan realized that he had lost his temper and quickly changed the subject.

"What are you worrying about? Do you have a big family behind you?"

Chen Muxin thought, Ye Fan should have a Taoist companion. Does he have many children?

For some reason, there was a sourness in her heart.

"The family doesn't need me to worry about much, it's mainly about other aspects. After all, I was once the head of a sect.

"Oh? Brother Ye, are you already the leader at such a young age?"

"Yes, it is a sect with more than ten thousand people. I have been the leader for more than a hundred years."

"so smart?"


The two chatted until midnight, and then they went back to their rooms to rest at almost dawn.

The next day, Ye Fan was preparing to go out early in the morning. Chen Muxin wanted to follow but he stopped him.

"I have important things to do today, so please stay in the Cave Mansion for 500 yuan!"

"Oh!" Chen Muxin became a little unhappy.

"I may encounter some dangers in the next period of time, and I may even implicate you. Remember to refine all these puppets."

Ye Fan took out another hundred puppets and gave them to Chen Muxin, just to give her something to do so as not to get bored in the Cave Mansion.

Ye Fan has long recognized that Chen Muxin is very active and fun-loving. Her father protects her so well that she has no idea about the dangers of the Daoist world and the difficulties of the world.

"Do we need to refine all these tribulation puppets?"


"Okay." Chen Muxin nodded helplessly and agreed.

"I'll leave Boss Teng here to protect your safety, so I'll leave first."

Ye Fan left Boss Teng inside the Cave Mansion and went out.

"Brother Ye is really nice to me, but it's a pity that he is not from Zhongzhou and will go back in the future."

Inside the Cave Mansion, Chen Muxin frowned, feeling a little upset.

"In the past two days, I have been shopping in the larger stores in Lingxi City to see if I can sell some Spirit Medicine and buy some resources that (cjej) urgently needs.

Ye Fan was thinking while walking on the streets of Lingxi City.

Zhongzhou Immortal Dao is prosperous and has more resources than Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World.

Since he has come here, he will definitely not come back empty-handed.

Arriving at an unnoticed street corner, Ye Fan stayed for a short while.

When he reappeared, the clothes he was wearing had changed and his face had also changed.

After disguising himself, Ye Fan saw a very impressive shop in front of him and walked straight in.

"What do you need, Master?"

A young girl in her mid-20s came up and greeted Ye Fan enthusiastically.

"What do you sell in your store?"

"We at Ling Yixuan sell almost everything, including spiritual talismans, law treasures, spiritual materials, puppets, exercises, etc., we have almost everything."

The girl enthusiastically took Ye Fan around the store.

Ye Fan stopped in the puppet area.

"Master, do you want to buy a puppet?"

"What level are the puppets you have here?"

"The ready-made puppets in our store are mainly Foundation Building puppets and Core Formation puppets. There are also some Qi Refining puppets. If you need Nascent Soul-level puppets, I can ask the Palm Master to come over."

"I don't need Nascent Soul-level puppets. If I need a large number of Qi Refining-level puppets, can you provide them?"

Ye Fan suddenly turned to look at the girl.

"A large number of Qi Refining-level puppets? I wonder how many are required, sir?"

The girl was a little surprised.

"What about Spirit Medicine, elixirs, and exercises?"


These puppets he plans to use for the cultivation of Spirit Medicine in the system space and the development of space resources.

Ye Fan thought about it and felt that a month was not long and he could wait.

Ruan Qingfeng saw Ye Fan's generous move and spoke again.

"I also need other things. I also want the Talisman of Rank Two and above in your store, the Law Treasure and Spirit Treasure of Supreme Grade Law Weapon and above. I also want them all.

You know, Ling Yixuan is a relatively large store in the entire Lingxi City, and the inventory of various treasures in the store remains unchanged.

"I understand, Mr. Yi, please wait a moment."

"Oh, I'm Xia Fan."

"Exactly, if you are willing to wait for a month, I will definitely try every means to collect Qi Refining puppets from one million islands."

"I, Ruan Qingfeng, have met the young master, but I don't know his surname?"

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

"A million Qi Refining-level puppets? I need to ask the shopkeeper to come over for this. Young Master, please follow me to the private room upstairs to sit for a while."

"Well, if it takes a month, I can afford to wait."

One million Qi Refining puppets, with a total price of 100 million Middle Grade spiritual stones.

"Master Yi, other aspects..."

Ruan Qingfeng pondered for a moment and stretched out a finger to Ye Fan.

"All of them?" Ruan Qingfeng took a breath.

For example, one million!" Ye Fan said calmly.

“Mr. Yi, here is our store’s entire inventory of magic talismans above Rank Two and above, as well as Law Treasure above Supreme Grade Law Weapon.

The two haggled over the price of the puppet, and finally settled on a price of one hundred Middle Grade spiritual stones for one Qi Refining Late Stage puppet.

"A month?"

"Yes, but it will take some time."

Soon after, a woman in her thirties hurried over.

Ruan Qingfeng helped Ye Fan refill a cup of spiritual tea, then hurriedly left the private room, and came back after a while.

"It turns out to be Mr. Yi. Mr. Yi wants one million puppets in the Qi Refining stage. Is this serious?"

This simple work does not require high level puppetry.

Ruan Qingfeng signaled the girl just now to leave first and smiled at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan glanced at Ruan Qingfeng with twinkling eyes.

Ye Fan directly paid a 20% deposit and came back a month later to deliver the puppets.

Ruan Qingfeng handed an oversized storage bag to Ye Fan.

"Yes, all of them."

"Those are not needed."

"Of course it's true. Shopkeeper Ruan, I'd like to ask you if you can accept this order?"

Ye Fan looked around and followed the girl to a private room upstairs.

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