
Ye Fan entered the Void Tower and found that Xiaobai had woken up.

He just looked a little listless, and his mental state had not yet fully recovered.

"Master, I still want to sleep."

Xiaobai was lying on the ground, looking sickly. It seemed that the last time Xiaobai activated his talent Divine Ability, the cost was really high.

"Here, take some supplements."

Ye Fan took out some spiritual objects that were taken from the sect's treasure house to nourish the body and repair injuries, and after letting Xiao Bai swallow most of them, its condition finally recovered.

"These spiritual objects are left to you, and you can rest for a while."


Ye Fan saw that it was not serious, so he left the Void Tower.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Qingxue asked with concern when she saw Ye Fan's face was a little gloomy.

"Xiaobai was a little injured, it shouldn't matter now.

"Oh, junior brother, there is something I want to tell you."

Lin Qingxue said: "Didn't you say you wanted to set up a Dao Integration army before? The time should be almost here now."

"Oh? What should I say?" Ye hesitated.

"Wang Jun and Senior Sister Ding have made several '230 movies' like you mentioned over the years. After being screened in the territory of the human and demon tribes, the response was very good."

Lin Qingxue briefly talked about the grand occasion when several movies were played.

"The Dao Integration Army...is in some trouble now!"

Ye Fan frowned slightly. The system has not appeared yet. Most of his resources are stored in the system warehouse and cannot be taken out now. The resources that the Dao Integration Army can use by then will be extremely limited.

In this way, it will be difficult to achieve the goal.

"It seems that we can recruit some people first, but I'm afraid the number will have to be limited, and a group of backbones will be cultivated first.

Ye Fan murmured to himself.

"Senior sister, I have my own discretion in this matter."

Ye Fan thought for a while and decided to discuss it with the senior leaders of the human and demon tribes before making a decision.

"Yeah." Lin Qingxue nodded.

"Senior sister, I will go back to my hometown in two days to see my parents back."

After a moment of silence, Ye Fan said slowly.

"That's fine. (cjah) Lin Qingxue sighed, there are differences between immortals and mortals, there is nothing we can do about it.

She could tell that the mortals of the Ye family were not happy staying at Yunxia Peak.

Just to avoid embarrassing Ye Fan, they never spoke about it.

Now that my parents-in-law are old, they will no longer miss the life in the country even more.

"Junior brother, can I go back with you?"

"No, senior sister still has so many things to be busy with, forget it, I may stay for a while after I send my parents back.

"Okay! Junior brother, just stay a few more days and leave the things here to me."

Lin Qingxue understands Ye Fan's mood. After this separation from her family, it may be difficult to see them again in the future.

Staying a little longer and fulfilling your filial piety is what Ye Fan should do as a son of man.

In order for Ye Wan'er to concentrate on his cultivation, everyone could only do this.

These people were naturally full of surprises, and repeatedly promised that they would look at the Ye family in a new light and take good care of them.

"Zhao Yang, you stay and protect them secretly!"

This incident also alarmed the local government.

Except for Ye Wan'er who is practicing in seclusion, all the mortals of the Ye family have returned to Banshan Village.

The Ye family has also completely stabilized and resumed living in Banshan Village.

The officials were naturally so frightened that Banshan Village did not dare to bully them at all, or even come to collect them.

As for Ye Wan'er herself, she can only run away from now on.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Officials from the town and county were sent over.

"Fan'er, you don't have to worry about us. We have lived for so long and it is enough. There is nothing to worry about now. Just go about your business.

So as soon as Ye Fan came back, he started to build a lot of buildings. He chose the location on the top of the mountain and built several mansions.

Therefore, apart from being a little curious at first, and villagers coming over from time to time to peer in and observe, everyone soon got used to it.

Ye Fan took another deep look at his parents, younger siblings, and many descendants before turning and leaving.

Ye Fan used some means to let these officials know the importance.

"However, no matter what happens to you in the future, you must remember that this is the root of our Ye family!"

After all, her husband and children also went to Banshan Village.

Ye Tian said to Ye Fan with a smile.

Later, Ye Fan said goodbye to his parents in the early morning of one day.

Before leaving, Ye Fan asked Zhao Yang to stay and secretly protect the Ye family's safety nearby.

There is nothing we can do about this.

"Father, mother, you have to take care of your health. I will come back to visit you when I have time."

Especially after Ye Fan took out a large amount of gold and silver and built a new house for every family in the village, the villagers became even more grateful and respected the Ye family even more.

But it is obviously impossible for so many people to live in just one house.

Two days later, Ye Fan quietly left Yunxia Peak with his family.

Of course, Ye Fan also gave some benefits to local parents.

After finishing all this, more than half a year has passed.

The so-called stick and carrot, blind shock will not work either.

"Dad, remember, kid, please take care of yourself!"

In Banshan Village, the old house of the Ye family is still intact.

There were still a few Life Extending Pills in his storage bag, so Ye Fan took out a few and gave them to local powerful people.

Although the current villagers in Banshan Village do not know the Ye family, they have heard about the Ye Fan family from their ancestors.

Zhao Yang accepted the order and his figure quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The villagers in Banshan Village have changed several times, and no old friends from the past are left.

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