"Immortal Weapon! No, Master, these two are Immortal Weapon! Once they fight, they will completely annihilate this area, and by then we will have no bones left!"

Xiaobai shouted in panic.

"What? Immortal Weapon?" Ye Fan's head was a little confused.

The Yakuza system, that one bead, turned out to be an Immortal Weapon?

"Master, let's leave quickly! No, it's too late!"

Xiaobai's panicked voice made Ye Fan wake up.

"Then what should I do? I don't know if the Void Tower can withstand this impact!"

Ye Fan murmured to himself.

"It's absolutely impossible. Although this pagoda, Master, is extraordinary, it can never stop the power of the Immortal Weapon.

Xiaobai calmed down, as if he had made up his mind, and said to Ye Fan: "Master, there is only one way now! We Devouring Beasts of the Void have a talent called Divine Ability, which allows us to travel through time and space without damaging the source. But the price is very high, but now there is no other way. For the safety of the master, I can only try it. Please let me out quickly. "

"Then be careful!"

Ye Fan had no choice but to transfer Xiaobai out of the Void Tower.

As soon as Xiaobai entered the chaotic void, he once again swallowed the void tower into his belly, and then immediately activated its talent Divine Ability.

Suddenly, its body began to emit inscriptions that fluctuated in time and space. 347

Xiaobai's breath quickly weakened almost instantly. Fortunately, a space-time gate was barely formed beside it.


At this moment, the God-Destroying Cauldron and the Tianyuan Pearl not far away burst into light almost at the same time and began to fight.

The chaotic void in this area was completely annihilated by the power of Immortal Weapon in an instant, turning into a dead black hole.

The area of ​​the black hole expanded rapidly, spreading towards Xiaobai's location at an unparalleled speed.

"Leave quickly."

Xiaobai was so frightened that his limbs became weak, and he quickly rushed towards the space-time door.

Fortunately, it entered the space-time gate before the black hole came over, and soon, its figure disappeared without a trace.

"Master, fortunately I survived! But I will fall asleep soon."

When Xiaobai appeared again, it had escaped from chaos and came to a mountain stream surrounded by cliffs.

Xiaobai only had time to spit out the Void Tower from his belly before he passed out.


In the Void Tower, Ye Fan regained his sight and immediately discovered Xiaobai who was unconscious. He quickly took Xiaobai into the Void Tower.

After a brief inspection, Ye Fan found that Xiaobai was not in immediate danger of life, but was extremely weak and was likely to sleep for a long time.

"Fortunately, there is Xiaobai this time, otherwise I would have died."

Although he still has a clone, Ye Fan doesn't want his original body to perish.

He has refined a lot of puppets for robbery, but Ye Fan feels that the puppets for robbery may not be able to play a role in that situation.

Just now, Ye Fan had a chance to escape, but Ye Fan found that his current situation was still not good.

"Where is this place, and why does the Void Tower keep falling?"

Soon, a slight touch came over me.

"Landed? It seems that this mountain stream is not very deep!"

"How to get up here?"

"Floating City? Could this be the floating city in Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World?"

It seems that there are cliffs all around, but the Void Tower is unable to levitate over this strange deep stream, and instead keeps falling downwards.

In the process of falling, Ye Fan suddenly discovered that in this huge deep gorge, he could occasionally see small cities carved out of the cliffs on both sides of the gorge.

Ye Fan made a quick judgment, but was still unable to do anything and could only let the Void Tower fall down on its own.

Ye relaxed and cautiously walked out of the Void Tower, only to find that he was at the top of a hill. Not far away was a cliff. Looking down, it was bottomless.

Not sure how much time had passed, Ye Fan suddenly felt the Void Tower tremble slightly.

This place seems to be the legendary floating city. The three overlord-level forces of Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World, as well as various small forces and Independent Cultivator, have all established strongholds of different sizes here.

Even in the terrifying abyss, Ye Fan didn't feel this weird.

"No, this place is continuously draining my energy and longevity!"

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Soon, Ye Fan discovered another thing that made his hair stand on end, something he had never heard of or seen before.

The girl glanced at Ye Fan, suddenly her face turned red, and she whispered to Ye Fan: "Do you have any spiritual stones with you? If so, can you give me a few spiritual stones?"

It is obvious that no one has come to explore this place yet, and the nearest floating city is not yet known how far away it is.

Moreover, Ye Fan also met a young girl wearing coarse cloth at the foot of the mountain.

"It's not good."

Although the location was determined, Ye Fan discovered that the Void Tower was located roughly in the middle of the mountain stream, thousands of meters away from the mountain walls on both sides, and the power of the forbidden air here was extremely powerful. With him With his current cultivation level, there is no way he could fall into those cities.

He could feel that the power of the forbidden air here was extremely strong, and he was afraid that even Soul Formation monks would not be able to fly very far upward.

Ye Fan quickly realized that he was lucky enough to not fall directly to the bottom of the mountain stream, but instead landed on a strange suspended island.

It has been a long time since Ye Fan saw the floating cities on the cliffs on both sides of the mountain stream.

"Hey, I'm afraid I'm going to be trapped here now!" Ye Fan smiled bitterly.

"Our village is called Atayal Village! There are several other villages a few miles away."

Ye Fan felt relieved. Since there were people living here, they should know the way out.

"It's over, I'm afraid I'm going to fall directly to the bottom of the mountain stream."

The girl seemed quite surprised to see Ye Fan, as if she was meeting an outsider for the first time.

"The power of forbidden air similar to the terrifying abyss!"

He carefully walked from the top of the hill to the foot of the hill. On the way, Ye Fan suddenly discovered that there were traces of living creatures here.

Ye Fan groaned secretly in his heart, but he had nothing to do. He could only watch the Void Tower falling continuously, and the speed became faster and faster.

"Yes, I accidentally fell from above. Where are you here?"

"Is this a hanging island?"

"Hey, brother, are you a monk from outside?"

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