"That's wrong!" Ye Fan frowned, having doubts in his heart.

If there are only one hundred demon god-stage Chaos Thunder Beasts and more than nine hundred demon infant-stage Chaos Thunder Beasts, although their strength is pretty good, it is absolutely impossible to cause such a big impact on Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World, whose overall strength is not inferior to Cangnan. s damage.

"Master, the Chaos Thunder Beast is just one of them. There are other types of Chaos creatures nearby. Moreover, I feel that there is something in the Chaos Void far away that has a great attraction for me. These Chaos Beasts should have been attracted by this thing. However, I was worried about alarming these Chaos Thunder Beasts, so I didn’t go over to investigate.”

Xiaobai sent a message to Ye Fan.

It felt that this news was important and did not want others in the Void Tower to know.

"I see. Could it be that some extraordinary treasure appeared in the chaotic void in this area?"

Ye Fan's mind was filled with excitement.

To be able to attract a large number of chaotic creatures, the treasure must be extraordinary, but it is probably not that easy to obtain. Otherwise, these chaotic creatures would have dispersed long ago after obtaining the treasure.

"So, Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World just suffered an unreasonable disaster and was dragged down by that rare treasure?"

"If the facts are as Xiaobai said, maybe this disaster was purely accidental. The Chaos Beasts were just looking for food and did not really want to attack Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World. Otherwise, even this group of Chaos Thunder Beasts would be enough Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World has had a drink.”

From the information detected by Xiaobai, Ye Fan quickly deduced many things.

"I wonder if the Void Tower can enter the chaotic void? By the way, the Void Tower?"

Ye Fan suddenly became excited.

Since the name of this Heaven-Connecting Spiritual Treasure contains the word "void", could it be related to this?

Maybe the Void Tower can travel through the Chaos Void?

"Master, this pagoda can indeed travel through chaos."

Ye Fan asked Xiaobai and got a positive answer.

"It seems that my cheap master did not refine this tower by himself. With his cultivation level, it is impossible for him to build such a mysterious pagoda. My cheap master probably got this void tower by chance."

Ye Fan was thoughtful.

"Master, we can go over and take a look!"

Xiao Bai was a little anxious, fearing that the treasures in the chaos would be used by those chaos beasts to get there first.

"Well, but we have to get rid of these people first."

Ye Fan glanced at the Cangnan cultivators.

At this time, everyone in Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World was still in extreme shock. They couldn't believe the news that Xiaobai just brought back.

After all, a hundred-headed demon Divine Level Chaos Beast is no joke.

Maybe after Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World is completely destroyed, it will be Cangnan's turn.

"Young Ye Ye, it seems that there is not much danger in the city at the moment. Find a suitable place and let us out first!"

Ye Fan was worried about finding an excuse to temporarily send these Soul Formation masters out of the Void Tower, but he never thought that Gu Zhefan would suddenly take the initiative to speak. After all, everyone was so anxious at this time that they could not care about the danger.

"Okay, in that case, let me send the seniors to the city gate first.

Ye Fan controlled the Void Tower to land near the city gate, and then sent everyone out of the tower.

"Ancestor, I will stay in the tower for the time being and go explore some more."

Ye Fan pretended to report to Patriarch Yang.

"Okay, proceed with caution and stay safe!"

Yang Yidi felt that with Ye Fan's current cultivation level, he couldn't be of much help for the time being, so it would be safer to let him stay in the Void Tower, so he nodded in agreement.

Gu Zhefan moved his lips, wanting to ask Ye Fan to keep Xiaobai temporarily, but he thought about it and still did not say this.

After all, when Ye Fan is not present, who knows whether this void-devouring beast will suddenly go crazy, and no one will be able to control it by then.

"Disciple understands!"

Ye Fan nodded to everyone and disappeared quickly.

"Xiao Bai, how do I control the pagoda to enter chaos?"

"I can swallow the pagoda into my belly first, and then spit it out after entering the chaos.


Ye Fan felt that this method could be tried, so he did as he was told.

Soon, Xiaobai took the Void Tower into a space mezzanine.

It carefully avoided several groups of chaos beasts in the nearby space, quietly passed through a special space node, and entered the chaos.

"Is this chaos?"

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

"Oh!" Ye Fan suddenly realized.

"Even Soul Formation monks will have to suffer hatred in this chaotic void!"

Although his true body was in the Void Tower, Ye Fan still felt the terror of the chaotic void.

"Yes! This stupid guy is no match for me!"

Xiaobai nodded, and when Ye Fan released it from the Void Tower, Xiaobai immediately fought with the starry sky beast.

However, after Xiaobai arrived here, he felt like a fish in water, constantly pointing the way to Ye Fan.

At a certain moment, Ye Fan felt a little anxious, "After all, he can't leave Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World for too long."


Ye Fan was thoughtful.

"Well, the power of laws in chaos is so weak that it is almost non-existent, so some things here are completely different from the real world."

This may be because the Void Devouring Beast itself is a relatively rare species among the Chaos Beasts.

"What monster?"

"No, it's only been two hours."

When most people get here, they simply can't find their way back, and they will have to die in it alive.

"Master, there!"

Xiaobai has re-entered the Void Tower and began to introduce some strange phenomena in the chaos to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was startled and quickly looked outside, only to see a chaotic beast as big as a mountain peak and somewhat similar in appearance to Godzilla, attacking the Void Tower like crazy.

Ye Fan didn't know how long time had passed. Anyway, he felt that a long time had passed and he had been walking in the direction directed by Xiaobai.

There are no rules here, everything is gray.

"It seems that Xiaobai's true strength is stronger than I previously estimated."

The Void Tower was spit out by Xiao Bai again. Ye Fan was in the Void Tower, looking at the surrounding environment curiously.

"Xiao Bai, has it been several years since we entered the chaos?"

When Ye Fan was sighing, he suddenly felt that the Void Tower had been hit. There was a chaotic beast outside that discovered the existence of the Void Tower and launched an attack without hesitation.

On the way, Ye Fan indeed saw a large number of Chaos Beasts, group after group. Some had strange and weird shapes, and some were somewhat similar to creatures in the real world. However, Ye Fan did not see any of Xiao Bai's similar beasts.

Xiaobai said confidently.

The starry sky beast was huge in size, but a little clumsy. It was fooled around by Xiaobai and could only roar angrily, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Master, let me out, and I will swallow this star beast."


"This is called the Starry Sky Beast? Can you beat it?"

"There is no sense of time, space, direction, etc. It seems that the senses are gone."

Ye Fan thought for a while and decided to conquer this huge star beast.

"Well, don't swallow it, just wrap it around."

Xiaobai was furious and said to Ye Fan.

The chaotic void is really weird and can easily cause hallucinations.

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