"This matter is of great importance, I'm afraid we have to make some preparations in advance!"

Ye Fan frowned, feeling that things in Cangbei were not simple.

As we all know, some unpleasant things happened between Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World and Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World many years ago, although they have not yet reached the point where they will never be in contact with each other until death.

But being able to make people from Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World lower their faces and ask for help from Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World shows that the situation in Cangbei must have reached a very critical moment.

"Uncle Wang, you go and do your work first!"

After sending Wang Dai away, Ye Fan immediately found Wan Song and told him the matter in detail.

At the same time, Ye Fan also notified all the supreme elders of Xuanshuang Sect so that everyone should be ready to provide support at any time.

"Alas, one wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen!"

Late at night, Ye Fan sighed deeply inside the Cave Mansion.

"Xiaofan, what happened? Why are you so anxious?"

In the Cave Mansion, Lin Qingxue, who was playing with Xiaoxue, raised her head and glanced at Ye Fan.

"Senior sister, I may have to travel far away in a few days. You stay in the sect and help me deal with some daily things.

"Good 220!"

Seeing Ye Fan's serious expression, Lin Qingxue quickly put Xiaoxue down.

"There are mainly a few things. One is related to the daily operations of the Dao Integration merchant house, and the other is some miscellaneous matters within the sect. If you don't know how to deal with it, go to Wan Song to discuss it."

Ye Fan explained some important matters to Lin Qingxue, and temporarily handed over the sword of ancestor Xuan Shuang to Lin Qingxue.

With this sword, Lin Qingfu can temporarily assume the power of the sect.

Lin Qingxue usually participates in the daily affairs of the Dao Integration Shangge, so she is quite familiar with this aspect.

In addition, there are the transactions between Ye Fan and major business alliances.

This is not difficult. Ye Fan left Lin Qingxue enough spirit stones to be used for a long time as well as various resources for trading, including Spirit Medicine, Spirit Wine, etc.

“Senior sister, I’m afraid this trip won’t be too short. This Nascent Soul Late Stage corpse will be left under your control.

Ye Fan released Hong Yuan's corpse refining and taught Lin Qingxue the method of controlling the corpse refining.

With Old Monster Hong Yuan's corpse refining, Lin Qingxue's safety basically doesn't have much of a problem.

The next day, Ye Fan quietly left Xuanshuang Sect and headed for the South Island waters.

He needs Xiaobai's help during this trip, so he can only temporarily bring Xiaobai back from Nangong Xuexiang.

"How is the situation in the South China Sea recently?"

In Qingshui City in the waters of the South Island, Ye Fan met Nangong Xuefu.

She is now stationed here in Qingshui City.

"It's been relatively stable recently, and the Hai Clan has calmed down a bit."

Nangong Xuefu glanced at Ye Fan and said.

"Oh, that's good, but something big happened in Cangbei!"

Ye Fan told Nangong Xuefu in detail about Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World's request for help.

"Creatures from another world?"

Nangong Xuefu frowned, feeling that the situation was serious.

"I may have to go to Cangbei. I need Xiaobai's help on this trip, so I came to see you this time just to take Xiaobai away."


Nangong Xuefu immediately took out the Spirit Beast bag and released Xiaobai.

"Refining a few more Jie Jie puppets. Also, take this Rank Five golden sword talisman first."

Ye Fan took out a Rank Five sword talisman and two Wanli talismans that he had treasured for a long time.

Ye Fan pondered for a moment and said.


"Ancestor, how is the situation in the circle?"

Ye Fan thought thoughtfully, it seemed that Xiaobai was such a special creature.

Wan Song said in shock.

Ye Fan smiled and comforted.

"What kind of alien creature is so terrifying? Is it related to the Demon Race?"

Wan Song and Ye Fan looked at each other, neither quite understanding what chaotic creatures were.

"However, some people speculate that the one attacking Cangbei is a kind of chaotic creature. 17

"Chaos creature?"

"Yes, the world is indeed derived from chaos, so the so-called chaotic creatures are a kind of peculiar creatures, special creatures that can reproduce in chaos.

"Fellow Daoist of the Golden Sword Sect has gone to Cangbei. According to the news he sent back, the current Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World has suffered heavy casualties, and many small sects have been completely destroyed.

Two days after he returned to Xuanshuang Sect, Yang Yiti came back from Jinjianmen with a very ugly face (cjbc).

"Yes, but although the Rank Five spiritual talisman is said to be able to threaten Soul Formation experts, it actually has little effect. Once you activate this talisman, you will immediately activate the teleportation talisman to escape. Do not stay.

Ye Fan didn't stay long in Qingshui City before heading north again.

"Ancestor, according to some legends, the world seems to have evolved from a mass of chaos.

"Even the three major forces of Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World also suffered most of their casualties. The situation is already precarious!"

Yang Yi glanced at Ye Fan with tears in his eyes with approval.

Yang Yiti looked sad and felt restless.

"You mean, the pagoda inherited from the emperor?"

"It is said that there are many types of chaotic creatures, but most of them are born with the attribute of affinity with space, and can even shuttle at will in the space mezzanine. In this way, they can attack us unscrupulously, but we use them There is no good way, unless the strong ones in the Spirit World have controlled the power of the law to pose a threat to them."


Wan Song was stunned, he didn't know how the world came to be.

"At present, it seems that it has nothing to do with the Demon Race! As for what kind of alien creature it is, there is no way of knowing. No one has seen its true face."

"Special creatures that can thrive in chaos?"

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Yang Yiti sighed and continued: "Do you know how the world came to be?"

"How do you know this?"

"Rank Five Talisman?"

Ye Fan and Wan Song came to Yang Yifo's residence together.

Three days later, Yang Yifo and Ye Fan took more than a dozen Nascent Soul monks from Xuanzong on their journey to the Northern Immortal Cultivation World.

"Ancestor, don't worry too much! If we really get to that point, my disciples have one last way out. No matter how powerful these chaotic creatures are, they will never be able to harm me at all."

Yang Yitian glanced at Ye Fan with a smile from the corner of his eyes.

Yang Yiti sighed and said worriedly: "I am only worried now that if Cangbei Immortal Cultivation World is completely destroyed, our Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World may not be able to escape as well.

"Yes, ancestor, with the Void Tower here, we can have nothing to worry about!"

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