Fantasy: I, The Longevity Body, Have Survived Ten Generations Of Geniuses

Chapter 301: I Have A Sword, Let The Fairy Taste It

"I don't believe it. Could it be that none of the talented disciples of our Xuanshuang Sect can defeat this person?"

"Nah, it is said that this female swordsman was once the second-ranked genius in the genius list, second only to our deputy master. However, the deputy master does not specialize in swordsmanship. I am afraid that he is not her opponent in swordsmanship. !”

"It's been more than half a month. Most of the most powerful disciples in the sect have already gone up there, right? Can we only ask Deputy Head Ye to take action?"

"Oh, what a shame!"

In every corner of Yanwu Square, many Xuanzong disciples were whispering quietly.

Most of the young disciples of Xuan Shuang Sect felt extremely frustrated, and the idea of ​​becoming stronger than ever before emerged in their hearts.

At the edge of Yanwu Square, the trio of Guan Zhao, Liu Yuping, and Wu Xuan Jianxiu gathered together, staring with frosty faces.

"I didn't expect that even though we have been practicing swordsmanship for decades, we can't even pass 500 moves under someone else's hands. It really makes me quite frustrated."

Guan Zhao created his own "Two Two Three" and "Three Qingfeng Styles" and felt that he was quite talented in kendo. However, compared with the real kendo geniuses of his time, it was still somewhat dwarfed, which greatly affected his self-confidence. blow.

"Perhaps among the disciples of the same generation in the sect, only Deputy Head Ye can fight with him."

Wu Xuan frowned and said.

"But Deputy Head Ye now has a lot of chores, and he is not a pure swordsman, but this woman is one of the top swordsmanship wizards in the Golden Sword Sect. I'm afraid Deputy Head Ye is still... wwwww

Liu Yuping shook his head gently, and the meaning of his words was self-evident.

"Oh, it's a pity that we have already been on the stage. It would be a bit shameful to go up again. Otherwise, I would like to have a good competition with her again."

Guan Zhao sighed.

"Now, we can only hope that some of the true disciples of the previous generation will be willing to step forward."

Wu Xuan also sighed slightly.

At this time, a figure came flying from a distance, and the three of them quickly cheered up and looked over.

"It's Master Jinshun, but it's a pity that he doesn't specialize in swordsmanship!"

Guan Zhao shook his head.

"Uncle Jin Shun once won first place in the sect competition. His talent is quite good. I hope he can create miracles!"

Liu Yuping, Guan Zhao, and Wu Xuan stared at the arena with expectant eyes.

"Xuanshuang Sect Jinshun, come and learn the clever tricks from Fairy Yuan!"

In the ring, Jin Shun suppressed his cultivation to the early stage of Core Formation, and bowed his hand to Yuan Qingge with a solemn expression.

"Senior Brother Jin was once a famous person on the list of geniuses, so Qingge is polite!"

Yuan Qingge did not dare to neglect him. After all, Jin Shun was once a famous genius.



The two men immediately started to move, both with fast speed, and hundreds of moves were passed in an instant.

"As expected, he is indeed the genius of the previous generation! It's a pity that this person doesn't specialize in swordsmanship, otherwise he might not be inferior to me."

Yuan Qingge suddenly changed his sword posture and began to fight steadily, staying the same to cope with the changes and facing Jin Shun's stormy attack.

"Oops! I originally wanted to catch her off guard with my quick sword, but this girl is so young yet so experienced. I'm afraid she'll be in trouble now!"

Jin Shun was unable to break through Yuan Qingge's sword power despite his furious attack, and he inevitably became a little anxious.

There was inevitably a loophole in this sharp sword move, and the experienced Yuan Qingge seized the fleeting opportunity and made a great contribution in one fell swoop.

"I admire you! How many disciples of the Golden Sword Sect are there like you?"

Jin Shun glanced at the sword mark on his arm, his expression changed slightly, but he soon calmed down.

"There are only seven or eight people who are on par with me. Those who are slightly inferior to me are in the eighties and nineties.

Yuan Qingge thought for a moment and decided to tell the truth.

The Golden Sword Sect is truly worthy of being the first of the four major sects!”

Jin Shun bowed his hands to Yuan Qingge with a solemn expression, turned around and left the ring.

"Fairy Yuan, please rest for half an hour. In half an hour, I, Leng Tianqing, will fight with you!"

Soon, Leng Tianqing appeared on the ring.

As one of the few sword cultivators among the true disciples of the previous generation, he had to step forward after all, otherwise the Xuanshuang Sect would really lose its face.

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Leng!"

Yuan Qingge's face looked heavy for the first time.

Leng Tianqing was also among the top twenty geniuses on the last genius list, and he was also a swordsman, so Yuan Qingge had to brace himself to deal with it.

Because she felt a sharp edge unique to sword cultivators from Leng Tianqing.

"This person may be the most powerful opponent I have encountered during this trip."

Yuan Qingge was thoughtful, she sat down, breathed out a stick of incense, and then stood up again.

Therefore, it is inevitable that a lot of his own understanding is added to the sword moves.


"As far as I know, Junior Brother Ye has not yet understood the 3.8 Sword Domain, but you will still lose to him.

"Canglang Sword Technique!"

After pondering for a long time, Yuan Qingge suddenly became more competitive and raised his hands in the direction of Heaven-Connecting Peak.

A slightly older voice appeared below the ring.

"Senior Brother Leng, it's time to start!"

But Leng Tianqing was personally taught by Zhang Zuijian.

When Leng Tianqing asked this question, the expression on his face was still indifferent.

Little did she know that Ye Fan had no one to teach him and he had to figure it out on his own.

"The Canglang Sword Technique he used is very different from Ye Fan. They have their own merits. However, I feel that Ye Fan did not use his full strength last time, and this person has tried his best to defeat me."

"He hasn't understood the Sword Domain yet, but he can beat me?"

Leng Tianqing nodded slightly and also suppressed his cultivation to the early stage of Core Formation.

The duel between the two was very different from the situation when Jin Shun came on the stage just now. It didn't have the huge momentum when Jin Shun took action just now. Instead, it was as dull as the slanting wind, drizzle, and deep sea undercurrents, but it was actually more dangerous. .

Yuan Qingge nodded slowly.

Yuan Qingge raised his eyebrows with a suspicious look on his face.

The two fought fiercely for an hour, and for a while there was no winner.

"Did you do your best?"

What made everyone curious was that until the two of them stopped, the Xuan Shuang Sect disciples under the ring could not tell who was winning and who was losing.

Behind him, a strand of hair quietly broke away from his long flowing hair.

"Except for not exerting 100% of my sword domain, I have tried my best!"

The person who came was actually a middle-aged monk with a slightly lost appearance. His cultivation was only at the eleventh level of Qi Refining.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

After Leng Tianqing finished speaking, she walked off the ring without looking back.

The entire Xingwu Square became silent. Except for the sounds on the ring, the Xuan Shuang Sect disciples watching the battle below held their breaths, for fear of missing any of their moves.

After all, Leng Tianqing finally saved everyone's face this time. Even if he lost, at least he had persisted for so long, and at least he was evenly matched with Yuan Qingge.

The last time, what she saw was the Canglang Sword Technique used by Ye Fan, and at that time she was able to realize the extraordinary quality of this sword technique.

But in this way, the thinking will inevitably be restricted to a certain extent, and it will not be able to bring out the full essence of this set of swordsmanship.

"I have a sword, please let the fairy taste it!"

"Fairy Qingge, the leader seems to have gone outside and is not inside the sect!"

Yuan Qingge didn't understand why the same set of swordsmanship was so different between the two men.

Many disciples of Xuan Shuang Sect breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuan Qingge's pupils shrank, and she finally saw the authentic Canglang Sword Jue again.

"Deputy Leader Ye, please give me some advice!"

Immediately, a thin figure slowly walked onto the ring from the audience.

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