After the tea party, Sihai Alliance Wan Qiankun and others did not wait long before meeting Ye Fan again.

However, in addition to them, Ye Fan also met with several large business alliances at the same time, including some of their competitors in the Sihai Alliance, including their mortal enemy Baijia Alliance.

When Wan Qiankun saw Long Qianqiu, the leader of the Baijia League, his old rival for many years, he couldn't help but groaned. At the same time, he was also a little puzzled. I don't know why Ye Fan found these people from the Multi-Business Alliance~.

Is it possible that this is preparing everyone to compete with each other to lower the price?

After all, this method is not uncommon.

The other people's thoughts are similar to Wan Qiankun's, and they are inevitably a little depressed.

Because there are so many competitors competing for this business, the profits can be imagined, and even doing business at a loss is common.

"This young man is not simple! His skills are so sophisticated, no wonder he can sit in this position at such a young age."

This thought came to everyone's mind.

"This guy seems to be a few years younger than me, but he has some tricks up his sleeve!"

Hong Xuan'er stared at Ye Fan with her beautiful eyes, her thoughts becoming a little complicated.

She has been in the mall for decades and has naturally learned a lot.

Hong Xuan'er thought she had seen through Ye Fan's trump card and was just waiting for a price.

"Seniors, please have tea!"

Ye Fan, who was sitting in the main seat, smiled and made an invitation gesture to everyone.

“Hey, Ye Fellow Daoist, this tea is pretty good!”

Long Qianqiu, the leader of the Baijia League, took a sip of the spirit tea and immediately gave a thumbs up and praised it.

Lingcha is indeed good. After all, it is the Wannian Lingcha produced by the system. However, Long Qianqiu's thoughts cannot be placed on Lingcha. He is just leaving a good impression on Ye Fan in this way.


Wan Qiankun murmured something in a voice that was imperceptible but could be heard by everyone.

Long Qianqiu pretended not to hear, keeping the smile on his face unchanged.

"Seniors, actually, I'm here today mainly to discuss a big deal."

At this time, Ye Fan showed a smile on his face and glanced at the people present.

"Appreciate further details!"

Everyone pricked up their ears, waiting for Fan's next words.

"This matter still needs to be kept secret. Just know it and don't spread it around. After all, this matter is related to the great secret of our human race.

Ye Fan first gave everyone a vaccination, and also secretly warned everyone present not to gossip.

"Don't worry, Young Master Ye, I'll be careful."

Long Qianqiu spoke again and expressed his vow.

"That's good!" Ye Fan paused, collected his thoughts, and continued: "You are all well-informed people, and you must know that our Human Race, Monster Race Alliance, Sea Race, and Demon Race will be in the near future. , there must be a big war!”

"This battle can only be won, not defeated, otherwise the entire human race in the Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World will surely become the slaves of the alien race, and it is not impossible to even be completely exterminated."

"Therefore, the seniors of the human and demon tribes have decided to integrate the forces of the two tribes and will soon form a Dao Integration Corps to conduct rigorous training to cope with this catastrophe in the future!"

"As the saying goes, 'before the soldiers and horses are moved, food and grass go first.' Before the Dao Integration Army is established, I need to reserve a large amount of cultivation resources, such as elixirs, spiritual talismans, Law Treasures, etc., all are needed.

"The reason why I came here to discuss this matter with you seniors today is to discuss this matter! If your credibility can be guaranteed, the materials needed by the future Dao Integration Army can be completely provided by you. This is a long-term deal, and it is a big deal for the Transcendent Level Buy and sell.”

Having said this, Ye Fan stopped again.

At this time, people from more than a dozen major merchant alliances were already feeling furious.

However, Immortal Cultivation World should have encountered this situation relatively rarely in the past, and the prices of resources were generally relatively stable, so people like Long Qianqiu had this doubt.

"Ye Shaoxia, is this really your purchase price?"

Ye Fan had already prepared the purchase list and price, and sent them to everyone immediately.

.........Please give me flowers 0

The so-called Dao Integration Army must be quite large in number, at least tens of thousands of them.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you seniors that the size of the first phase of the Dao Integration Army is initially set at 100,000 for the Human Race and 1 million for the Monster Race."

"One hundred thousand? One million?"

At this time Ye Fan said again.


Because the news provided by Ye Fan is indeed shocking enough.

"That's right, so you don't have to worry about not getting business. I came here today to prepare for cooperation with everyone here. However, there is an ugly saying in front of me. If any business alliance dares to pass off shoddy goods, , then we have the right to immediately terminate the cooperation with the business alliance and never use the things of the business alliance again.

"Haha, this purchase price is not set in stone. If you think it is too low and there is not much profit left, you can definitely raise it. It is not impossible for us to increase the purchase price appropriately in the future."

Long Qianqiu quickly spoke again.

"The purchase price is actually slightly higher than the market price?"

"That's good!" Ye Fan nodded.

"By the way, Fellow Ye Daoist, the purchase price..."

As a transmigrator, Ye Fan naturally has a good understanding of basic economic principles.

Wan Qiankun and others took a deep breath.

One can imagine how huge the resources needed for so many people to practice would be.

"You can rest assured, Fellow Daoist Ye, that we are not that stupid, but there are too many things, and it is inevitable that there will be one or two defective items, but I will try my best to control them."

Ye Fan smiled slightly.

Long Qianqiu was a little confused. Who else would do this kind of business?

Ye Fan smiled and said: "After all, this is a large-volume acquisition. It will definitely affect the supply and demand of the market after a period of time. Once things are gone, everyone will naturally wait for the price and start to be reluctant to sell. At that time, if you want to acquire the same For quality resources, I’m afraid we need to pay a higher price.”

Wan Qiankun, Long Qianqiu and other people in charge looked at each other and secretly became anxious in their hearts, thinking about how to win this big deal.

"The purchase price will never let everyone suffer. If the quality is good, we can buy it at a premium. In short, as long as everyone collects materials well, we can definitely make a lot of money."

Wan Qiankun, Long Qianqiu and others couldn't believe their eyes after watching it.

"Senior Long, do you think our purchase price is slightly higher than the current market price, so you don't understand?"

At this time, Ye Fan spoke calmly again.

Long Qianqiu wanted to say, "Actually, we can do it even if the price is lower," but businessmen value profits and there is no reason to take the initiative to give up profits, so he stopped talking.

Long Qianqiu suddenly realized that the leaders of each business alliance looked at each other and made up their minds to find a time to get together later and agree not to undermine each other.

"Yeah, actually I'll wait...


Long Qianqiu asked one thing that everyone wanted to know the most. If the purchase price is too low and there is not much profit, the transaction may not be easy to do.

"Actually, the purchase price is not high, but it should be able to give you some profits, provided that you don't compete maliciously with each other and deliberately raise the price of purchasing materials.

(The author is asking for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!)

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