Fantasy: I, The Longevity Body, Have Survived Ten Generations Of Geniuses

Chapter 2087 Hong Xuan'er'S Thoughts

"Hey, Fellow Ye Daoist, long time no see!"

Mingti had naturally recognized Ye Fan for a long time, but it was hard to believe that he was the Qi Refining young monk back then.

But as soon as Ye Fan came over, he immediately confirmed that this person was indeed the Qi Refining boy back then.

It's just that time has changed, and the younger generation has grown up and reached a height that he can only look up to.

Ming Hao was inevitably a little sad in his heart.

"Senior Ming has condensed his Nascent Soul. I would like to congratulate my senior here!"

Ye Fan raised his glass, clinked it with Ming Hao, and a cup of thousand-year spirit wine was immediately poured into his stomach.

"Haha, it's easy to talk, Fellow Daoist Ye. I'll find time to catch up with my friend again!"

Ming Hao saw that Ye Fan was a little busy, so he asked.

"Okay, Senior Ming just comes to me! Alas, it's a pity that Wei Lingzhou, Fellow Daoist, back then..."

When Ye Fan saw Ming Hao, he could not help but think of Wei Lingzhou, the Foundation Building monk of Taiyue Sect. If this enthusiastic monk of Taiyue Sect had not fallen, he must have been Core Formation by this time.

"Yes, it's such a pity for Master Nephew Wei."

"29 I wonder if Fellow Daoist Wei has any descendants or relatives or friends? If so, please ask them to come to me."

Ye Fan gave a few more instructions before leaving the Taiyue Sect's table.

"Hong Xuan'er?"

After leaving the first row of tables, Ye Fan couldn't help but be slightly startled.

We haven't seen her for many years, and Hong Xuan'er's appearance has not changed at all, and she seems to have Core Formation, and her aura has become much stronger.

"Several seniors from the Sihai Alliance, Fairy Hong, and junior Ye Fan, I have met you all!"

Ye Fan hesitated for a moment, but took the lead to come to the Sihai Alliance table and raised his glass to everyone.

"Ye Fellow Daoist recognize me?"

Hong Xuan'er was a little surprised. Next to her, two Nascent Soul monks were sitting. One of them was Wan Qiankun, the general leader of the Four Seas Alliance, and the tenth one was Hong Xuan'er's master Gui Qiyin.

"Haha, Fairy Hong. Due to some reasons, I couldn't reveal my identity. Please forgive me, Fairy Hong. In fact, I changed my name to Li Yifan and exchanged a puppet with Fairy Hong. I wonder if Fairy still remembers it?"

Today, Ye Fan is no longer worried about his identity being exposed, so he simply made it clear.

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Ye is Mr. Li. I am really confused!"

Hong Xuan'er touched her forehead. No wonder she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when she saw Ye Fan just now, as if she had met him before.

But it seems that I have never seen this person before. It turns out that this is the reason.

"Ye Fellow Daoist, you have done me a great favor! Without the few thousand-year-old Spirit Medicine provided by Fellow Daoist, I would have died long ago, let alone condensed the Nascent Soul.

Gui Chengyin stood up excitedly and drank the spiritual wine in his hand.

"Hmph, is this guy so powerful? When he first came to see me, he was still a young boy and didn't dare to see me in his true form.

"Uncle Wan, you are right. This son will most likely be in charge of the Xuanshuang Sect in the future, and it seems that the strongest men from both the human and demon clans value him very much. Therefore, this son's future achievements are limitless. Our Four Seas Alliance Maybe you will have to rely on this person in the future. Xuan'er, you haven't found a Taoist partner yet, maybe you can..."

"Master, it's all my fault. When I was happy, I gave the formula of 'Purple Bamboo Jade Liquid' to Fellow Daoist Ye.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Thinking of this, Hong Xuan'er glanced at Ye Fan's back and inevitably felt a little curious about him.

"Xuan'er, this guy is unfathomable. You should have more contact with him in the future and build a good relationship with him!"

Hong Xuan'er couldn't help but look stern when she saw Wan Qiankun and Gui Chengyin both saying this.

"What's the big deal if a man has three wives and four concubines? But it depends on fate. Just think about it yourself."

Ye Fan chatted with Gui Chengyin for a few words, and then looked at the other old man beside him.

Gui Chengyin laughed.

“I think it’s probably more than that, it’s probably a big Transcendent Level deal!”

However, she was inevitably a little unconvinced.

"Easy to say, easy to say. Is this Senior Wan?"

"Maybe it's the Spirit Medicine business?" Gui Chengyin thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, I think so too. It seems that we need to have a good relationship with this Fellow Ye Daoist. If we can get there first before others react, what do we have to worry about in the future business of the Four Seas Alliance?"

Gui Chengyin murmured somewhat absentmindedly.

"Cheng Yin, what kind of business do you think Ye Fan wants to discuss with our Sihai Alliance?"

Wan Qiankun pondered for a moment, then suddenly took a deep breath and said, "The Xuan Shuang Sect's generosity in holding the celebration this time is simply unbelievable."

"Yes, I, Wan Qiankun, have met Ye Daofu!"

"Of course there is a problem!"

Wan Qiankun didn't dare to blame him, so he quickly got up and had a drink with Ye Fan.

At this time, Wan Qiankun suddenly said.

Hong Xuan'er blamed herself.

"Senior Wan, can you stay for a few more days? I have a big deal, and it is a long-term deal. I need to discuss it with your alliance."

The formula of 'Purple Bamboo Jade Ye' actually means nothing! Besides, without the formula of 'Purple Bamboo Jade Ye', is it possible that the Daoist family won't buy other spiritual wine formulas? However, this is a favor after all, and we can make good use of it. one time."

"Xuan'er understands!"

"Master, please stop making fun of Xuan'er. Moreover, I heard that he already has a Taoist partner. Can't I still be his concubine?"

Wan Qiankun's heart moved, and his face was immediately filled with smiles, and he responded with a smile.

"Yes, the table is full of thousand-year and ten-thousand-year spiritual wines for everyone to drink at will! The young people have sent me messages one after another, saying that they have found a huge amount of various Spirit Medicines outside, and they are all at least four or five hundred years old. The above are even available in Millennium and Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine. These are obviously the thank-you gifts given to guests by the Xuanshuang Sect!"

Gui Chengyin joked half-jokingly.

"That's right, they don't care at all!"

After Ye Fan walked away, Wan Qiankun lowered his voice and said to Hong Xuan'er.

Hong Xuan'er immediately blushed and became a little nervous.

"Maybe they don't care about these valuable spiritual wines, Spirit Medicine!"

Wan Qiankun poured a cup of ten-thousand-year-old "Purple Bamboo Jade 907 Liquid" and suddenly smiled: "Chengyin, this is still your spirit wine recipe, right? However, they use ten-thousand-year-old Yuxu Zizhu! This wine is also good for me. It’s a big benefit!”

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