"How could it be a phantom formation!"

The Great Elder of the Golden Sword Sect, Mo Jingfeng, lowered his voice and said, "But did the Xuanshuang Sect discover some incredible Secret Realm? Otherwise, how could it be possible to collect so many thousand-year and ten-thousand-year Spirit Medicines?"

Everyone noticed that the route they took was just the tip of the iceberg on this level.

The entire Yingbin Building has a total of one hundred floors. If there are so many Spirit Medicines on each floor, how many Spirit Medicines should be prepared in total?

"Isn't Xuanshuang Sect too generous? These Spirit Medicines were obviously just picked not long ago and were specially placed there for everyone to search for."

Gongsun Yuanxi felt a little unbelievable.

"Perhaps they have a secret method for quickly cultivating Spirit Medicine, but they are really generous. After all, this is a hard-to-find treasure in the outside world.

Ju Yufeng sighed.

"It's simply unimaginable! The Xuanshuang Sect has such a profound foundation!"

Murong Hexin took a deep breath and smiled bitterly.

On the side, Ximen Haoyu’s eyes flickered, but he didn’t say anything.

He had some doubts before that the spiritual wine provided to him by Ye Fan was the real thousand-year spiritual wine and ten thousand-year spiritual wine.

Now it seems that he really got it right.

"After the tea party, let's look for it again!"

Everyone looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

However, soon 397 they stopped laughing.

Because, they have discovered many sneaky figures, obviously they are human monks who have discovered the anomaly in the Yingbin Building and are searching for Spirit Medicine everywhere.


Everyone quickly sent a message to their men and asked them to come out to search for Spirit Medicine.


At this time, Yang Yidi chuckled, bringing everyone's minds back to reality.

A suspended island appeared in front of everyone.

"The tea party will be held on this island, let's all go up!"

Except for Ye Fan, everyone flew across physically and came to the Hanging Island.

Ye Fan naturally took out the Golden Wings and followed everyone to the island.

Viewed from below, the suspended island is only about a thousand square meters in size. However, when they arrived on the island, they discovered that the island was so huge that they could not see the edge at a glance.

At this time, the island was already filled with spirit wood tables and spirit wood chairs, at least tens of thousands of them.

There were already many people sitting at each of the spirit wood tables, and it seemed that almost all the leading figures of the sects participating in the celebration had been invited. (jbd)

Each spiritual wood table is filled with spiritual fruits, spiritual wine, and various refreshments. Many Xuanshuang Sect disciples and many puppet waitresses are busy.

The Hanging Island was originally noisy with people, but upon seeing the arrival of the strongest men from the human and demon clans, the scene immediately became quiet.

"Greetings to all seniors! Congratulations to Patriarch Yang for his promotion to Soul Formation!"

Several Nascent Soul monks near the main table took the lead, and tens of thousands of monks from the race stood up almost in unison, saluting and congratulating Yang Yiti and others!

The momentum is extremely huge!

"You're welcome! Please take a seat. We have prepared some spiritual fruit refreshments, please feel free to use them!"

Yang Yifo smiled and returned the salute to everyone, waving his hands.

"This tea party is quite interesting!" Gu Zhefan smiled slightly.

"It's all caused by this boy Ye Fan!"

Bai Ze laughed.

Yang Yifo himself was curious and couldn't help but look at Ye Fan meaningfully.

Almost at the same time, a young figure appeared on the curtain.

If you have the time and energy, why not cultivate a few more Spirit Medicine strains?

Not far away, two Core Formation monks from Xuanshuang Sect's artifact refining peak were carefully fiddling with the Law Weapon in their hands, fearing that something might go wrong.

How did they know that this was just planted by Ye Fan casually in the system space without spending much energy at all.

At this time, a Monster Race Soul Formation suddenly said: "This wine is really good, I have never drunk such a good wine before."

It’s really a ten thousand year spiritual fruit!

"Is this the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Fruit? And the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Wine?"

At this time, about a hundred meters away from the main table, there was a sudden movement, and everyone turned their heads to look.

"This is nature. This is the Wannian Spirit Wine brewed by Wannian Spirit Medicine. It is also good for us. Isn't that okay?

"I see, Yang Fellow Daoist, you are really generous!"

"Xiaoyou Ye, thank you very much!"

"The Heroic Heroine, Biography of Patriarch Yang!"

Although the Spirit Fruit is somewhat useful after it reaches a certain age, it is still far inferior to the Spirit Medicine of the same age.

"It's so interesting, the voice is so emotional! What kind of video is this made by Law Weapon?"

"If the seniors like it, after the celebration is over, the juniors will prepare some spiritual wine like this for the seniors to take back!"

"I bet you guys have been pestering me every day to talk about past events. Is this the reason for this?"

Gongsun Yuanxi and others are a little confused about Xuanshuang Sect.

Then the subtitles faded away, the figure on the curtain just now turned into that of a little girl, and the scene on the curtain changed to a seaside fishing village.

Gongsun Yuanxi and others also took a spiritual fruit and tried it, and they couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

Several Monster Race Soul Formation members were overjoyed upon hearing this.

After Ju Yufeng sat down and tasted a spiritual fruit, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Ye Fan interrupted with a smile.

When several Monster Race Soul Formation members heard that it was the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Wine, they all picked up the spirit wine in front of them and drank it unceremoniously.

"Is this an introduction to Patriarch Yang's life? Hey, this way of taking photos is quite unique!"

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Yang Yifo smiled and shook his head, and said to everyone: "Our seats are at the main table, please follow me.

On the hanging island, tens of thousands of human monks were attracted by the white curtain and looked at the image on the curtain with interest.

As a burst of soothing music sounded, a pleasant voice reached everyone's ears.

He has drunk a lot of Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Wine, and now his cultivation level is about to reach the peak of the middle stage of Soul Formation.

But I saw an extremely huge white curtain rising slowly. When the white curtain reached a height of about a thousand meters, it stopped.

The main table is a beautiful white jade table carved from a single piece of spiritual jade. After everyone sits down, they neither feel crowded nor too sparse. The distance is just right.

"Spirit fruit can still grow for ten thousand years? Who would spend so much effort cultivating such a useless thing?"

“What a drink!”

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