"Is this a sign to advance to Soul Formation?"

In Tianshuang City, Han Yan, who was guarding the city, looked in the direction of the sect.

After pondering for a moment with twinkling eyes, he called over a few of his capable Core Formation Stage men. After giving a few brief instructions, Han Yan left Tianshuang City and prepared to return to Xuanshuang Sect for a visit.

But when he returned to the mountain gate of Xuanshuang Sect, he found that the sect-protecting formation had been opened. Even if he was the Supreme Elder, he could not enter at this time.

"It seems that Senior Sister Yang is really going to advance to Soul Formation! I just don't know if she can succeed!

Han Yan suppressed his inner anxiety and waited patiently outside Jingmen.

It took two months to wait before the sect's sect-protecting formation was reopened.

Han Yan returned to Heaven-Connecting Peak without stopping.

Soon "zero zero zero", all the supreme elders of Xuanshuang Sect were summoned to the top of Heaven-Connecting Peak.

When Han Yan arrived, half of the sect's supreme elders were already present.

"Junior Brother Wan! Did the Great Elder succeed?"

When Han Yan arrived, he happened to meet Wan Song and asked in a low voice.

"Of course it was a success!"

Wan Song said with a smile: "More than a month ago, the Great Elder succeeded in Transcending Tribulation. This month must have been consolidating his cultivation.

"That's great!"

Han Yan punched his chest, his face full of joy.

While the two were chatting, the Nascent Soul monks from Xuanshuang Sect rushed over one after another.

Soon, in addition to Artifact Refining Peak Master Meng Guanbo and Zuijian Ancestor, a total of eighteen Nascent Soul monks from the Xuanshuang Sect arrived.

The Supreme Elders of Xuanshuang Sect were sitting in a conference hall at the top of Heaven-Connecting Peak, whispering in groups of twos and threes.

At this time, the head Luo Ming rushed over with Ye Fan.

"I've met all of you, uncles!"

Luo Ming smiled and bowed his hands to the Nascent Soul monks.

"I have met all the Supreme Elders!"

Ye Fan then saluted everyone.

He was inevitably a little surprised and confused, wondering what the leader Luo Ming meant by suddenly bringing him here.

Luo Ming composed himself at this time and talked about the second thing.

After being promoted to Soul Formation, Patriarch Yang's lifespan increased by at least two thousand years, and he was now in his prime.

After Luo Ming said this, the meeting hall fell silent again.

A female Supreme Elder from the Xuanshuang Sect named Shi Yingchen asked with a smile.

Luo Ming nodded.

As soon as Shi Yingchen finished speaking, two figures suddenly appeared in front of the meeting hall, it was Patriarch Yang and Zhang Zuijian.

Ye Fan looked up secretly at this time and saw that Old Ancestor Yang had become young again and returned to his middle-aged appearance.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

By the time he finished talking about the celebration, a day and a night had passed.

"Master, you must be summoning everyone here this time to promote...the ancestor-level Soul Formation, right?"

Next, Luo Ming explained the specific division of labor in more detail based on the preliminary arrangements made by Zui Jian Ancestor.

Shi Yingchen raised her eyebrows and said.

"Senior Sister is so complimentary. In fact, Junior Brother, I didn't contribute much. Most of it is due to Young Master Ye."

The competition for the position of head of Xuan Shuang Sect is not fierce, and even those who are qualified to be the head are not willing to be the head.

Although Luo Ming is not particularly capable, he has been conscientious and diligent over the years. If he is not the leader, no one can think of another suitable candidate for the leader.

"Ancestor, dear uncles, there is another important matter. Let me take this opportunity to talk about it! My cultivation has reached the peak of Core Formation. After my ancestor's celebration, I plan to resign as the leader. , start retreating and break through the Nascent Soul!”

Yang Yiti glanced at the meeting hall and found that during her retreat, seven more Nascent Soul monks had been added to the sect, and she couldn't help but feel happy.

"Haha, junior brothers and sisters, don't be polite. From now on, please call me Senior Sister Yang! What an ancestor, I really don't like this title."

Yidi Yang, also known as Patriarch Yang, waved his hand with a smile.

"Martial Nephew Luo, if you want to break through Nascent Soul, there is no need to resign as the leader, right?"

Regarding Ye Fan's roots, Yang Yifo actually knows better than Zhang Zuijian. After all, it was she who pushed Ye Fan to inherit the inheritance of the Insect Emperor Li Jiuxiao.

"Exactly for this matter! In addition, there is another important matter that needs to be reported to your master uncles."

"Everyone, please sit down!"

"What Junior Nephew Luo said makes sense. Does Junior Nephew have a suitable person to be the leader?"

After everyone sat down, Zhang Zuijian began to talk about the celebration, and at the same time made preliminary arrangements for everyone's responsibilities. Except for the leader Luo Ming, most of the other Supreme Elders also arranged some things...

"Yes, my nephew thinks that as a true disciple of our Xuanshuang Sect, Ye Fan has made great contributions to the sect in recent years. His own cultivation has also reached the Foundation Building Late Stage, and he is not far from the Core Formation. , and he is not yet a hundred years old, and he is gentle and humble, so he is the best candidate to be the leader."

Ancestor Drunken Sword spoke at this time.

"Junior Brother Zuijian, you have managed the sect well!"

"Greetings, ancestor! Congratulations to ancestor for advancing to Soul Formation!"

"This time the Grand Elder is promoted to Soul Formation, the sect will inevitably hold a celebration! According to Senior Sister's wishes, there is no need to be too showy or grand. However, Senior Sister's promotion to Soul Formation is, after all, a matter of our human race. For this grand event, we will probably send out invitations to all the Immortal Dao forces in Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World, big and small..."

"I see!"

Luo Ming gently pulled Ye Fan, who was hiding behind him, in front of him and said with a smile.

"Uncle Shi doesn't know. My nephew is already quite old, and his qualifications can only be considered ordinary. On the one hand, I don't know if he can successfully condense the Nascent Soul at 3.7. On the other hand, even if my nephew is lucky enough to condense the Nascent Soul, the required I'm afraid it won't be short. Now is a troubled time, and the sect cannot be without a person in charge for a long time."

The meeting hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone saluted Patriarch Yang together.

Unless one of their supreme elders is chosen to be the leader, no one here has this intention.

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