Ye Fan put the clone away, then opened his Cave Mansion, preparing to go out and find a place to put down the clone.


As soon as he walked out of Cave Mansion, Ye Fan met Lin Qingxue.

"Junior brother, have you already entered the Foundation Building Late Stage?"

Ye Fan refined the clone this time. Because he drank too much spiritual wine, his cultivation level was directly promoted to the Foundation Building Late Stage.

"Yes, I..."

Ye Fan originally planned to talk about refining the clone, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it.

He did not plan to tell anyone about this matter for the time being, including his Taoist companion Lin Qingxue, to avoid being discovered by interested parties.

"Junior brother, you happen to be out of seclusion today, I have something to tell you.

Lin Qingxue and Ye Fan came to Cave Mansion together.

"I plan to retreat and break through the Gold Core stage!"


Ye Fan didn't have any objections to Lin Qingxue's plan.

After all, she had already reached the peak of Foundation Building, and it had been some time.

Lin Qingxue already has the golden Spirit Pill that increases the success rate of Core Formation.

However, Ye Fan still took out the two Supreme Grade gold Spirit Pills that Nangong Xuefu gave him and gave them to Lin Qingzhong.

"Sister, this is the Supreme Grade Jin Ling 123 Pill. If you find something happened during Core Formation, don't begrudge the pill. Use up any pills first."

"Then Junior Brother, yourself..."

Lin Qingxue looked at the Supreme Grade Gold Spirit Pill in her hand with some hesitation. She knew that Ye Fan only had these two Supreme Grade Gold Spirit Pills in her hand.

"I'm not that fast, and with my current qualifications, I don't actually need the Supreme Grade Gold Spirit Pill."

Ye Fan smiled nonchalantly.

This is true. He now has the qualification of Primordial Origin Spirit Root, which is no worse than that of Heavenly Spirit Root monk.

"Okay, then I'll keep it first and return it to you in case it's not used."

Lin Qingxue nodded, then changed the subject, "Junior brother, there is something I hope you can promise me.

"What's up?"

Seeing that his Taoist companion looked a little serious, Ye Fan quickly stopped his smile and asked.

"About Wang Qi and the others..."

Lin Qingxue lowered her voice. After Ye Fan finished listening, he pondered for a long time before nodding his head and saying "hmm".

"Sister, let me take a look and find an opportunity to talk to them."

After talking about this matter, the two chatted for a long time in the Cave Mansion. Lin Qingxue then left Ye Fan's Cave Mansion and prepared to start retreating and break through.

He has now arrived at a small town tens of thousands of miles away from Xuanshuang Sect. The town is called "Yueying Town". It is an inconspicuous town with only a few thousand people. It belongs to the Great Jin Kingdom. Dongyang County.

As time went by, Dr. Lin's name gradually became more and more famous in the Yueying Town area, and finally even surpassed Dr. Tong's fame.

On the top of an unnamed mountain about two thousand miles away from Xuanshuang Sect, Ye Fan quietly released his clone.

Because there are many strange abyss in the ocean in this area, close to the land.

A few years later, Dr. Tong simply became a hands-off shopkeeper and basically handed over all the affairs of the medical clinic to Lin Tianyou.

But the situation in this area is quite special, and there is absolutely no need for the human race to do this.

Therefore, fishermen in this area generally only dare to fish not far from the coast and do not dare to go too far.

In the Void Tower, Ye Fan looked at the clone that was gradually moving away and murmured.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

In the Yueying Town area, Dr. Tong is the most famous doctor with the best reputation.

Now, no one except Ye Fan himself knows that Shangguan Tianyou has become his clone.

Sirens often disappear inexplicably in this area and never appear again.

Then, he controlled the Void Tower and left quietly.

However, Doctor Tong was not very good at teaching disciples. He had had many disciples in the past, but unfortunately they all ran away after being scolded by him.

My name is Tong Dongqing, a doctor who is more than ten years old.

"I let me blend into the secular world. This is indeed a good idea!"

Dongyang County is adjacent to the East China Sea and can be regarded as a remote place in the Jin Kingdom.

"There are few people around here, this is it."

“This place is really suitable for retirement!”

However, as a backup for Ye Fan's preparation, it is good for the clone to stay here.

Of course, these abyss under the sea are also dangerous to the humans on the shore.

Late one night more than ten years later, Dr. Tong looked at his disciples with joy and said only, "Keep the medical clinic good and pass it on." Then he closed his eyes and breathed his last breath with peace of mind.

Ye Fan's clone couldn't help but sigh slightly after figuring out the situation here.

It has been more than half a year since "Shangguan Tianyou", Ye Fan's clone, appeared on a certain official road.

"First find a job as a foreigner, and then find a way to buy a house locally. This will make it less noticeable."

The entire process leaves no trace.

After that, Ye Fan left the Xuanshuang Sect and prepared to release the clone.

Soon, Ye Fan's clone changed his name to "Lin Tianyou" and found a good job in a medical clinic in Yueying Town.

So, Lin Tianyou stayed in Tong's medical clinic, and within a short period of time, he learned all of Tong Dongqing's medical skills.

It stands to reason that since this place is adjacent to the East China Sea, the human race should build several large cities of cultivation here to guard against the sea people.

Ye Fan transferred Xiao Xiaoteng out of the system space and asked Xiao Xiaoteng to stay at Yunxia Peak to secretly protect Lin Qingxue's safety.

As he grew older, Tong Dongqing was eager to find a successor for his medical skills. Lin Tianyou happened to come to the medical clinic looking for a job, and he fell in love with this handsome young man at a glance.

"This is my last line of insurance! From now on, the clone will disguise itself and blend in among mortals, so it won't attract anyone's attention."

In the medical clinic, I was the apprentice of the owner, Dr. Tong, and did some odd jobs on the side.

(cjbe) After Ye Fan's clone came here, he found that the place was sparsely populated, there were not many cultivators, and the general strength was not strong.

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