"Junior brother, have you decided what your life is as Law Treasure?"

"Not yet! I haven't found the right one yet!"

On an official road, Ye Fan, Lin Qingxue, Li Qingqing, and Chen Manqin each rode a Core Formation Stage red flame horse and were walking leisurely on the official road.

The four of them planned to go back to Banshan Village first, and then go to Lin's house.

Ye Fan's family has not returned to their hometown for decades, so he took this opportunity to take the whole family back to the mountain village first, and then to the Lin family.

For safety reasons, Ye Fan asked his family to temporarily live in the Void Tower this time, with only himself and a Taoist staying outside.

Hearing Lin Qingxue mention the Law Treasure of his life, Ye Fan had a headache. Although he has many Law Treasures, he has not found one that suits him yet.

"Senior sister, have you chosen your life, Law Treasure?"

"Junior brother, I want to use the Heavenly Demon Qin as my first natal Law Treasure!"

After Lin Qingxue got the Heavenly Demon piano, she couldn't put it down, and she really worked hard on the musical attack.

"Yes, senior sister can refine the Heavenly Demon piano into the Life Law Treasure first, and then upgrade the file device if there is a chance later.


"Sister Qingqing and Sister Manqin don't have suitable Law Treasures now. Junior brother, you should also pay attention to them."

"Sister, I know."

The two were walking and chatting, and unknowingly they had entered Yangquan County, not far from Ye Fan's hometown Banshan Village.

When they were approaching the mountain village, Ye Fan moved all the relatives in the Void Tower outside.

The Ye family, including Ye Fan's nineteenth uncle Ye Chengfu, stood at the entrance of Banshan Village, feeling quite complicated for a while.

"Hey, you haven't been back for forty years, right? I don't know how many people I know."

Ye Tian, ​​Ye Liu, and Ye Chengfu sighed and walked towards the village together.

"Uncle, is this our ancestral home?"

It was the first time for Ye Sheng and Ye Wan'er to return to their ancestral land and looked around curiously.

"This is the ancestral land of our Ye family, called Banshan Village. My uncle, as well as your parents, grew up here."

Ye Fan smiled, seeing all the juniors acting like curious babies, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

For these younger generations, Banshan Village is just a concept.

"I wonder if I can see my familiar neighbors again!"

Ye Fan sighed in his heart, and his spiritual thoughts covered the entire mountain village.

"The ancestral home is still there! There are also acquaintances there, but not many anymore!"

Soon, Ye Fan scanned the entire mountain village with his spiritual thoughts.

Several childhood friends are still alive, but they are all old!

And none of the people of the same generation as his parents and Uncle Nineteen are gone.

After decades of development, the population of Banshan Village has increased somewhat.

The villagers are asking for land in the mountains, and several families have already built their houses on the top of the mountain.

The arrival of Ye Fan's family naturally attracted the attention of many villagers in Banshan Village.

"You, you are Ye Fan?"

Finally, a childhood playmate of Ye Fan, named Ye Kejian, recognized Ye Fan.

It's just that his eyes were full of shock. After all, Ye Fan was young.

If Ye Fan's appearance hadn't changed almost from when he was a boy, he wouldn't dare to recognize her.

"Kejian, do you still recognize me? Haha, are you okay?"

"It's really you, Ye Fan. It seems that you have learned Immortal Law in these years you have been out?"

Ye Kejian took a look at Ye Fan's family and immediately understood.

Ye Tian and Ye Liu, who are much older than him, both look much younger than him.

"That's right, Kejian, how many of our childhood playmates are there?"

"There are not many left. Counting me, there are only three of us, right? After all, they are all almost seventy."

Ye Kejian sighed.

Seventy years in life are rare!


"Uncle Fan! I wonder if we can recruit some apprentices in our village, or..."

"Uncle Fan, please!"

"Let, make, I will arrange this matter.

Ye Kejian nodded repeatedly.

Ye Kejian briefly introduced the general situation of the Ye family to Ye Jianfeng.

(The author is asking for flowers, reviews, monthly tickets, and good reviews! Thank you! Sir).

"Okay, it's all gone, go home and get ready!"

After Ye Fan pondered for a moment, he smiled and said to Ye Jianfeng.

Ye Jianfeng naturally knew the Ye family's ancestral house, and even occasionally had people come over to clean it over the years.

"Jianfeng, they are also from our mountain village, and they haven't come back for decades.

"It makes, makes, thank you Uncle Fan!"

"Uncle Jian, who are they?"

Turning his head, Ye Jianfeng shouted loudly to the surrounding villagers.

"Tell everyone, this is Uncle Ye Fan, the immortal who left our village. He is back to see us now. You all should be prepared. Uncle Ye Fan will give everyone a test in two days. If there are suitable seedlings, he will bring them to us. They are trained within the sect, do you understand?"

"I remembered that I heard my grandfather say that there was a family in our village decades ago..."

For a time, the villagers in Banshan Village were in an uproar.

Ye Jianfeng was also bold and had the courage to ask Ye Fan.

This is an extremely apt description in this era. After all, the average life span of people in this era is only about forty years.

"Forget it about accepting apprentices. However, when I come back this time, I will test the young people and children in the village. If there are any suitable ones, I will bring them to the sect for training.

At this time, a middle-aged man came over.

“I didn’t expect this house to be so well-maintained!”

"I see!"

Ye Jianfeng was overjoyed and thanked Ye Fan repeatedly.

Ye Jianfeng was shocked when he heard this. After all, he was the village chief. When he was young, he had wandered outside and even met immortal cultivators.

…Please give me flowers…

Therefore, when Ye Fan and his family arrived at the door of their old house, they were a little surprised. The condition of the old house was much better than they imagined.

The villagers are simple and honest, but no family comes to dominate the Ye family's house.

"I'm bringing my parents back to visit the folks. We can find a chance to get together."

"There is also an immortal in our village?"

Ye Tian and Ye Chengfu looked at each other, feeling a little incredible.

Ye Fan said to Ye Kejian with a smile.

"If no suitable seedlings are found, I will leave some martial arts secrets for everyone to practice martial arts."

"Xiaofan, this is the current village chief of this village, his name is Ye Jianfeng."

Ye Jianfeng saw that the crowd was making a lot of noise, and it was a bit rude, so he shouted and dispersed the crowd.

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