Fantasy: I, The Longevity Body, Have Survived Ten Generations Of Geniuses

Chapter 2071: It Turns Out To Be An Old Acquaintance

“Nascent Soul Late Stage Monk? Joyous Union Sect or Sea Tribe?”

Inside "Feitian No. 1", Ye Fan spat out a mouthful of blood and staggered around in the spirit boat in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

The spirit boat lost control and hit the ground heavily.

After jumping a few times, he fell heavily to the ground.

"If you don't respect martial ethics! I will kill you!"

Ye Fan walked out of the spirit boat in a sorry state.

After checking, fortunately, Feitian-1 was not seriously injured.

After all, it is a mid-level Law Treasure. Even the attack of the Nascent Soul Late Stage monk cannot destroy the Law Treasure at once.

"Hey! It turns out we are old acquaintances!"

After putting away the spirit boat, Ye Fan looked up into the sky and saw two joking eyes looking over at the same time.

The visitors were none other than Old Monster Pi Hongyuan and Hong Yi. These two people actually dared to stay in the human territory and launch a sneak attack on Ye Fan!

"Boy, you are really lucky. You fell into the terrifying "803" abyss and you didn't die. You came out alive and kicking.

There was a hint of curiosity on Old Monster Hongyi's face.

"You guys, it's true that if you don't take the road to heaven, hell will come to you."

A sinister smile appeared on Ye Fan's face, and he immediately released the corpse refining corpse and Teng Xiaoer of old monster Hong Yuan.

"Go and capture your good senior brother! He can be made into a corpse so that he can be your companion.

Ye Fan patted Hongyuan Lianshi's shoulder.


After receiving the order, Hong Yuan's Corpse Refiner immediately rushed towards Old Monster Hong Yi with bared teeth and claws.

"How is it possible? Who did this? Boy, I will cut you into pieces."

When Old Monster Hongyi saw Hongyuan's refined corpse, his eyes immediately turned red.

The old monster Hongyuan disappeared without any reason many years ago, and the life card has long been shattered. No one in the entire Joyous Union Sect knows what happened.

Old Monster Hongyi now finally understands that his senior brother died at the hands of Ye Fan.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Pi Hongyuan looked at Ye Fan in surprise.

Naturally, he was right about the disappearance of old monster Hong Yuan.

Now it seems that Hong Yuan was actually killed by Ye Fan and refined into a corpse!

In this way, Ye Fan has the ability to kill Nascent Soul Late Stage.

Pi Hongyuan, who was cautious by nature, was secretly on guard and did not dare to attack Ye Fan immediately.

But at this moment, a white shadow flashed past, and Pi Hongyuan's head was dizzy and he immediately lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he found that the demonic energy all over his body was sealed, and he was already in a completely unfamiliar environment.

"Finally woke up? Didn't I say that you Demon Race are physically strong? Oh, by the way, you are not a real Demon Race, you can only be considered half of it at most!"

A joking voice reached Pi Hongyuan's ears.

"why you?"

Pi Hongyuan turned around and saw an illusory figure smiling sinisterly at him.

Who is this figure if it's not Ye Fan?

"Hongyi always blames him"

Pi Hongyuan's heart felt cold.

I have always been cautious and always acted with caution, but I didn't expect that I would fall into the hands of a Foundation Building junior today.

"Old monster Hongyi is not stronger than you, so naturally he was captured alive!"

Ye Fan's spiritual clone snorted coldly.

"How did you do that, kid? Where is this place?"

Pi Hongyuan glanced around a few times and found that he was in a beautiful environment.

A fluffy white beast was licking the back of Ye Fan's hand.

"Is this...a Monster from the demon god stage?"

Pi Hongyuan finally understood what had happened to him.

"Pi Hongyuan, don't even think about escaping. To tell you the truth, you are now inside one of my Grotto-Heaven Law Treasures.

"I'll give you three days to think clearly, whether you want to die or live, you decide for yourself!"

Pi Hongyuan only felt the hair standing on end of his body.

Ye Fan sighed, not understanding how people like Joyous Union Sect had such brains.

"If you are like this, then I can only kill you, search for your soul, and then refine it into a corpse, so that you can continue to serve our human race in another way, and at the same time, you can atone for your sins."

Ye Fan was filled with anger, "Okay, since you are so stubborn, then I will torture you to death every day to see how hard your bones can be!"

In another valley, Ye Fan persuaded old monster Hongyi as usual.

Old Monster Hongyi cursed many vicious words.

Old Monster Hongyi was so frightened that he suddenly understood what Ye Fan was going to do.

Ye Fan called Xiaobai over and asked him to take old monster Hongyi to a corner of the system's Spirit Field.

The old monster Hongyi opened his eyes angrily and roared at Ye Fan.

"Boy, even if I die, I won't let you go."

"Boy, if you want to kill or behead me, you have to do whatever you want. If you want me to surrender, just give up!"

The little white beast came to Pi Hongyuan and sniffed his body again and again, as if assessing whether the body was delicious.

"Senior Hongyi, you are also a human race, why should you succumb to those foreigners? Why don't you surrender as soon as possible, abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and do your part for our human race!"

"What a die-hard! There's no hope!"

"Boss Teng, I'm bringing you food!"

Ye Fan laughed loudly, which seemed extremely harsh amidst Old Monster Hongyi's scolding.

Seeing Ye Fan's arrival, Ghost Faced Vine stretched out a cane and gently touched his back.

However, the old monster Hongyi had a very bad attitude and cursed endlessly.

"Boy, why don't you surrender to my master and enjoy endless food and drink every day [it's better than death."

"It's over! I didn't expect that I, Pi Hongyuan, was so smart all my life. I was confused for a moment. I should have thought that someone who can come out of the abyss of terror could not have some special means!"

This is the only remaining ghost-faced vine in the Spirit Field of the system. After swallowing three drops of Taiyi Holy Spring not long ago, it has grown much faster. The fifth vine has already grown, reaching Two hundred meters long.

"You...what kind of Monster are you? How could you succumb to a human Foundation Building boy?"

"Ghost Faced Vine!"

"Hmph, you stink so much that I don't want to eat you. You'd better surrender to my master as soon as possible to avoid embarrassing me! Do you understand?"

"I am a void-devouring beast! My bloodline is very noble, and it cannot be compared to you guys with disgusting auras."

"Screen, curse, even if you become a ghost in the future, you will still be trapped in this place and cannot escape, haha."

This is preparing to treat him as blood food and let the ghost-faced vine devour him directly.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Ye Fan was too lazy to say any more to the Demonic Cultivator. After saying the above words, he disappeared.

A thousand-foot-long ghost-faced vine is stretching its branches comfortably, absorbing the 3.8 rich spiritual energy in the air.

"Don't tell me that you only have Nascent Soul cultivation. Even if you are a Soul Formation monk, you can't escape from my Grotto-Heaven Law Treasure!"

Pi Hongyuan's face was full of bitterness, and he was extremely discouraged.

Xiaobai coaxed and frightened Pi Hongyuan, and then he ran to a distant mountain to sleep...

He simply couldn't imagine what a terrifying situation it would be if he was swallowed by this ferocious beast in the demon god stage.

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