"Master Ye, you got up early today!"

"Uncle Cheng, I'm going out for a walk!"

“The air is good in the morning, so it’s good to go out for a walk!”

"Yes, Uncle Cheng, I'm leaving!"


After Ye Fan came out of Cheng's house, he took a casual walk along the main street of Lanxi Town and felt that his mood became extremely calm.

It has been more than ten days since I arrived in Lanxi Town, but Patriarch Liyang has never been here once, as if he was playing hide and seek with him.

After Ye Fan had been here for a while, he learned that there was a cultivator family in Lanxi Town, whose surname seemed to be Bian. The head of the family was the monk in the middle stage of Core Formation that he had sensed outside Lanxi Town before.

Because Ye Fan had restrained his aura and became like a mortal, ordinary Core Formation monks could not see through his disguise, so the Bian family did not send anyone to contact him.

After walking out of the main street, Ye Fan unknowingly came to the edge of a creek passing through Lanxi Town on "143".

This creek is called Lanxi, and the name of Lanxi Town obviously comes from this.

There are no vicious water monsters in the small stream.

However, there was a carp that had just awakened its intelligence. It often opened its curious eyes to observe every move of the humans on the shore.

"Now that we have met, it is considered fate!"

"I'll give you a pot of spiritual wine. I hope you can succeed in cultivation one day!"

This kind of wild little demon, under the influence of human beings, generally will not develop into a cruel evil demon with no humanity.

So Ye Fan took out a pot of spiritual wine that was hundreds of years old, looked at the position of the carp essence, and poured it down.

Although the carp spirit has just awakened its spiritual wisdom, it also understands that the people on the shore are extraordinary, and it is not polite to this person's reward. It swallows the spiritual wine into its belly and spits out two strings of bubbles to express its gratitude.

"Yes, he has the potential to become a good demon!"

Ye Fan couldn't help but praise, and the little carp spirit seemed to understand, and happily circled a few times in the stream, and then dived to the bottom of the stream, where it was hard to find the trace.

"Hey, this young man came from outside. He looks like a scholar. He is so handsome!"

"It is said that the fourth lady of the Yao family, a wealthy family in the town, is secretly interested in marrying her. I guess the Yao family is probably looking for a son-in-law.

"No way? The Yao family's four daughters think very highly of themselves. They refused to marry until they were twenty years old. How can you like him?"

"Don't you know this? It is said that the daughter of the Yao family fell in love with this foreign young master at first sight, and she became depressed and unhappy all day long. The girl has a tender face. Master Yao asked for a long time, and then the fourth lady of the Yao family said it."

Several women washing clothes by the stream whispered to each other in low voices and glanced at Ye Fan from time to time.

"It's not me they're talking about, right?"

Ye Fan couldn't help but touch his nose a few more times, feeling a little embarrassed on his face, and hurriedly left the stream.

"The fourth young lady of the Yao family?"

Ye Fan was somewhat impressed. She was really a pretty country girl with a pretty face. The two of them had passed each other several times.

But how could this girl fall in love with him?

"Haha, what would she think if she knew that I was already in my sixties and a grandfather?"

Ye Fan bowed his hands to the old man.

"I see!"

A deep voice came, and Ye Fan raised his head and looked into the stream. He saw a small boat appearing on the stream at some point, and an old man was sitting on the bow fishing.

"I don't dare to say that with a pure heart. The most I can do is stick to a promise!" Bian Zejin's eyes showed a hint of recollection, "In the past, I promised my master that I would eliminate demons and protect the Tao for him, and kill all the evil spirits in the world. , It’s a pity that the old man’s talent is limited, and he still failed to live up to the expectations of his master after all!”

Soon, Bian Zejin had roasted twenty palm-sized silver rainbow fish, and he and Ye Fan had half of them each, and ate them with the 500-year-old "Purple Bamboo Jade Liquid" provided by Ye Fan.

Bian Zejin glanced at Ye Fan in surprise.

"Hey, now that I think about it, it's really ridiculous!"

Bian Zejin drank a few sips of "Purple Bamboo Jade Liquid" and felt that his soul was extremely refreshing, which made him a little scared.

"Haha, if Miss Yao Si knew about it, I'm afraid it would still be the same, but she probably wouldn't have any more ideas. After all, immortals and mortals are different.

"Oh! I didn't expect that Senior Bian has not changed his original intention and still has a pure heart. This junior admires him!"

"Oh, I'm from the Xuan Shuang Sect. To be honest with the family master, I'm here this time to deal with the Demonic Cultivator, Ancestor Li Yang...

Bian Zejin nodded thoughtfully.

"This fish is called 'Yinhong'. Although it is not a famous Spirit Fish, it is still tender and plump. It is just a little smaller in size, so it inevitably has some flaws."

This person is none other than the only Core Formation monk in Lanxi Town, the head of the Bian family.

"However, Fellow Daoist Lin is willing to do his part in slaying demons this time, even though he is old! Haha, no matter what, just return this broken body to heaven and earth. Anyway, it will be a matter of time."

Ye Fan was a little surprised. An old cultivator like this who is nearing the end of his life will usually have an extremely weird temperament and will be indifferent to the battle between good and evil. "It is common to even look at problems with a distorted mentality."

"It turns out to be the head of the Bian family! Junior Lin Tong is so polite!"

A group of Demonic Cultivators have been frequently coming and going in Lanxi Town recently, and Bian Zejin is naturally aware of it, but his lifespan is running out, and he does not want to provoke this group of Demonic Cultivators to avoid causing trouble to the family, so he also treats this group of Demonic Cultivators. Just turn a blind eye.

"I see!"

Ye Fan was just about to ask something from Bian Zejin, so he smiled and nodded.

Ye Fan's heart moved and he nodded with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Lin has really profound skills. If Fellow Daoist had not taken out a pot of spiritual wine and rewarded it to the carp that became a spirit, I would not have been able to see the depth of Fellow Daoist.

Bian Zejin stood up and bowed his hands politely to Ye Fan, "Fellow Daoist has good wine and I have good fish here, why don't we have a drink?"

"Haha, if you are like this, I would rather be respectful than obey your orders."

Bian Zejin's current performance is already pretty good.

"It turns out that you are actually a disciple of the Xuanshuang Sect! Please forgive me for being blind!"

"Ancestor Liyang? It turns out that the Demonic Cultivator who visited Lanxi Town several times some time ago is actually Ancestor Liyang?"

(The little author is asking for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good wishes! Thank you!).

Bian Zejin naturally had no doubts about Ye Fan's intention to kill Patriarch Liyang with his Foundation Building cultivation. After all, he was a disciple of the sect and always had some extraordinary means.

After pondering for a long time, Bian Zejin sighed and said with some enthusiasm: "When I was young in the past, I was very ambitious and wanted to kill demons and demons in the world of cultivation and become famous."

Soon, Ye Fan came to Bian Zejin's boat, and the two of them were very busy killing and grilling fish.

"That's right, when I came here this time, I received a mission from the sect to intercept and kill this demon.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist is not an ordinary monk, but I don't know which sect's genius he is?"

Bian Zejin took a big sip of "Purple Bamboo Jade Liquid" and seemed to have regained some of his youthful spirit 3.8.

Ye Fan saw that Ze Jin here did not seem to be an accomplice of Demonic Cultivator, so he directly stated his purpose.

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