"When I get back, grandpa, I'm going to condense the Nascent Soul.

On Yunxia Peak, Lin Zuolin said to Ye Fan and Lin Qingxue.

Three days had passed since the Double Cultivation Ceremony, and the Lin family was preparing to leave.

Lin Zuolin's cultivation has successfully reached the peak of Core Formation, and he began to prepare for the Ningying.

"Grandpa, are you sure?"

Lin Qingxue looked slightly worried.

After all, Nascent Soul is a hurdle. Not only does it involve catastrophes from heaven, but also catastrophes from the inner demons. One careless move can lead to death.

"Fight to the death! The road to immortality is difficult. Grandpa has long been used to it."

Lin Zuolin laughed.

"Grandpa, please wait a few more days and I'll help you prepare a few things!"

Ye Fan said.

He has several treasures that are helpful for Infant Formation, including the Tribulation Fruit, the Infant Formation Fruit, and the Nine-Tune Spiritual Ginseng.

After these three treasures are refined into elixirs, they can increase the success rate of Infant Formation.

Ye Fan himself is still early for Infant Formation. He only needs to leave the core, plant it into the system space, and wait for new fruits.

"Okay, grandpa, let's stay a few more days."

Lin Zuolin knew that Ye Fan was very capable and must have helped him prepare some treasures to improve the success rate of Infant Formation, so he nodded with a smile.

Ye Fan then found Nangong Xuefu again and handed her the Tribulation Transformation Fruit, Infant Formation Fruit, Jiuqu Spiritual Ginseng and auxiliary Spirit Medicine.

Nangong Xuefu's level of alchemy was not low, and she successfully refined the Tribulation Pill, Infant Formation Pills and Jiuqu Spirit Pill.

"With these three Treasure Pills, I will have confidence!"

Lin Zuolin couldn't help but be overjoyed when he received three Treasure Pills.

These are all treasures that are hard to find.

"Xiao Fan, you and your wife will also need it in the future, why don't I just take one thing?"

Lin Zuolin was happy but quickly calmed down.

The three Treasure Pills were too precious and he took them all away. What will Ye Fan and Lin Qingxue do in the future?

"Grandpa, don't worry, I still have it. Qingxue and I will not be short of Treasure Pills in the future."

Ye Fan smiled.


"Yes, Grandpa, feel free to use it. I wish you a baby soon!"

"Forget it, Xiaofan, I owe you a lot!"

Lin Zuolin saw Ye Fan's confident expression, and then he accepted the three Treasure Pills with peace of mind.

After the Lin family left the Xuanshuang Sect, Ye Fan originally planned to go out to implement the sect's strategy of hunting down the Demonic Cultivator "Ancestor Liyang".

But since Ye Wan'er had not succeeded in introducing the Qi into his body, he stayed temporarily.

"Xiao Fan, this Primordial Origin fruit seems to be of great benefit to me. I feel that my qualifications have improved a lot.

After taking dozens of Primordial Origin fruits, Lin Qingxue felt that her ability to absorb spiritual energy had indeed accelerated a lot.

"Sister, the effect of Primordial Origin fruit seems to vary from person to person."

Ye Fan was thoughtful.

Ye Fan quickly made the decision to exchange for this star transformation.

But once you master it, you can form a special physique called "Star Overlord Body", which is impervious to water and fire, and can continuously absorb the power of stars, making your body stronger and stronger, and your body can recover. Ability has also been greatly improved.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly tickets, and good reviews! Thank you! 8).

The basic idea is to use an extreme method to open up some of the so-called "acupoints" in the human body in legend, thereby increasing the amount of spiritual power that can be accommodated in the monk's body, and also greatly improving his skill.

"The stars change?"

"This Body Refining technique is unique. It actually attracts starlight into the body and polishes one's body with the power of stars."

He also read dozens of books on the Body Refining technique. Although each one has its own merits, after mastering it, it may not be enough for him to practice the "Cloud Sea Breaking Curse" with confidence.

Three days later, Ye Fan carefully studied the "Cloud Sea Breaking Curse" from beginning to end and found that this secret technique stimulates the human body's potential in an extreme way.

However, it is extremely difficult to practice the "Cloud Sea Breaking Curse".

Only Ye Wan'er has been promoted to the qualification of pseudo-Spirit Root.

Ye Fan discovered through research that the ideas of this secret technique and Jiuyuan Dao Technique are completely different. The two can be superimposed and will not interfere with each other.

Ye Fan is almost certain that Duan Zhuoyin himself may not have been able to practice this secret skill to the highest level.

Ye Fan had nothing to do for the time being at Yunxia Peak, so he took out the "Cloud Sea Breaking Curse" that Duan Zhuoyin had left to him and began to study it.

"Isn't there a suitable one?"

Ye Fan soon came to the sect's library to look for a suitable Body Refining technique.

The meridians in a monk's body and the body's toughness must be in excellent condition.

The effect of taking Primordial Origin Fruit himself was amazing, and he was directly promoted to Primordial Origin Spirit Root.

"If I can master this technique and form the 'Star Overlord Body', I will definitely be able to succeed when I practice the 'Cloud Sea Breaking Curse'."

"This is simply playing with fire with your own body, but if you can practice it, you can indeed increase your strength several times.

But this cultivation method is undoubtedly very dangerous.

Ye Fan's "Golden Bone Forging Technique" is currently in the early stage of Foundation Building and needs to continue to be practiced. At least it must be promoted to the Foundation Building Late Stage before considering practicing the "Hai Po Wei Curse".

As for Ye Fan's relatives who do not have Spirit Root, most of them have no change after taking Primordial Origin.

Ye Fan picked up the brochure, read it, and his eyes quickly lit up.

Therefore, Ye Fan had no choice but to give up all these Body Refining techniques. At this time, he suddenly found a booklet sitting alone in a corner of the bookshelf.

He probably needs to find another Body Refining technique.

Moreover, Ye Fan feels that just a "Golden Bone Forging Technique" may not be able to meet the training requirements of the "Cloud Sea Breaking Curse".

"No wonder Senior Duan wanted to accept me as his disciple. It turns out that this is not a secret technique that ordinary monks can practice. Those who are not the most powerful have no hope of practicing it.

An accidental mistake can cause serious consequences, ranging from severe meridians to being possessed and turning into a lunatic.

The Xuan Shuang Sect collected many Body Refining techniques, but after Ye Fan found a few, he felt they were not as good as the "Golden Bone Refining Technique", so he gave up on them all.

In other words, once he has mastered the "Cloud Sea Breaking Curse" and greatly increased his strength, he can also use the Nine Yuan Dao Technique and consume a large amount of life energy to achieve up to a ninefold increase in combat power.

"This secret technique is really a genius idea, but it's just a little harmful!"

Lin Qingxue originally had three Spirit Root qualifications. The effect of the Primordial Origin fruit was slightly worse than what he had taken, but it was still pretty good.

It can be seen from this that the effects of Primordial Origin vary from person to person, and it seems that people with different physiques have the same effect.

"Forget it, since I have promised Uncle Duan, I will give it a try anyway, but my physical strength needs to be strengthened."

This technique is extremely domineering and difficult to practice.

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