"If I stop getting involved in worldly affairs, can this human kid really let me go?"

In the system space, Ying Dingchang fell into a tangle.

"Also, Demon Race...will there be a day when the demon race will kill the donkey..."

After thinking for a long time, Ying Jingchang's heart was already shaken.

The possibility that Ye Fan just mentioned does exist, and there is a high probability that it may happen.

Ying Dingchang has been in contact with Demon Race for a long time and has an extremely deep understanding of them.

The reason why Demon Race is called "demon" is because they have no bottom line in their actions.

The so-called morality and integrity are simply a joke among the Demon Race group.

“In order to improve their strength internally, they also encourage the weak Demon Race to kill each other and cultivate strong ones by raising gu.

"For foreigners like us, would it be surprising if one day they turn around and deal with us?"

In Ying Dingchang's heart, heaven and man were at war, and he was confused for a moment.

The Sea Clan is indeed extremely cruel to the Human Race, and they don't even consider the Human Race as human beings.

However, within the Hai Clan, there is generally a bottom line for behavior, and killing each other is not allowed, at least on the surface.

"Those who are not from my race must have different thoughts! Although the human race is hateful, many of the things they say still make sense.

"Alas! We, the sea race, might as well try to see if we can live in harmony with the human race..."

Ying Dingchang naturally knew about the alliance between the Daoist tribe and the land-based Monster Race.

"Their senior management can help each other, but why are we and Monster Race on land like water and fire?"

"What is the purpose of seducing Demon Race? Are we really wrong?"

For the first time, Ying Dingchang had doubts about the faith he had always adhered to.

He was depressed in his heart, and finally couldn't help but pick up a pot of Wannian Spiritual Wine not far away from him, pat open the sealing mud, and drank the spirit wine in the pot in one gulp.

"Qi Refining is on the 19th floor!"

In the Void Tower, Ye Fan let out a long sigh.

He broke through again and was still stubbornly unable to Foundation Building.

"Is it possible that if Qi Refining reaches the 999th level, he will be invincible after birth!?"

Ye Fan smiled bitterly, no one could explain his situation.

I'm afraid no one can tell why this is so.

"Maybe it has something to do with the Primordial Origin spirit root? Or does it have to do with the Longevity Body?"

Ye Fan has several unconfirmed speculations.

Everything can only be explored slowly later.

However, Ye Fan feels that this kind of continuous breakthrough may not be a bad thing.

It’s just that if the years are quiet and there is no Demon Race’s shadow hanging over the Cangxuan cultivation world, then he can completely find a place to hide. When he reaches the extreme level and can no longer break through, he can think of something else.

But as a disciple of the "Insect King" Li Jiuxiao, since he has inherited this cause and effect, he may not be able to control many things in the future.

If he has been unable to improve his cultivation, he may be in trouble in the future.

"No matter what, I must find those four Spirit Medicines! If I can't find it in the Sea Clan's territory, then I will go to the Sunset Mountains and the Liuying Forest [where I will find good things to do]

Ye Fan made up his mind to find all the Spirit Medicine contained in the ancient Spirit Pill recipe. By then, he would be able to refine a more effective Spirit Pill, and he would be able to successfully build the Foundation Building.

This is also a normal phenomenon. The sea creatures who have been born with spiritual intelligence will probably avoid this place far away, and those sea monsters that have not yet been able to be born with spiritual intelligence may not survive for long in this vicinity.

"By the way, most of the Krakens in the Core Formation Stage have already surrendered. Some of the Krakens in the Monster Infant Stage have also been successfully tamed. Why don't I ask them to see which sea area has more Spirits? Medicine?”

Ye Fan suddenly thought of this good idea.

…Please give me flowers…

In the next two years, Ye Fan plans to focus mainly on searching for Spirit Medicine.

The magma here is extremely hot, at least several thousand degrees above the temperature. If there is a creature that can really survive in it, it is probably a rare fire-attribute creature.

The closer you get to the Raging Sea, the number of islands in the sea suddenly increases. However, some islands sometimes disappear inexplicably, and then suddenly appear in their original positions after a while. Of course, sometimes they are also displaced.

Ye Fan was a little surprised.

"Huh? Are there any living creatures surviving in this magma?"

Ye Fan had the idea of ​​capturing this strange creature in his mind.

A few days later, Ye Fan controlled the Void Tower to carefully sneak into the violent sea and came to an island full of magma.

There is a peculiar area in the vast South China Sea. It is a relatively chaotic sea area called the Violent Sea. It is extremely dangerous. It is said that even the Soul Formation Monster Cultivator may perish if he enters it.

He controlled the Void Tower to escape quickly toward the southwest.

As the saying goes, "curiosity killed the cat," Ye Fan didn't want to put himself in unnecessary danger.

So, he sank his mind into the system space and began to communicate with those sirens who had surrendered.

Near the violent sea, there are almost no normal sea creatures.

In just half a day, Ye Fan had already found no less than ten Spirit Medicine plants that he had not collected before. Unfortunately, he did not find four Spirit Medicine plants: Feng Jiu Guo, Meng Ying Hua, Qing Ning Guo, and Boyang Grass.

"This place is more terrifying than the Seven Jue Valley!"

After Ye Fan collected a spiritual grass that was only about an inch long, he continued to search along the crescent-shaped island, but at this time, there was sudden movement from the magma below.

In less than a month, Ye Fan has arrived at the outskirts of the Raging Sea.

Ye Fan has captured tens of thousands of sea monsters, and he thinks it's almost enough.

Ye Fan frowned, and he made up his mind that his true body would never appear outside.

"Just go to the Raging Sea and have a look!"

But because almost no living beings can thrive there for a long time, many rare resources are left, including Spirit Medicine, which has long been extinct in the outside world.

Once here, the spiritual energy on the sea becomes chaotic, and all kinds of natural disasters appear in endlessly.

Ye Fan saw with his own eyes more than once that the Kraken was burned to ashes by the sudden eruption of lava from the bottom of the sea or was hunted and devoured by some strange creatures unique to the Raging Sea.

Volcanic eruptions, meteorites falling from the sky, spiritual energy riots, and even some strange creatures appear from time to time and fight with each other.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly tickets, and good reviews! Thank you! Zhang).

By asking the surrendered Siren, Ye Fan finally got some useful information.

Although the environment here is extremely harsh, there are many rare Spirit Medicines growing on the island.

Ye Fan felt that the Void Tower should be able to avoid most dangers, so he made a decision quickly.

The violent sea area is in a special area more than 100,000 miles away.

A year has passed since arriving in the territory of the Hai Clan.

As soon as he finds the four Spirit Medicines, he will leave immediately.

"The Raging Sea, is there a lot of Spirit Medicine there?"

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