
Seeing that Ye Fan was in a daze, Qu Jingyang and others gently pushed his arm.

"Oh, I just accidentally discovered an old friend I haven't seen for decades, so I'm a little distracted!"

Ye Fan smiled slightly.

"Old friend? Since he is an old friend of the young master, why not invite him to come and talk about it?"

Xue Bihua said.

"Forget it! This person seems to be inextricably related to Feiyu Pavilion, and his identity is not simple!"

"Feiyu Pavilion? That's it."

Qu Jingyang and others were suddenly stunned.

It is really not appropriate to invite people from Feiyu Pavilion. After all, Feiyu Pavilion is a major local force, and their business in Wanghai City should not be noticed by outsiders.

"How are you three doing here? If you have any difficulties or want to leave the waters of the South Island, just tell me."

Ye Fan opened a pot of 500-year-old "Purple Bamboo Jade Liquid" and poured a cup for each of the three of them.

"Sir, we are all fine, let's stay here for the time being!"

Xue Bihua smiled.

"Hey, this wine seems to be a kind of spiritual wine sold by Jinjianmen."

Lu Xiang suddenly interrupted.

"The spirit wine sold by Jinjianmen seems to be far less concentrated than the spirit wine that Young Master brought, but the taste is indeed somewhat similar."

Qu Jingyang took a sip of the spirit wine in his glass and commented.

"Did Ximen Haoyu sell the 'Purple Bamboo Jade Liquid' to Wanghai City?"

Ye Fan was slightly startled.

His business with Ximen Haoyu has never stopped, and now the amount of spiritual wine supplied to Ximen Haoyu every month has reached 100,000 pots, all of which are thousand-year spiritual wine.

However, it seems that the other party diluted the wine and came to Wanghai City.

I have to say, this old man is quite good at business.

"I originally sold this wine to the Golden Sword Sect."

Ye Fan laughed.

He has nothing to hide from these trustworthy followers.

"I see, we should have thought of it a long time ago!"

Qu Jingyang and the others suddenly realized.

"Sir, can we sell some of this wine at our Wanghai City stronghold?"

Lu Xiang asked with some anticipation.

"Forget these two spiritual wines. I don't want to have any conflict with the Golden Sword Sect. However, you can find a way to acquire a secret brewing recipe and brew your own spiritual wine to sell. Spirit Medicine, I can think of a way. Let me help you collect some."

Ye Fan didn't want to estrange the relationship with Ximen Haoyu, so he told several people.

"This is a good idea!"

The three of them looked at each other, and they were all thinking about what kind of spiritual wine they wanted to brew.

"By the way, if you have any special needs when you are practicing, you can use part of the spiritual stones from the income from selling Spirit Medicine to buy the corresponding treasures, including Treasure Pills like the Golden Spirit Pill. You can find a way Go buy some.”

“I hope you can Core Formation soon!”

After drinking for three rounds, Ye Fan said to Qu Fuyang and the others.

"A tide of beasts? Why did a tide of beasts suddenly appear?"

After saying that, he stood up first.

"If there are people with good character among them, you can consider asking these people to come over to help. After a period of inspection, if they are available, they can stay.

"Thank you for your kindness, Master! In fact, the three of us are not short of spiritual stones now, but our qualifications are limited, and our cultivation level cannot be improved quickly!"

The three of them looked at each other, and while they were moved, they also felt a little ashamed of Ye Fan.

Xue Bihua smiled bitterly.

Moreover, many monks and mortal Martial Artists wearing armor and nervous expressions appeared on the nearby streets.

"That's fine with us! Anyway, if we die, it won't be a big deal even if we get drafted, but what will the young master do?"

"Yes, if their character is acceptable, let them come to help! Of course, before becoming our official members, it is best to let them take an oath of inner demons."

Ye Fan considers that after his Foundation Building, he will probably start to form the "Dao Integration Army". By then, Qu Jingyang and Lu Xiang will basically be arranged to work by his side, and only Xue Bihua will be left in Wanghai City. A person may be unable to support himself alone.


Lu Xiang said to everyone with a solemn expression.

"Sir, there are indeed a few good people who have helped us a lot over the years. Are we going to let them come over and try it out for a while?"

"Let this matter take its course!" Ye Fan pondered for a moment and then said: "You have been in Wanghai City for so long, so you should know some local monks, right?"

Xue Bihua was shocked, and the expression on her face became ugly.

"Now we're in trouble!"

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you! Fan).

The four of them drank the spirit wine for an hour, and it was inevitable that they were all a little tipsy.


After all, Ye Fan has always been extremely generous to them, but their qualifications are indeed relatively average, and their training speed can only be said to be so-so.

The three of them looked at Lu Xiang curiously.

"What's going on? I'll go over and have a look."

Lu Xiang curiously went downstairs to check, but when he came back up, his face became a little ugly.

Now that he even has the Nascent Soul Late Stage, there is no need to be so cautious.

At this time, the noise in the restaurant seemed to be getting louder and louder.

"You don't have to worry about me!" Ye Fan waved his hand, pondered for a moment and then said to a few people: "Let's go see those sea monsters!"

At this moment, there was a sudden noise downstairs in the restaurant.

Lu Xiang glanced at Ye Fan worriedly.

"Tide of beasts! A huge tide of beasts seems to have suddenly appeared in the entire South Island sea area. Two hours ago in Wanghai City, a large number of sea monsters suddenly appeared in the sea outside the city. Now, these sea monsters are going crazy. Launch an attack on Wanghai City’s defense formation!”

Qu Jingyang's eyes lit up. He had had this idea for a long time, but he never had the chance to bring it up to Ye Fan.

Qu Jingyang slapped his thigh, "Once there is a serious beast wave, people like us may also be recruited.

"Yes, but now I'm afraid we won't be able to get out even if we want to!"

In the past, he had always acted cautiously because of his weak strength.


"What happened?"

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