Fantasy: I, The Longevity Body, Have Survived Ten Generations Of Geniuses

Chapter 2028 Breaking Through The Extreme Realm Continuously

"This retreat must be Foundation Building no matter what!"

A few days later, Ye Fan had returned to Xuanshuang Sect.

Chen Baiguan and his wife had been properly placed on Yunxia Peak by him. After Chen Mengying found out, she was very grateful to Ye Fan.

As expected of Supreme Grade Ice Spiritual Root, Chen Mengying has now succeeded in Core Formation and has become an early Core Formation cultivator.

Of course, her combat experience is almost zero. Ye Fan plans to take her with him next time he goes to the Hai Clan territory so that she can accumulate some combat experience.

Li Qingqing and Chen Manqin still stay in Tianshuang City to practice. Ye Fan has not yet figured out how to arrange Li Qingqing, so he can only let her live in Tianshuang City first.

On Yunxia Peak, Ye Fan notified Nangong Xuefu and Lin Qingxue in advance, then closed his Cave Mansion and began to retreat again.

He took out all the Spirit Pills from the storage bag given to him by Drunken Sword Ancestor last time.

These are used by various sects in exchange for Supreme Grade Spirit Stones and Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

There are more than a hundred bottles in the entire storage bag, totaling seven to eight hundred pills.

Unfortunately, they are all Spirit Pills refined in recent years, and their effects are still slightly inferior to the Spirit Pills of ancient times.

Ye Fan swallowed several Spirit Pills in one breath, then slowly closed his eyes and began to compress the mana in his body.

A year has passed.

Ye Fan opened his eyes in Cave Mansion, with a complicated expression in his eyes.

Qi Refining fourteenth floor!

After a year of hard work, he compressed the spiritual power in his body countless times, and used no less than ten Foundation Building Pills. Finally... he broke through the extreme realm again and entered the evil realm of the fourth floor of Lianqi Field!

"Haha, it's only three things! I have already broken through two extreme levels in a row. I think I will be able to succeed in Foundation Building this time!"

Ye Fan spent most of the day mentally building himself up, and then began to think back on his own Foundation Building process to see if there were any mistakes or omissions.

After his spiritual roots were transformed into Primordial Origin spiritual roots, the speed at which he absorbed spiritual energy was already extremely astonishing.

Regardless of the cost, the spiritual power in Ye Fan's body became thicker and thicker, and after the extreme compression of the Spirit Pill, the spiritual power in his body was almost condensed into a liquid state.

But every time after taking the Foundation Building Pill, there is always a slight difference. The spiritual power in the body stubbornly refuses to dissolve.

It was as if there was some kind of incomprehensible existence in the dark, trying its best to stop him.

"I don't believe it.!"

A few days later, Ye Fan thought about it and couldn't find the reason why the spiritual power in his body could not be transformed into liquid.

But Ye Fan will never give up.

So he calmed down and started another round of retreat.

Four years passed quietly.

Ye Fan has been in seclusion for five full years, but there is no news from Cave Mansion. Lin Qingxue inevitably starts to worry again.

It wasn't until early that morning that Ye Fan's Cave Mansion finally opened on its own, and Lin Qingxue felt relieved.

"Xiaofan, how's it going?"

Lin Qingxue walked into Ye Fan's Cave Mansion and saw Ye Fan sitting on a chair issuing certificates.

"Sister, I'm fine!"

After a long time, Ye Fan finally raised his head and smiled at Lin Qingxue pretending to be relaxed.

"Xiaofan, you, you haven't Foundation Building yet?"

Lin Qingxue sensed that the aura on Ye Fan was extremely strange.

"Junior brother, see benevolence in T country

"Senior Brother He, has he left?"

He sighed and Jungle Qingxue took the letter in his hand.

"It's still a little bit short! But it should be soon!"

In other words, He Kun left at that time.

"Xiaofan, when do you plan to go to the Hai Clan's territory?"

"Sister, you don't have to worry about me. In fact, I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing! It's just a matter of waiting a few more years. It's not a big deal."

Ye Fan opened the letter and read it word by word.

He is now an eighteenth-level Qi Refining monk.

"By the way, Xiaofan, you came back so suddenly last time that I didn't remember it for a moment. This letter was left by your friend He Kun before he left the sect. Please read it."

After a long time, he put the letter away again and carefully put it into his system warehouse.

It seems to be stronger than the Foundation Building monk, but it doesn't seem to be the Foundation Building yet.

Ye Fan pondered for a moment and felt that some daily matters needed to be dealt with first. Lin Qingxue and her family also had to stay with her for a few days.

"." Senior sister, don't worry, I will be fine. "

It should be almost a month.

"Okay, Xiaofan, when you go out this time, take Wang Qi and the others with you, you!"

"Why is it happening like that?"

After five years of seclusion, I broke through the first level of extreme realm every year. It can be said that it is unprecedented and unprecedented.

Ye Fan smiled and nodded.

At this time, Lin Xueqie asked again.

Ye Fan took a deep breath with a weird smile on his face.

Lin Qingxue even secretly asked several high-level monks she knew, but no one could tell clearly what was going on with Ye Fan's situation!

The letter was written more than twenty years ago, just when Ye Fan was trapped in the abyss of terror.

At this time, Lin Qingxue seemed to have remembered something, and took out an already yellowed letter from her storage bag.

Only then did Ye Fan think of his friend, whom he hadn't heard from for decades.

Ye Fan's eyes flashed, planning to find an opportunity to visit He Kun's hometown.

Ye Fan pondered for a moment and then said: "Sister, I may have to go to the territory of the Hai Clan in a while. I need to go to the territory of the Hai Clan to find several extinct Spirit Medicines.

"In a month's time!"

"Unexpectedly, Senior Brother He finally returned home!"


As soon as Lin Qingxue finished speaking, she suddenly pinched Ye Fan hard on the waist.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Lin Qingxue knew that Ye Fan had a void tower, and the Nascent Soul Late Stage monks might not be able to find traces of this treasure, so she was not particularly worried about Ye Fan's safety.

"Oh, Xiaofan, you should pay attention to An Chen."

Lin Qingxue frowned. She had now reached the middle stage of Foundation Building, but she was helpless against Ye Fan's situation.

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