"What? Mr. Ye is being hunted?"

Li Qingqing and Chen Manqin were both shocked. Their resentment immediately disappeared, and they felt deep worry in their hearts.

"Mr. Ye, are you not injured?"

"It doesn't matter, it can be considered an accidental collision! After I fell into the abyss of terror, those two people thought that I would never have a chance to come out, so they didn't care about me anymore!"

Ye Fan smiled bitterly, "However, the time flow rate of the terrifying abyss is different from that of the outside world, and it also has the terrifying power of forbidden air."

"I was trapped inside for a year, and finally found a way to escape! However, when I came out, I discovered that more than 20 years had passed in the outside world."

"I see, Young Master Ye should be more careful in the future to avoid being encountered by those two pursuers again.

Li Qingqing said with worry on his face.

"Well, I'll pay attention!"

Ye Fan smiled and nodded. He looked at the two women carefully and found that their cultivation levels had improved a lot.

Chen Manqin has reached the middle stage of Foundation Building, and Li Qingqing is indeed a fire-single spiritual root and has successfully completed Foundation Building.

"Qingqing, Manqin, please wait for me for a moment, I will go find an old friend." 18

After chatting with the two girls for a while, Ye Fan stood up and said.

"Okay, sir, let's go!"

Ye Fan left the Cave Mansion and came to the familiar street.

Soon, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"Uncle Chen, are you okay?"

"Haha, Mr. Ye, we are fine! But why haven't you come over for so long?"

Chen Baiguan and his wife are both nearly seventy years old. Because they have taken Life Extending Pill, and Chen Mengying has collected a lot of body conditioning elixirs for them, their appearance does not look old, and they are more than 20 years old. Not much has changed compared to before.

"A few years ago, I was chased by my enemies, accidentally entered a desperate place, and was trapped inside."

Ye Fan lowered his voice and sighed.

"Is there such a thing? Are you okay? How is Mengying doing?"

Chen Baiguan became nervous and looked at Ye Fan carefully. He felt relieved when he saw that he did not seem to be seriously injured.

"Mengying should be fine, the sect has protected her very well."

Ye Fan pondered for a moment and said: "Uncle Chen, you are not young anymore. It may be dangerous to stay here forever!"

"How about you go back to the sect with me? My parents are also living with me now, so you can just keep them company."


After Chen Baiguan hesitated for a moment, he nodded and agreed.

He also felt that in the past twenty years, the atmosphere in Tianshuang City was indeed much more tense than before, which gave him a very bad feeling.

"Uncle Chen, please clean up first. I'll pick you up in two hours!"


After making an agreement with Chen Baiguan, Ye Fan walked around Tianshuang City.

When he returned to the place where Chen Boguan set up his stall, Chen Boguan and his wife had packed their things and were waiting for him.

"Uncle Chen, I'll take you to a safe place first. Don't resist."

With a sudden thought, Ye Fan took Chen Baiguan and his wife, as well as their packed belongings, into the Void Tower.

Li Qingqing and Chen Manqin were flying 620 swords in the air to deal with an iron-marked lion at the peak of Qi Refining below.

"Okay, then I'll take you there!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter. If you fight a few more times, you will gain experience."

Li Qingqing and Chen Manqin spent most of their time in the Cave Mansion and were already exhausted. When they heard they were going to the Biluo Mountains, they naturally had to follow them.

Although this Monster's cultivation level is not high, it cannot be wasted. It can be used as food for the spirit-devouring ants.

“We want to go!”

After Chen Baiguan and his wife entered the Void Tower, they looked around, curious.

"Uncle Chen, this is my personal Cave Mansion. You can stay here for a while, and I will arrange a permanent place for you when you return to the sect.

Ye Fan cut off the most tender and juicy piece of meat from the iron-marked lion and prepared it for barbecue.

The iron-patterned lion on the ground finally fell down. The monster's body was full of holes and it was so miserable that Jinping was killed by Ling Chi.

"Master Ye, we are really useless!"

"Don't be afraid. With the young master by our side, we are not afraid of anything."

Both women looked at Ye Fan lovingly.

Ye Fan fell to the ground and began to process the body of the iron-marked lion.

"Let's have barbecue later!"

The three of them walked out of Tianshuang City together and came to the outskirts of the Biluo Mountains.

Chen Baiguan and his wife were greatly surprised, thinking that this was a treasure that every monk had.

Although the two women's cultivation level is not low, their actual combat experience is almost zero. It is a bit difficult for the two of them to join forces to deal with a Monster at the peak of Qi Refining.

Li Qingqing and Chen Manqin cheered, and what happened just now was forgotten.

After settling Chen Boguan and his wife, Ye Fan returned to the Cave Mansion where Li Qingqing and Chen Manqin lived.

Ye Fan saw that Chen Baiguan and his wife still had a lot of food left, which could last for a while, so he did not provide them with additional food.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

"Hey, what is this place?"

Ye Fan took out his "Feitian No. 1" and took the two girls onto the spirit boat.

"Portable Cave Mansion? So that's it."

"Haha, but the Biluo Mountains are very dangerous, aren't you afraid?"

At this time, Ye Fan's figure appeared next to them.

The time of a stick of incense has passed.

Li Qingqing's relatives had already left the Cave Mansion. Ye Fan pondered for a while and said to the two women: "I'm going to the Biluo Mountains to capture some Monsters [Do you want to go together?"

Li Qingqing and Chen Manqin came to Ye Fan with blushing faces.

Soon, in a long and narrow valley outside the Biluo Mountains.

"Let's first go to the place where Qi Refining Monsters hang out and find a few Qi Refining Monsters for you to practice on."

Ye Fan himself was flying in the air, watching the battle with a wry smile on his face.

How did they know that in the entire Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World, there would never be more than three monks with Cave Mansion.


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