No wonder Ye Fan and Nangong Xuefu are timid. In such a strange environment, anyone would feel extremely horrified when they suddenly see a talking skeleton.

What appeared in front of the two people at this time was a strange skeleton. The whole body of the skeleton had almost become white bones, but if you look closely, you will find that there is still a little bit of meat on the body, but the meat has dried up to the point where it looks like.

"You two juniors, don't panic, I am a human being, not a ghost!"

Only the upper and lower jaws are left in the skull's mouth, and the facial features are almost only holes. When speaking, the upper and lower jaws open and close, which is very impressive.

"What kind of monster is this? A zombie?"

Ye Fan whispered to Nangong Xuefu.

"It's not very similar, this person looks like this.

Nangong Xuefu looked at it carefully for a while and suddenly said.

"To be so thin? How can a person be so thin?"

"There is almost no aura here. Could this person have been here for a long time?"

Nangong Xuefu guessed.

"That's looking likely to be the case at this point."

Ye Fan calmed down a little and said thoughtfully.

After the two calmed down, they realized that they were holding each other. Ye Fan hugged Nangong Xuefu's waist tightly, and Nangong Xuefu almost hung on Ye Fan's body.


Ye Fan quickly let go, his face turned red.

"Senior, are you really alive?"

After a long time, Ye Fan asked cautiously.

"I am really alive, but I have been trapped in this ghost place for thousands of years, and I have become like this."

The skeleton gave a forced smile, but his forced smile became extremely weird in the eyes of Ye Fan and Nangong Xuefu.

"Junior, do you have any spiritual stones or something on you? Give me some."

At this time, the skeleton said in a somewhat urgent tone.

"Spiritual stone?"

Ye Fan thought for a while and threw a hundred Low Grade spirit stones to the skeleton.

The identity of this skeleton has not yet been clarified. Whether it is an enemy or a friend cannot yet be determined. He does not dare to give too much away.


After receiving the spirit stones, the skeleton felt like it was a treasure. Almost in an instant, it absorbed all the spiritual energy in a hundred Low Grade spirit stones, causing the spirit stones to turn into powder in an instant.

Ye Fan and Nangong Xuefu looked at each other, both secretly frightened.

The skeleton's previous cultivation level was at least Nascent Soul Late Stage, otherwise he would never be able to absorb the spiritual energy in the spirit stone so quickly.

"Junior, do you still have the spirit stone?"

The skeleton seemed to regain a little energy and looked at Ye Fan eagerly again.

"Yes, there is, but the identity of the senior is unknown, and the junior does not dare to let the senior recover his cultivation for the time being.

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and told the truth very straightforwardly.

"Haha, with your temperament, you are indeed worthy of being the descendant of Brother Zhonghuang.

The skeleton laughed loudly, shaking the ground nearby.

"Insect, how do you know that I am......"

Ye Fan was a little dumbfounded.

No one knows his identity as the descendant of the Insect King except Patriarch Yang.

But the skeleton in front of him seemed to be able to see his roots at a glance, which made Ye Fan inevitably a little curious.

"If it were not the descendant of Brother Insect King, how could there be a Void Tower?"

The skeleton looked at Ye Fan with complex eyes and said in amazement.

"That's right, that's right. Not only do you, a junior, have the Five Elements Spiritual Roots, but you also have extraordinary circumstances. It will be great in the future! Brother Insect Emperor had a rough life when he was alive, but he can meet a descendant like you, even if he is under Jiuquan , it’s enough to comfort myself.”

"Senior, how did you know I was available?"

"Junior, thank you very much."

Ye Fan said with twinkling eyes.

Is it possible that this skeleton is an old antique that has lived from the Age of Darkness to the present?

"It is indeed an old monster!"

This skeleton is definitely an old monster that has lived for a long time!

"Didn't you mention it yourself just now? Besides, I have long been extremely familiar with the aura of the Void Tower."

Moreover, he is probably very familiar with his cheap master.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten. This feels really wonderful!"

The skeleton nodded very frankly.

Ye Fan felt a chill and couldn't help but asked with a hint of anger.

Nangong Xuefu suddenly asked.

"If you haven't eaten anything for a thousand years and haven't replenished your spiritual energy, I'm sure you won't be any better than me!"

It's a pity that he has long sucked up the spiritual wine in the pot. Where can he pour out a little bit?

The skeleton looked at Ye Fan with green eyes and murmured to himself.

"What a pity! If you weren't the descendant of Brother Insect King, the meat on your body should taste good!"

The skeleton took the spirit wine and drank almost two kilograms of spirit wine into his stomach in one breath.

Ye Fan was secretly shocked.

"This.........isn't it disgusting to you?"

"Even a long time ago, I lived in the Void Tower for hundreds of years."

"Who is I? Haha, no one has asked me my name for how many years."

"Senior must have eaten a lot of meat, right?"

There was a hint of reminiscence in the skull's eyes, as if it was remembering the distant past.

The skeleton sneered, looking indifferent.

Ye Fan and Nangong Xuefu couldn't help but take a few steps back, because the skeleton turned its head to look at them, as if a beast was looking at its own food.

Ye Fan was stunned for a long time and then exclaimed.

He thought for a while, took out a pot of spiritual wine from the storage bag, and carefully threw it to the skeleton.

After the skeleton finished drinking the spirit wine, he was reluctant to throw away the jug. He pointed the jug at his mouth and raised his head, wanting to pour a few more drops of spirit wine out.

Ye Fan was shocked. This skeleton was really weird. It couldn't be an old monster that has been living since ancient times!

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

"I have indeed eaten a lot, but I have a bottom line. I did not eat them raw, but waited until these people were dead before eating them."

Ye Fan felt his stomach churn and almost vomited out his overnight meal.

"White, White Emperor? What, you said you are the White Emperor?"

"What is your identity, senior? Why did you end up in this hellish place?"

"Forget it, let me tell you! I'm White Emperor! You two juniors should have heard of it, right?"

"Senior, this is three hundred years of spiritual wine. It must be able to restore some spiritual power to senior."

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