The Void Tower traveled all the way to the west. After traveling more than a thousand miles, the ground became hot, forming a desert with no grass growing.

Once here, the power of magnetism in the air becomes stronger and stronger.

There was a heavy suction coming from the ground, making the Void Tower a little shaky.

At Ni Fan's reminder, Ye Fan lowered the height of the Void Tower and flew almost close to the ground.

"It's okay! This guy is worse than us!"

Ye Fan looked back and found that the figure of the old monster Hongyuan was also a little shaky, struggling to resist the influence of the power of Yuan magnetism.

In the end, he simply landed on the ground and ran wildly, and his speed was inevitably affected a lot.

"Hey, it's finally safe for now!"

Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did he bother to check on his family.

Lin Qingxue was sitting on a stone practicing, and Ye Fan's other family members were sitting not far away, busy with their own affairs.

Ye Sheng and Ye Wan'er were wandering around curiously.

"This old monster Hongyuan is really crazy!"

Ye Fan calmed down at this time and began to think about the current situation.

What happened this time was so sudden that he was confused for a moment.

The current insiders, apart from my family and Nangong Xuefu, are the only old man Hongyuan of the Joyous Union Sect and the four Core Formation monks he brought.

I have lured away the old monster Hong Yuan, and there are still hundreds of thousands of spiritual insects in Chaoyuan Temple, which must be enough to make the four Joyous Union Sect Core Formation monks drink a pot.

Will Nangong Xuefu take the opportunity to take advantage of this?

Ye Fan's eyes lit up, and a bold idea began to grow in his heart.

"If I can find an opportunity to activate a Rank Five talisman and kill the old monster Hongyuan, then no one will know what happened to Chaoyuan Temple.

As soon as this idea came up, it immediately spread uncontrollably in Ye Fan's mind.

He began to consider this possibility.

If it were any other place, he wouldn't have any chance at all.

But the power of magnetism here is so strong that the strength of the old monster Hong Yuan has been suppressed by at least 20 to 30%. At this time, if we can find a good opportunity to activate a Rank Five talisman in one fell swoop, there may be hope of killing Hong Yuan. Old monster Yuan.

"Maybe we can find a chance to try it!"

Ye Fan's expression became solemn, and after carefully sensing it in the Void Tower, he walked towards the direction where the power of the Yuan Magnetic Force was strongest.

One day and one night passed.

Ye Fan has arrived at an area where the power of metamagnetism is about to turn into reality.

At this time, the Void Tower was completely unable to remain suspended in the air, and could only use the Earth Escape method to traverse the ground with difficulty.

Moreover, Ye Fan also discovered that even spiritual consciousness was greatly suppressed here.

Ye Fan didn't know if Old Monster Hongyuan could detect this distance, but he didn't dare to take risks and could only continue running in one direction.

"That's not the case!"

After traveling through the Void Tower for another day, Japan's weird suspended island appeared in Ye Fan's field of vision.

After arriving on the island, Ye Fan observed it carefully and found that the Hanging Island, or this sacred mountain of Yuanci, was indeed integrated, with a dark metallic color on the outside and a dark cyan shape.

"Senior Nifan!"

An idea flashed in Ye Fan's head, and an unbelievable idea came to him.

"Isn't this just a sacred mountain of Yuanci?"

Ye Fan reawakened the absent-minded Ni Fan and asked him a question.

Ye Fan wanted to find out more about the weapon spirit, but found that Ni Fan was looking at the Hanging Island through the Void Tower in a daze.

(The author is asking for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you! Next).

Fortunately, the distance between him and the old monster Hongyuan has been very far. According to Ye Fan's estimation, the two are at least four to five hundred miles apart.

Ni Fan heard what he said, shook his head and said: "Even if you have a large enough storage Law Treasure, it will be difficult for you to take it away because it is too heavy! Unless you can spend a long time practicing on the island The Yuanci Divine Skill allows your body to be completely magnetized, resonate with this Yuanci Divine Mountain, and initially refine it. At that time, you can put it into the Law Treasure."

At the beginning, the hanging island looked very small. When he got closer, Ye Fan suddenly discovered that the island was not small. It looked like it was at least a hundred miles in diameter.

"Isn't this suspended island the Yuanci Mountain?"

"Such a big Yuanci Sacred Mountain, I wonder if it can be collected using Law Treasure?"

Ye Fan screamed several times, and Ni Fan finally came back to his senses.

"It's indeed a bit scary to think about it!"

…Please give me flowers…

Ni Fan said: "Standing on the suspended island, there won't be much difference from where you are now."

I'm afraid it's no longer something ordinary immortals can do.

"This is it. I really didn't expect that this Yuanci Mountain would be so huge!"

Ye Fan felt relieved when he thought of the expression on the old monster Hongyuan's face when he found the treasure but couldn't take it away after he arrived here.

"Senior, senior!"

"Senior Nifan, if we go to the Hanging Island, will anything unexpected happen?"

"Haha, if that's the case, then the old monster Hongyuan can only stare when he comes over."


The entire suspended island is more like a huge ore, giving people a feeling of being integrated.

Ye Fan also took a breath, feeling that there was great terror in it.

Ni Fan looked at the Hanging Island in disbelief and muttered to himself absentmindedly: "How is this possible! Who put such a huge Yuanci Mountain here?"

Ye Fan nodded and controlled the Void Tower to leap dozens of meters with difficulty to the suspended island.

With his cultivation level, his spiritual consciousness was directly suppressed a hundred times the distance. Even with the assistance of the systematic detection function, he could only observe movements within ten miles at most.

How high must a person's cultivation be to be able to place such a large Yuanci Mountain here?

"It's possible, but it's difficult!"

Ye Fan murmured to himself.

The power of the island's magnetism has become so strong that it affects the line of sight, causing all the scenery that people see to be abnormally distorted when they look out from the island.

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